Adrien"s dilemma

chapter 3: two weeks later

The next two weeks progressed by pretty much without incident. Yes, there was the occasional smoothie and food delivered to Adrien's desk throughout the fortnight. Too afraid to protest, Adrien dutifully downed all food and beverage items left on his desk. At first He dreaded the random deliveries, always stuffed full with nothing but fattening and greasy diner foods. But by the end of the week Adrien actually grew excited by the prospect. His hunger was spuralung out of control so much that he didn't even notice that his dilivery orders were gradually increasing in size. All of his big delivery meals had stretched out his stomach, further enhancing the appitite sumumlating effects of his concentrated MD227 smoothies.

Then on the second Friday following his "mistake", the unthinkable happened. Yes, there was a smoothie waiting for him at his desk when he arrived. He'd grown excited over his new morning routine, as the smoothies seemed to be the only thing these days besides copious amounts of food that could mitigate his ravenous new appitite.

When lunch rolled around, most of the office staff headed out. In fact, like most days, only he and Patrick were left behind. Patrick liked to watch the thin man gobble down tons of food delivered to his desk. He desperately wanted to see Adrien grow fat like the other men in the office. He suspected Adrien was the only male in the office not taking Dr. Wu's experimental drugs, but he knew Adrien would soon balloon if he kept up these eating habits. So he bid his time, sat back and enjoyed the daily show, but not today for some reason.

Adrien was ravenous and growing hungrier by the second. 5 minutes went by, his stomach let out a large growl.

"Hungry are we?", said Patrick, startling Adrien as his mind was consumed with hunger.

"Yeah a bit", admitted Adrien while his belly let out another decry for suststainance.

"I know the perfect place"

"Good, cause I'm starving", said Adrien.

"Let's go" said Patrick I'll drive. You sound hungry. I've got snacks in the car. You can have some" he said on their elevator ride down to the garage.

"I'm no fat ass like you. I have self control", spat out a hangry Adrien. "Grrrrrrrrrrl", sounded off his belly.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Rickeb 4 years
You still have to tell us how he becomes the fattest man with the biggest breasts,fattest belly and widest hips in the office.
Growingsofter 6 years
I'm confused?