
Chapter 7 - lets compromise

The next few days played out about the same- while Roger was at work, Claire would mindlessly snack at home while working out to Jane Fonda & doing basic paperwork at the office. When they were home, she'd ease up on everything & have a salad or portioned frozen meal, every night still feeling a little hungry. By the end of the week, both Roger & Claire were nervous & excited about her first weight record. When she started, the numbers read no higher than 134... '134.' No change.

"Great, what am I doing wrong?" Claire asked, mildly sarcastic.

"Well, for one thing, we're not having enough sex," Roger chuckled. Claire elbowed him in the gut, a little annoyed. "I'm serious, hunny. I read somewhere you lose around 300 calories from sex alone! It'd be worth a shot, anyway."

"You CAN'T be serious," Claire said a little huffed, looking in the mirror at her shapely figure. Sure enough, she had quite the little gut forming underneath her tight pajamas, her widening hips poking out from over the top of her drawstring, accentuated further by her filling-out ass. She could no longer wear a size 10 comfortably without letting out all the buttons, zippers, & seams that were already aching around her at work.

"Well, we haven't- &, frankly, I think I deserve a little treat after the week I've had."

"Oh, you do, do you? Well, maybe you'll think you deserve it more when I move out!"

Roger stood back, a bit shocked & hurt, as he stared at this angered beast. He didn't know what to say- to his delight, Claire did.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that- I'm just frustrated, that's all. I mean, I've tried EVERY diet known to man & it STILL feels like nothing's working!" She started breaking into tears. "You couldn't possibly understand how hard this is for me!"

"But I DO understand, Claire- look," Roger held her in his muscular arms, wiping her eyes gently as he spoke. "It's only been a week... maybe I was a bit ambitious to think you could lose so much weight so soon. Would you be willing to keep trying for a couple more weeks? If things aren't changing by then, I won't force you to keep doing this. Sound fair?"

Claire nodded, smiling a little more as she leaned up for a kiss- her pudge squeezed into Roger's chest nicely, & surprisingly he was enjoying the soft warmth it brought. His hands wandered, the small folds forming on her back were just as soft as he traveled down to her supple ass, his libido back into high gear- unable to control himself, Roger scooped up his woman & carried her back into the bedroom, wanting to show her how much he really appreciated her efforts... lucky for him, they wouldn't leave the bedroom again until dinner.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 14 years , updated 8 years
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