
Chapter 8 - that does it! no more diet!

So, for the next couple weeks, Claire tried to keep up
with her jogging, running, weight lifting, swimming, & yoga, as well as shrink her meal intake, but to no avail- her yoga & weight lifting getting dropped first as she felt self-conscious about her lack of progress in public, followed by running & swimming as her bikini & athletic ware became too tight & uncomfortable to work out in. She had lost but a few pounds, her mirror image changing no more than when she had started & she sighed looking at the number on the scale that not only hadn't gone down, but managed to climb up to 148! With her hopes no different towards changing, & her final desire to jog that morning thrown out the window with the ice cream sandwich wrapper on the floor at her feet, she decided then & there the diet was over.

But what of Roger? She couldn't tell him things weren't working- again. Claire figured if she could get a little extra food while she was at work, he wouldn't know the difference when she was home. So it was settled- after kissing Roger when he went to work, she stayed behind long enough to scarf an extra piece of coffee cake before she headed out herself. She started going out to lunch at the local diner & ordered burgers with fries, chicken fried steak, & chocolate sundaes. At dinner, she'd warm up one of her frozen dinners in front of Roger... then when he was fast asleep, creep into the kitchen & clean out the leftover meatloaf, mashed potatoes, & half pints of ice cream.

One particular day off, Claire found herself rather frisky as she consumed a whole family size lasagna, the excess amounts of pasta, meat, & cheese making her hot all over- but as she tried to take care of her burning desire within, she found her distended belly made masturbating quite the chore, having to lift up the tightening cavity in order to even touch herself, which simply made her situation all the hotter. When the tray was finally empty, & she could pack on no more, Claire rubbed out what she could of a fairly intense orgasm, unable to reach the juicy slit below.
After cleaning up the mess she'd made, Claire decided to visit the office & pick up her paycheck- finding the cleanest suit she had 'just a little while longer' that day...

'You've got to be kidding me!' She groaned in her head as the zipper to her trousers made no attempt at moving, her still-firm paunch almost pregnant in appearance. 'I guess I'd better get a new wardrobe- I wonder if I can get to the tailors before lunch,' she huffed as she slipped on the largest track suit she could find, still a little of her belly peeking out from under the zip-up jacket, grabbed her car keys & zoomed off towards downtown.

"Claire! Iz been too long, bella," a little Italian man exclaimed as he wrapped his muscular arms around the more padded woman, bringing her face down to his 4' 8" frame & kissed each of her rosy cheeks. "Mama mia, you finally visited my-a mother, ha ha! What'sa pretty thing like you doing in-a this?"

"Toni, I need your help- I moved up in the ranks, but nothing fits me anymore & I can't go to work in this!" she kissed back, almost whimpering in embarrassment as the well-aged gentleman panned over her body, looking over what he had to work with.

"No worries, bella- I'a fix. Make you look wonderful! Now, tell-a Uncle Toni what-s-you want," he reassured her, pulling out the measuring tape from around his neck & jotted down some numbers as he took her larger measurements.

"A few things I can grow into, Toni- truth be told, I'm tired of the thinner life! I need substance, BODY, & enough room to put it all away properly."

"Perfecto! I-a make a new ward-a-robe just-a for you! Still like the-a pin stripe? Arms out'a, please-"

"Yes, & can I get one red dress? My anniversary's coming up soon-"

"Oh-ho, bella, you'va been-a holding out on-a me! Who'sa the lucky fellow taking-a you away from-a Toni, hmm?"

"Roger's not taking me away from you, Toni, I promise! He's just preoccupied my love life, that's all."

"If-a he's any good, he'd-a come-a to me & get-a my blessing. You deserve a good-a man, bella!" he reached up & brushed her soft cheek before hanging the tape back around his neck like a scarf. "It is'a done- here," he gave her a paper bag with a couple navy pencil skirts, black 'skirt-slacks', & a white & red polkadot dress with matching bolero inside. "Wear-a these into work for now. I'll-a have everything'a ready by the end'a the week." With that & another kiss on each cheek, Claire left Toni's shop once more, feeling better about her decision to gain, grabbing a dozen corn dogs from the corner before coming home.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 14 years , updated 8 years
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