Relaxation therapy part one: testing the prototype

chapter six

Another pair of arms had been added, attached at the shoulder joints of the chair with large cup shaped hands covered in tiny holes and a hollow tube at the centre of each cup that Jerry claimed were designed to tease and massage her breasts, they looked far too large but he assured her that they were designed to fit any size and that was good enough for her.
The other addition to the chair was an attachment to the headset, a long flexible tube connected it to a collection of bottles and tanks now hanging at the very top of the chair.
"It's for keeping you hydrated and fed" Jerry explained when he caught her looking at it. "You burned through a lot of calories last time and you were very dehydrated by the time the program finished this should stop that issue nicely."
This time Lauren was ready for the insertions and barely squirmed at all as the mechanical arms did their job, indeed now she was expecting it the fullness of the inflating plug in her ass was quite enjoyable. The tube attached to the headset however was more uncomfortable and tasted foul from the slimy lube it was coated with but Jerry was very patient with her and worked until she could accept the long tube down her throat without gagging.
As a reward for her good behaviour Jerry gave her a meal and a drink to test the new equipment although she tasted neither the feeling of her stomach ballooning out as it filled without her having to swallow was rather peculiar but she found herself liking it.
Once Jerry turned on the chair and sent her off into the control of the machine the tube in her throat quickly became Jerry's delicious member and the slow pulsing of the plug in her ass was Jerry too. The raging waves of colour soon took on the shape of her husband, an endless attentive sea of Jerry's fondling and stroking and fucking her endlessly while she relaxed into their strong arms and let them use her as they wished.
When she came back to herself this time she almost felt hollow as the devices withdrew from her body, she was till coated with sweat and cum but the exhaustion was more a comfortable lethargy now.
Again Jerry had her clean his creation with a rag her sweat and cum had spattered over the floor so she mopped that up too before joining him for a huge feast that he had waiting for her.
Days passed on the machine, at night she slept like the dead rising to eat and clean herself in preparation for riding her husbands greatest creation often coming back to herself to find the day had fled and her wonderful husband was waiting for her with a fattening feast to celebrate another days success.
Her weight bloomed and her waistline expanded her breasts sucked and teased for hours daily expanding almost visibly as time went on, Lauren couldn't raise the will to care. Her Jerry said her progress was coming along nicely and that was all the affirmation she needed.
When she walked to the machine now there was always a soft jiggle to her ass, her thighs once spread wide by the chairs embrace now rubbed together and her ballooning belly hung over her swollen pudenda completely hiding her now constantly wet pussy from her view.
" I think your almost ready for the fourth level," Jerry said casually as he opened the door for her one morning.
"If you think so Jerry," she replied meekly trying her best not to show the wave of desire the mention of a new level of bliss caused her.
Her husband paused eyeing her newly well rounded form and no doubt noting the way she was shivering with anticipation.
"Would you like to try the fourth level?" He asked with a straight face.
" Oh yes please I would love it," she gushed in reply. "Whatever you want me to do I will, anything for you Jerry."
"Really," he said sounding quite surprised. "Its long past the time you agreed to help me, I think its about time you stop and go back to your friends and your old life."
Lauren paused frozen in shock, the three weeks she had agreed to help him had passed in a blur some time ago and to be honest she had no idea how long she had been riding her chair. Her friends had called repeatedly and Jerry had even mentioned a few visiting the house while she was occupied but she hadn't felt any desire to see them or bother returning their calls.
Of course she wanted to go back to her usual self... didn't she?
The the thought of returning to her old life seemed suddenly utterly terrifying, her friends now seemed nothing but vapid skinny bitches and her old life nothing but a hollow shell devoid of feeling or warmth. She had been so blind and her unfeeling stupidity had hurt her Jerry so very much.
"Please," she whispered fighting to get the words out past the overwhelming urge to agree just because he had asked it of her. "Please no."
"Are you sure?" Jerry said looking at her quietly, his face was his usual detached scientific mask but his eyes seemed like deep pools of sadness. "I would like you to be happy Lauren."
Oh god how can I be so selfish after all I did to him after all he has done for me... Lauren felt like she was tearing apart inside her love for the chair and sudden dread at the thought of returning to normal warring with the desire to obey her husbands wishes until finally she found her answer.
Collapsing to her knees on the hallway floor she nodded frantically hardly able to see for the tears that filled her eyes.
"Anything for you," she gasped through her sobs. "I will do whatever you want Jerry."
She felt him kneel down the coarse fabric of his trousers rubbing against the soft skin of her thigh, his arms embraced her pulling her head against his chest and she fell against him sobbing wordlessly.
"Shh it's all right," he whispered lovingly. "I won't make you go back, I just needed to be sure you were ready to put that life behind you and start afresh."
Hugging her husband tightly Lauren sobbed into his chest from pure relief, she couldn't have put it into words if she tried but her whole existence seemed to have shifted in the last few minutes, the unspoken changes that had built up inside her almost without her noticing were revealed now and her old life had crumbled into nothing.
Lauren wasn't sure who she was anymore, but it certainly wasn't that horrible woman.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 5 years
That was amazing.
You took your time and built up the backstory and characters and made this an erotic read. I'm sub and this hit home for me.
Thank you for writing and sharing.
FrecherTyp 5 years
Well hehe that was quitw some genius idea to fatten up a no so nice wife and make her into an food/sex addicted vixen and happy in the process smiley

Really a devilish sexy set upsmiley
Nok 5 years
Straightforward and hot as hell, with great flavors and pacing. Definitely a future classic.
Nok 5 years
already liked on chapter two, and not even a mention of wg yet. nice job
Incubi 5 years
Minor edit today to clean up the story and make a few small changes to the ending before the next one goes up.

Yes, Relaxation Therapy 2 is almost done!
Silverapathy 6 years
This was so good, please write the sequels
TalulahJay 6 years
This might be the best and most erotic read ever! Love it
Igor Olman 6 years
Much better than most of the stuff here.
DeutschPi 6 years
I'd support a sequel. I've really enjoyed this story.
Incubi 6 years
Hoped people liked this one, it jumped fully formed into my head and insisted I write it down.

Please let me know what you think, I have several sequels in my head so you never know I may get them onto paper eventually.
Batanta 6 years
loved this a fabulous concept and great read
PrincessBlurmy 6 years
Looking forward to more.