Excerpts from: the diary of a feedee bloke

chapter 3

So when Friday rolled around I rolled out of work where I'd already been getting in some pre-binge snacking while I cranked out the code at my desk... I had a plan... It was a cunning plan... I would gorge like a starving pig Friday night through the small hours of Saturday and then Sunday would be a day of fruit and water and a bit of a walk in the park to digest before a hungry Monday at work would see me thoroughly deflated from my binge bloated best and, hopefully in a more or less shaggable state from the point of view of chubby Charlotte...

So Friday night passed in a wonderful horny blur of pizzas and ice cream and beer and self-indulgent naughtiness, until I passed out half-drunk, shirt off, belly swollen to bursting, feeling a little sick and belching gently - on the couch surrounded by empty cartons and bottles...

Saturday found me fatly beached on the sofa when a chink of light lasered me through the curtains about 8am... I heaved myself over the edge of couch and dropped my knees, belly hanging, still round and fat below me... It took me a good hour to clean up the devastation from last nights binge, take care of essential bathroom business and wake up with a long hot shower... I noticed with pleasure how the water clung and ran down around to drip off the underside of my belly....

By the time I emerged from the bathroom my gut was rumbling and my excitement was rising at the open vista of stuffing before me... I hit up KFC for a big bucket of breakfast, before raiding the supermarket especially the bakery for enough to feed an army (well, maybe Andorra's army)... I broke up the drive home with a couple of Big Whoppers and snagged fish and chips twice for lunch... By one in the afternoon I was in hog heaven again, deepening the dent in the sofa with my widening arse... I massaged my tight gut with one hand while I chugged donuts and beer with the other... I think it was towards the end of the first dozen when I hit that point where sweet suddenly tastes bitter and I felt I was going to chuck up... My belly was hurting by this point too... The alcohol in a few more gulps of beer eased the pain but left me feeling full to the brim... Being very careful to make no sudden moves I turned the sound down on the telly and leaned back cradling my fat bloated gut and slid into a queasy nap...

I think it said about 3.30pm on the dvd when the doorbell woke me up... I sat slumped and baffled for a while before it rang again... My brain blurred and fuzzy I managed to get to my feet and waddled towards the door... Picture the scene - I am oblivious to the sugar and jam stuck round my mouth, my stuffed belly proceeds me, pushing down and out over my trackkies me as I podge, naked to the waist, to open the door...

A girl is stood there, back to me me now, fiddling with her phone...
I blink... open my mouth... she turns round - Charlotte!

Her eyes pop and her gaze flicks me up and down - sticking on my belly which is practically pushing her off the doorstep - her jaw hits the floor...

I stifle a burp...

She finds her voice... "I got away early... I thought I'd surprise..."
Her hand is actually groping my fat stomach now, it's like she can't believe it and has to check it's real...

"Oh my god you're so fat!!" it's a scandalised whisper "Is this what you do whenever I'm away? Stuff yourself?"

I blush and kinda grunt at her... As her hand slides down around my belly she can't help but knock into my hard cock, which is causing major tentage in my trackkies - I'm so embarrassed and so turned on I feel like I'm going to pop in more ways than one... She grabs my dick...

"And this turns you on? Pigging out like this? Are you getting fatter on purpose?!"

I can't speak... I kinda shrug...

"Christ!" she pushes me inside, hand on my belly, one, two steps, shuts the door behind her "So this is your thing is it? No wonder you're blowing up... God!" She squeezes my cock and kinda steers me by it back into the living room... No doubt about it - she's in control now... Her eyes bug out again when she sees the stacks of fattening goodies I have piled up ready for the rest of my binge...

"Hells bells, you're not even done yet?!" Now her face takes on a leer... and she pushes me back on to the couch... "Hehe... so this is what you like, eh? Well, you know what they say - be careful what you wish for!" She grabs a chocolate eclair "Open up pig-boy! It's feeding time!" She stuffs half of it into my mouth, laughing, waiting as I chew and swallow, then more and more she teases and bullies me as I struggle to keep up while she crams me with gooey caloric food... donuts and eclairs and cakes, she pours beer into me in between, laughing louder as I gasp for breath... I'm in agony and ecstasy at the same time, it's my dream and nightmare come true... I'm scared and thrilled and so turned on it's insane... My belly is stretched so tight it's killing me... I moan, clutching at it... "Got a tummy ache piggy? Tough! Eat up!" She crams another slice of chocolate swiss roll into me "You know fat men are a real turn off to me.... So wobbly and and disgusting..." She slaps my gut "MMMMMmmmm!!!" I protest, mouth still full, cock jumping harder still... "But you're so helpless like this it's funny! I bet I could feed you til you burst and you couldn't stop me, eh? You love it! Pig! Greedy fat pig!"

I swallow the cake and gasp for breath again "Can't.. breathe..." It's true - my stomach is so blown up it's a struggle... I feel sick, like the food is just stacking right up my throat... "Ohhhh poor piggy!" she pouts at me "Have woo eaten too much? Greedy, greedy piggy wiggy wooo!" she licks a little sugar off my face and leans to whisper in my ear while her hand yanks down my trackkies so my cock springs proud... Charlotte grabs my dick again... and with her other hand, more cake... her mouth is at my ear again: "Just one" (she tugs me), "more" (tugs again), "slice" (tug) "fatty!" (TUG!)... I'm trembling with excitement, desperately I open my mouth and she shoves it into me - the whole slice - my cheeks are distended with it and I almost suffocate as I chew frantically while she tugs and tugs at my cock..

"Eat it up now you fat pig! that's it, chew, chew, chew heheheheee you're going to get so ***ing fat! eat it all now my fat pig boy..." she keeps whispering all this in my ear while her hot hand works me faster and faster, until I swallow and cum at the same time, groaning while a great jet of spunk shoots up in the air pumps out once, twice, three times and all over my legs and the couch and the floor and a bit on the ceiling... I groan and gasp, pinned in place by my belly...

She laughs at me "Well done you fat pig, you ate it aaaaall up! Ooooh look at the horrid sticky mess you made! Bad piggy!"

She jumped up off the couch and straightened her rucked-up dress while she leered down at me with an evil grin "Well, I'm off now to find a fit guy to ***! Don't get up - Oh, you can't! Not with that fat gut weighing you down! Hahaha! I'll let myself out... You're dumped by the way fatso! I might pop in sometime and see how disgustingly fat you're getting..."
She poked my belly, prompting a groan from me,
"Maybe I'll give you a helping hand feeding yourself to death, but I wouldn't hold your breath, you pig! If you can still breathe that is! Hahaha! Bye then fat arse!"

She turned to go and then thought better of it and turned back to slap me quickly, hard on the belly and then pinched my love handle - I squealed and squirmed... "hahaha! Eat up piggy! Bye now!"

And she was gone, leaving me beached and gasping and groaning and covered in my own gick... I was too stuffed and spent to move and so I lay there, gasping fatly, still horny, until I passed out again...

So that's how I lost Charlotte, I've not seen her since... And yes, she was a bitch to me... But I keep hoping she'll come back and do it to me again....
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