Feedee fantasy

chapter 3

Another 4 months later

About a month ago she had me in my pig costume and forced me to weigh myself. She says "I got you this new talking scale, it goes up to 600 pounds. That should cover you for a while right tubby?" She slaps my belly and gives it a jiggle. She then sets the scale on the floor and tells me to get on the scale. Next thing i know the scale says "467 pounds bmi of 71, please see doctor for dietary tips". She laughs and grabs my belly from behind

"Woah tubby, youve really porked up these last eight months. If I remember correctly you weighed 337 and now eight months later youve packed on a wopping 130 pounds. Oh and I saw the email from your boss mentioning the conpany's concerns about your weight. Guess its time for you to quit and be my pig permanantly. Now we get to really have fun." She starts chuckling while having an evil grin on her face as she pulls me into the kitchen for my second breakfast.

Now back to the present...

For the last month since I quit my job I haven't left the house. All Ive done is watch tv and eat all day while she's at work. Then when she gets home she tells me to not get up from the couch until she's ready. When she is ready she comes back in the living room and helps me off the couch and into the kitchen for my feast. She watches behind me as I struggle to waddle into the kitchen. "Looks like its getting tough for you to waddle. I dont know why i still let you waddle. Youre well over 500 now and youre so fat you broke your little pig costume. Speaking of which, I tried to find you a new one but i cant find one in your size which is depressing. Oh well, you look like a pig anyway thanks to all this fat right tubby?"

She grabs one of my love handles and shakes it to watch my whole body jiggles as she just laughs. Once I finally get to the kitchen table and sit down I autimatically place my hands behind my back knowing shes going to tie me and start with funnel feeding me my normal 2000 calorie gainer shake. She sticks the funnel in my mouth and as she pours I get aroused. She can tell as she always can and just smiles, "Oh are you enjoying your shake piggy?" I nod my head and moan in pleasure. "Im so glad you finally gave in and accepted your inner pig. I dont even have to blackmail you anymore. Which reminds me." I finish the shake and she pulls the funnel out of my mouth and leans in real close.

"When you quit your job I shared those photos and videos with everyone." My face grows red with embarrassment. "Thats right. Your work friends, regular friends and even your family now know that youre a pig. A big fat pig constantly craving more. I shared them because I knew that it was now too late for you to go back. Everyone knew you were becoming a fat ass anyway, so i figured, why not tell everyone the truth. So.... what do you think piggy?"

My face is still completely red, im so embarrassed and mortified thinking that my life is over. Then I just look up at her and say with a shaken voice "Im hungry."
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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GrowingLoveH... 6 years
I love the blackmail aspects of this. Your story would improve immensely if you had paragraphs, but I know that is sometimes tough to do, depending on what format and device you are writing on. Anyway, good start. I'd love to hear other fantasies.