Adrien"s dilemma

chapter 6

When Adrien woke up next to Patrick, he noticed something very l curious. He knew his belly had been stuffed with food all day, but he actually felt fatter. Not just the normal growth he was becoming used to, but like he'd actually, somehow grown fatter while he was sleeping.

Adrien tried to shrug it off as just some weird feeling or maybe some inner desire to be fatter, like Patrick, but when he touched himself, he did somehow feel softer, more supple to the touch. It was like somehow he'd softened up everywhere.

Adrien told that it had to be his imagination. "Nothing like this happens in real life. This is not one of you're weird fat fantasies", he told himself. However, the moment he stepped off of the bed, Adrien was frozen with fear as he looked down to see and feel an actual belly.

Sure, Adrien knew he'd recently gained 10 or so lbs. But even then, he'd only merely lost his six pack definition. This however was a completely different beast. When he looked down, Adrien saw nothing but soft flesh. And when he reached down to explore with his hands, his fingers sunk into his now soft and creamy belly flesh.

"Oh my God. What the fuck?", thought Adrien as he rushed off to the bathroom. As he did so, his horror increased as he felt a violent jiggling in his belly and even some in his chest and rear end, although to a much lesser degree.

When he got to the bathroom and turned on the lights, Andrien's jaw literally dropped as he looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. Sure, he'd known that in recent weeks he'd grown softer and was definitely not fit anymore, but what stared back at him in the mirror was shocking.

His belly had grown soft and wide and now sported a deep navel surrounded by squishy adipose tissue. Not only had it grown more voluminous in the front, but Adriens belly growth reached out in all directions, giving him actual love handles and back fat.

His chest was also very supple and totally lacking in any definition. Adrien could feel the fat pads on top of his flaccid muscles. Disgutedly he threw on over his t shirt only to find that it didn't even cover his belly all the way in the front. Adrien didn't even bother with his dress shirt as the buttons barely fitted around his middle this morning. He knew to try now would only waist time and make him feel more depressed.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Rickeb 4 years
You still have to tell us how he becomes the fattest man with the biggest breasts,fattest belly and widest hips in the office.
Growingsofter 6 years
I'm confused?