Newly wed and very well fed (updated 02/02/17)

Chapter 9 - food never fails? part 1

Six triple choc chip cookies, seven glazed lamb cutlets, a mound of mashed potato and three big slices of blueberry pie later, Ryan's grumblings had ceased. Emboldened, Katie pressed on. Bowls of potato chips, mini burgers and one, two, three, four, five beers induced an afternoon nap, which lasted until a deliciously rich aroma awakened Ryan just in time to accept and devour the laquered duck breast with cream-whipped sweet potatoes that his dutiful wife had brought through for his dinner.

By the time he was licking the chocolatey remains of a plate of melting middle truffles from his fingers, Katie felt confident enough to assert that her theory - that big meals could cure even the foulest of male moods - had passed its toughest test yet.

"Although 'big' is an putting it mildly," she murmured to herself with a chuckle, glancing at the debris surrounding her husband. He was planted on the couch in the exact same position to which she'd coaxed him after the incident with the brownie pan earlier. Feet resting atop a cushion on the coffee table, hands resting atop the convex summit of a shirtless belly notably enlarged by a day of near-constant eating, he at last looked contented.

So contended, in fact, that Katie decided it was now or never.

Of course, she couldn't do it alone. As she swayed up behind the couch in the form-fitting leopard print bodystocking she'd picked out earlier, Katie was armed with a second, even bigger plate of chocolate truffle balls in the one hand, and a beer in the other.

"Hey baby," she purred, coasting round the sofa and smiling at the bulge of desire that came into Ryan's eyes - though whether it was aimed at her cleavage or the big plate of truffles she wasn't quite sure.

It didn't much matter. He was going to get both. After allowing him a couple more seconds of greedy staring, Katie lifted a shapely knee and brushed it ever so gently against the firm bulge of his belly before clamping it against the outside of his hip. Hair falling across her face, she curved her lips into a sexy half-smile and swung her other leg over to straddle him across the couch. She scooted her bottom forward into his lap, her toned stomach and crotch meeting the curve of his swollen stomach, warm and taut with an abundance of food. "He's so full," she thought, with an involuntary shudder as she felt his erection ping up. "So fat."

But if she'd learnt anything in their short marriage, Katie was certain of one thing: however full Ryan felt, he *always* wanted more. He hadn't grown so plump by moderating his diet, after all. Pressing the beer into his hand, she brought the pile of melting chocolate truffles up to his nose. Without losing any of their lust his eyes descend from her bosom to the plate.

"I thought," she blinked seductively, "you might like a little more dessert."


Ryan moaned as yet another gulp of deliciously rich and gooey chocolate eased down his throat. At the same time the vice of his wife's thighs squeezed his flanks gently, her knuckles teasing the tip of his throbbing member as her fingers spidered in to gently heft up the underside of his stomach.

"No....way..." he panted, meeting Katie's sultry pout with what he hoped was a look of firm resolution. It wasn't easy. His whole body felt so packed with food, drink and desire that it was all he could do to keep opening his jaws for more truffles, let alone muster serious facial expressions.

But firm he remained. No way was he entering an eating competition - against Zach, of all people! - just to satisfy one of Katie's silly whims. Oh, she'd put in a good shift today, no denying it, with lunch, dinner and now...this. But he was sober enough to remember that she already owed him all that - and more, after her screw up with the brownie pan. She'd promised to do "anything" to get back in his good books. Why on earth should he humour her silly requests? What was in it for him?

"What's in it for me?" he mumbled around another mouthful of melted chocolate, curiosity getting the better of him.

Sitting atop her husband Katie looked affronted. "You mean the pleasure of seeing your wife happy isn't enough?" She laughed at his eye roll and delicately tapped the dome of his stomach. "Okay, okay. That was a long shot!" Pensive, she pressed the final truffle between her husband's lips.

"Well, what about the glory of victory? Getting one up on Zach and Beth? ...No?" He was shaking his head. "Hmm..."

Katie put a finger to her lips and looked from the now empty plate to her husband's far-from-empty midsection. After a few seconds she sighed. "I guess there's nothing else I can offer." Leaning forward she smooched him briefly on the lips and patted the bulging sides of his stomach, feeling the tight but tender shudder of food and beer within. "If you don't want to, it's your call."

Slipping back off the couch, she stretched up to her tiptoes with a sigh in front of him in all her gorgeous glory, brunette locks flowing. Then she gave a coy smile.

"How about a little bedroom fun? This outfit is sooo difficult to get out of. Perhaps my big strong husband could help me?"

Droplet of drool were dripping onto Ryan's belly. The perfect end to the perfect night! He pressed his palms into the soft couch either side of him and pushed himself up.

Or tried to. To Katie's hidden amusement more than her surprise, the manoeuvre proved more difficult than Ryan had anticipated, on account of his big fat belly being so heavily laden with rich food. Eventually, though, after much grunting and squirming, Ryan's enthusiasm for sex gave him the superhuamn strengh required, and with a slow wobble his bottom parted company with the couch.

Only to flop straight back down again as a minor earchquake shuddered across his stomach.

"Truffle gone down the wrong way, honey?" queried Katie as Ryan looked down with confusion at his bloated midsection - which repeated its rumble. Katie thought it sounded like the moan of a pipe just before the sewage flows through. "Shall I get the Tums?"

Her husband shook his head, frowning. "No, it's not that. I -ohhh!"

With a groan of discomfort, Ryan clutched his belly, lifting it up to him in both hands. He panted as he tried to think. This made no sense! Buzzed with alcohol, he'd lost track of how much he'd eaten. There had been those chocolate ball things, the toffee moose, that delicious almond flavoured truffle tart-

He winced as the pangs struck again - harder, sharper than before. His calculations vanished; massaging his flanks, he looked up at Katie in distress. For a second, her expression confused him. There was concern, but... something odd about her lips, like she was trying not to smile.

His belly roared.

"Bring more truffles!" he wailed desperately. "I'm hungry!"
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 7 years
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Hurgon 8 years
Thanks so much for the generous comments! Really appreciate them. smiley
SilkySunshine 8 years
Always great stuff!
Zachi 8 years
perfect as usual
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