Adrien"s dilemma

chapter 4: a new curve

Adrien's lunch with Patrick went way better than he'd expected. The food at the buffet was fabulously tasty and deliciously fattening. There was no holding back on his part. Adrien convinced himself that he could let himself go a bit today because no food was delivered to desk. Usually Adrien wouldn't be caught dead at an establishment like this one. "If Derek saw me here, right now?", Adrien mused. Derek would be beside himself, but there was no Derek today, only fat boy Patrick.

Patrick was a handsome man, even carrying around what Adrien considered to be roughly 400 lbs or so. Like many of his other male office counterparts, Patrick sported a pair of thick legs with an expansive ass and wide hips. His upper body from what he could see straining through the material was completely soft and pillowy. From his woman like breast to his chubby arms and down to his fingers, Patrick was extremely fat and soft. And then there was his belly, so jiggly and big. Adrien secretly liked the way Patrick wore his pants over his belly like a woman instead of letting it over flow over the top.

"Patrick's form is down right womanly", Adrien thought to himself while walking a few pages behind Patrick, "if one didn't see his face, they would swear he was a bottom heavy, pear shaped fat lady."

Adrien normally refused his urges to pursue fat men, still occasionally bedding a few in college and some one night stands here and there, but usually he kept to the twinks society expected of a young and successful gay businessman. Derek was the perfect example.

If all was going well at work, the same couldn't be said for his love life at home. Derek was less than pleased with Adrien's "new habits". The constant deliveries and incessant excuses for why he couldn't go to the gym were beginning to show effects on Adrien's physique. Needless to say, Derek wasn't too happy.

Derek had him weigh in the other day and it showed that Adrien had gained over 10lbs over the past two weeks. He called Adrien all kinds of names like "fat ass, chubster", and many others. Adrien's dignity and pride were extremely bruised, yet there was something else beginning to stir within him. Something carnal. Every time Derek was complete asshole to him about his recent and noticeable weight gain, Adrien grew even hungrier. The hungrier he got, the more he shoved his face full if fattening delights, when Derek wasn't around, of course.

Occasionally Adrien noticed that their was at least a correlation, if not a causal effect to his growing gluttony and his arrousal. He didn't make to much of it as he supposed his seemingly increased libido was due to the fact that Derek was giving him the cold shoulder these days. But by the beginning of the second week, Adrien couldn't help but notice, the more he ate and fuller he became, the better he felt these days. And yet there was Derek the jerk.

Well Derek wasn't here today at lunch. Instead he had Patrick, comforting Patrick. Adrien loved that he could just be himself, and let go around the big guy. Plus, he didn't ever have to worry about looking like a glutton in the presence of such a behemoth.

As Adrien was finishing off his third plate of food, he noticed that Patrick was giving him the eye. He'd suspected that Patrick might be gay but the look of desire from another is hard to deny. Adrien's full belly pushed tightly against his own belted trousers. His cock and his own desires, now showing through his flushed face and trembling lower lip.

Without thought or hesitation, Adrien huskily whispered, "Do you wanna get out of here?"

"Of course", said the bigger man while he placed his powerful and fat hand on top of Adrien's, "that's why I brought you here. If we're gonna fuck, it can't be on empty bellies, right?", finished Patrick, while heaving his large massive belly up and down, sending both men secretly into sexual frenzy.

Too stunned and horny to respond, Adrien dutifully followed Patrick's lead and loaded his plates full of fattening desserts. A million thoughts went through his mind including but not limited to cramming all of this delicious food in his gut, watching Patrick do the same, wondering if Patrick was a top or bottom, an even the creeping thought of how it would feel to be as fat as his coworker.

Patrick and Adrien inhaled the food in front of them and then they both waddled and grunted as both were stuffed to their limits.

As soon as they entered the door if Patrick's house, Adrien attacked the bigger man with a ferocity that shocked even Patrick. Adrien began kissing Patrick hard, shoving his tongue into Patrick's while he fondled his ponderous belly.

With an unexpected strength, Patrick pushed the smaller man back, making him stumbled a bit before catching his footing.

"I'm Sorry", Adrien stammered, "I just thought.... you wanted me."

I do, but first you need to do me a favor.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Rickeb 4 years
You still have to tell us how he becomes the fattest man with the biggest breasts,fattest belly and widest hips in the office.
Growingsofter 6 years
I'm confused?