Adrien"s dilemma

chapter 2: if you wanna keep your job read this....

Adrien read the title of a new email. It was sent from within the office but with the code source hidden. Adrien hesitated to click open the email as his antics towards Dr. Wu's husband were fresh in his mind. "Did anyone see me?", thought Adrien then it dawned on him, "Cameras, Oh God, No!", he thought while his hand trembled. He forced himself to click the mouse and...

To his shock and horror, it was worse than he could have ever suspected. There were three attachments, as he opened each one he realized that they were each taken by different devices at distinct angles. All vividly recorded every insult and gesture that he made towards his boss' hubby. That was it, followed by the message:

"If you know what's good for you, you'll follow every direction from us without question. If you think it's bad that we know, it will be a whole world of trouble more if Dr. Wu finds out. Your overinflated six figure salary is the least of your concerns. Without divulging too much, that big man you just so mercilessly made fun of has deep connections within the Russian mafia. So you have a choice, you can follow directions from now on, or you can take your chances with the Russian mob. You have one minute to drink the milkshake on your desk.

He hadn't bought any milkshake Adrien thought. Then as if by magic he noticed in the corner of his left eye a huge 64 ounce smoothie sitting next to his briefcase.

Again panick set in. The thin and young practice manager grabbed the gargantuan smoothie and began drinking down the cold and thick concoction while walking about the room, quickly looking over everyone in the office. He couldn't tell if it was his imagination or not, but he swore most of "them" looked either guilty or wore worried looks across their faces.

"Ha, ha, funny! Really funny guys, you got me, who's the prankster?", yelled out Adrien in desperation. All eyes came back either bewildered or slightly amused.

"Oh god" he thought, "I must be down to 10 secconds". He looked around and then decided to just give in. Lifted the heavy smoothie up to his mouth, wrapped his lips around the straw and took in a deep swig. Adrien instantly savored the sweet, rich, creamy drink, taking down an even bigger gulp. He instantly recognized it to be a weight gain shake due to the penutbutter and protein mixture. He couldn't however tastes the concentrated mix of feminine hormones and Dr Wu's own MD227 serum.

He stood right in front of everyone as he greedily finished off the rest of the smoothie within less than two minutes. When done, all his coworkers, the fat men and the beautiful women began cheering.

"Good for you, you're one of us now", said Patrick as he slapped his powerful and meaty hand across Adrien's bottom.

In shock, he just smiled back and took a bow to his coworkers as he now thought it was all just a prank. Adrien's relief proved ephemeral as there was another "anonymous" email sent just seconds ago in his inbox. It read: Urgent Must Read
"Not bad, but punishments will follow in the future if you ever hesitate to eat or drink any food given to you in the office. If you are wondering about punishments we have a long list of ways to punish you including explaining to Derek the real reason for your late night runs and we could likewise place a call into the IRS as there looks to be some huge anolomies that can't easily be explained away.

P.S. We've cancelled both of your gym memberships. If you ever step inside another gym, we'll break your legs.

Good Day and Bon Appetite!"

As if on cue, the elevator doors opened and Patrick ushered a small delivery man holding a big bag over to Adrien's desk. With trepidation Adrien's eyes scanned the greasy brown bag only to see in large letters across the bag "ADRIEN".

"No!", Adrien began to protest before remembering the content of his last two emails. He continued in a hushed tone, "I'm sorry, I didn't order any food, that's all. I think there's been a mistake".

"No sir. No mistake. I was given a twenty dollar tip to drop off this bag", and with that he plopped the greasy bag directly on top of his leather computer bag and darted towards and back into a closing elevator. Adrien had froze and lost all hope, at least for now in finding out who was behind this blackmail.

Regardless, he was still faced with having to eat the contents of the bag or face unknown consequences. He lifted the bag off of his desk and began to clean off his bag with some of the napkins from within, when all of a sudden he realized that he had more important things to accomplish.

Adrien tore open the bag to find two whopping 1/2 lb double bacon cheeseburgers sitting atop a large basket of sweetpotato fries. He bit into the first burger. It was absolutely to die for. He quickly chewed and took an even bigger chunk out of the massive and greasy burger.

He didn't know what had overcome him. Adrien normally scoffed at such foods counting calories and carbs with the best of them. And even if for some strange reason, he had ordered this monstrosity, he would never have dreamed of finishing the whole thing. But today, that's what he did, he finished the first burger off within mere minutes. And somehow, instead of Adrien feeling full to his britches, Adrien's hunger had somehow seemed to grow even stronger.

He reached in and started grabbing sweet potato fries and began eating them in quick succession. Then he progressed to shoving two or three then four or five fries into his mouth. Again, within a few minutes all of the fries were gone.

Adrien's fingers and face were a greasy mess with traces of ketchup and mustard at the corners of his mouth. He hesitated for a second and then began to slowly eat the last burger. By now all of the grease, fat, meat, cheese, bread, and potatoes were all sitting heavily in Adrien's bloated belly. He labored through the last huge bacon cheeseburger for over 20 minutes. He was so full, he felt he'd pop during the last bite of the last burger. Adrien was literally about to collapse into a food coma when...

Urgent Message, Must Read: "Good boy, now you're getting it." Adrien was mortified. What had he gotten himself into?
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Rickeb 4 years
You still have to tell us how he becomes the fattest man with the biggest breasts,fattest belly and widest hips in the office.
Growingsofter 6 years
I'm confused?