Relaxation therapy part one: testing the prototype

chapter eight

That night Jerry took her to bed and they made love, it had been many years since they had shared any intimacy together and although her memories were starting to get a little foggy Lauren remembered little love or enjoyment.
Now things were different, perhaps it was the chairs effects or maybe it was just her newfound love and desire for her partner but his slightest touch sent shivers of desire through her and when he finally took her to bed and entered her all the bliss of the past months on the machine could not compare to the pleasure she felt.

The next morning Jerry shook her awake and she roused herself from the tangled bedsheets to find her husband aroused and waiting for her, taking him in her mouth she lovingly sucked him to full morning glory before climbing atop him and sinking down around his hard cock her pussy strengthened by weeks of aching need upon his chair massaging his member tighter than she could ever remember.
She rocked up and down her swollen belly and breasts bouncing with the rhythm as she rode him feeling his strong hands sinking into the soft flesh of her hips and ass encouraging her to ever faster motion. The head of his cock swelled inside her as he came with a satisfied grunt filling her with his cum, she could feel each jet as it hit her insides and she clamped her muscles tight around him savoring the feeling before his cock began to soften.

"Now that was a wonderful way to wake up," he drawled softly. "You will have to do that more often."

"Everyday, if you want," she said smiling as she let him get up.

"Oh I definitely want," he agreed swatting her ass playfully as she clambered off the bed. "Go run me a shower today will be a big day for you."

She washed Jerry's back in the shower and offered to wash more than that but he declined, instead he told her to clean herself up while he went to do some last minute tinkering and left her to wash alone.
When she arrived still slightly damp and completely naked at the door to the guest house she found it open, stepping inside she quickly walked to Jerry's workroom and found him waiting for her a new arm with a control panel attached had been added to the device and Jerry had attached a big red bow to it.

"I have a final surprise for you, sweetie," He said gesturing to the control panel. "I thought it was time I gave you full control of the chair's functions so you can activate the last setting yourself."

He helped his wife down into the chair and once she was in he settled the headset down firmly in place.
This time instead of the usual darkness she could see Jerry through a camera on the outside of the headset, green lines of text appeared in front of her seemingly hanging in mid-air.

Welcome Lauren to the Relaxation Therapy Chair, please select the setting you require.

Four boxes appeared in the air under the text labeled one to four and she waved her hand through the air where the fourth box appeared to be.

You have selected level four, let's just get you comfortable and we can begin.

The chair hummed into life lowering her back into the usual start position, the arms that inserted the tubes inside her came up and she enjoyed the full feeling of their insertion. With a click, the tube attached to the helmet began to extend and she opened her mouth wide feeling it slide past the back of her throat without the slightest feeling of discomfort.
Another block of text filled the air.

'Levels 1-3 Effects are non-permanent, normal personality traits will return if you discontinue use. Effects of level four are predicted to be permanent are you sure you wish to continue?'

Two final boxes appeared in the air one in green marked YES the other in red marked NO.
Lauren didn't hesitate for a moment.

The chair hummed into life as the room faded from view her vision filled again with the pulsing colors she had come to love. Her ears were filled with the sound of waves and the distant sound of surf hitting a rocky shore. The throbbing of the chair began slowly, in waves in started at her feet and raced upwards along her chubby legs vibrating up across her thighs and belly as more vibrations caressed her arms and the first touch of the chair raised up her nipples and caressed her breasts.
Each wave rushed up over her body and receded down between her legs seeming to burrow inside her to vibrate deep within, every muscle relaxed every nerve soothed and quietened into quintessence as she rose the ever-increasing flows giving herself entirely to the machine and surrendering the last shreds of her will without regret.
As the waves crashed to new heights and cast her down into the storm the voices at the edge of her hearing sounded triumphant whispering their happy celebration of her choice as her first orgasm crashed down upon her and the tide dragged her down into oblivion...

Jerry watched his wife as she writhed on the machine, it looked as though she was trying to lift herself up on her head and heels her whole beautiful body bowed into a curve but the chair held her carefully supporting her until she crashed back down the long arms that were manipulating her breasts and suckling upon her elongated nipples following her body seamlessly without ever losing their hold.
According to the readout on his screen she had lost consciousness already, that was a new record but hardly surprising considering the intensity the chair was set to.
He checked to make sure the feeds were all working correctly and nothing was showing any warning lights before he headed out of the room to make a phone call, his wife's rapidly increasing size had forced him to reinforce several key supports and he had been a little concerned that the chair might shake itself apart under the strain of the fourth setting.

"Hi Mark it's me," he said as his friend on the other end of the line picked up. "No nothing wrong, I just wanted to let you know she activated the chair herself about fifteen minutes ago."
He listened for a few moments before continuing.
"Yup fourth level, I told you it wouldn't be a problem the new personality has set just perfectly."
He crossed over to the house and poured himself a drink while he listened, now that he had the run of the place again he would have to get the decorators in the old Lauren had the worst taste.
"Well the fourth setting won't be done with her for the next three days but she will probably be asleep for most of it, the subliminal stuff works even better when she's asleep." He paused as the man on the other end of the line asked a question.
"If you give me a few days to reinforce the prototype I can get your wife started next Tuesday... No that's fine we can go bigger, what did you have in mind?" He eased down into a comfortable chair and put his feet up taking a long slow drink as he listened intently.
"That should be fine," he said at last. "The more successful subjects we can show the investors next month the more money we can get to start working on the commercial model."
Jerry chatted for a few more minutes before hanging up the phone and took another well-deserved drink, the next few months should be very interesting he thought to himself...
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 5 years
That was amazing.
You took your time and built up the backstory and characters and made this an erotic read. I'm sub and this hit home for me.
Thank you for writing and sharing.
FrecherTyp 5 years
Well hehe that was quitw some genius idea to fatten up a no so nice wife and make her into an food/sex addicted vixen and happy in the process smiley

Really a devilish sexy set upsmiley
Nok 5 years
Straightforward and hot as hell, with great flavors and pacing. Definitely a future classic.
Nok 5 years
already liked on chapter two, and not even a mention of wg yet. nice job
Incubi 5 years
Minor edit today to clean up the story and make a few small changes to the ending before the next one goes up.

Yes, Relaxation Therapy 2 is almost done!
Silverapathy 6 years
This was so good, please write the sequels
TalulahJay 6 years
This might be the best and most erotic read ever! Love it
Igor Olman 6 years
Much better than most of the stuff here.
DeutschPi 6 years
I'd support a sequel. I've really enjoyed this story.
Incubi 6 years
Hoped people liked this one, it jumped fully formed into my head and insisted I write it down.

Please let me know what you think, I have several sequels in my head so you never know I may get them onto paper eventually.
Batanta 6 years
loved this a fabulous concept and great read
PrincessBlurmy 6 years
Looking forward to more.