Wishes granted

chapter 7

Mallory startles awake to the sound of the door creaking open. Jackson hums as he pushes in a two-tiered cart full of breakfast and offers a warm smile, while she pouts back at him. She rubs her eyes and yawns largely, and she's keenly aware of the new fat that has appeared along and beneath her once firm jawline. Lazy and sleepy, she half sits up in bed, watching Jackson pull up his chair and settle into it.

It's been almost a month since they'd gone to the buffet, and Mallory has really piled on the pounds. She's thicker everywhere - thighs bulging and touching firmly, breasts starting to jiggle and grow with more consistency, upper arms widening. Her stomach has not quite made up its mind, though, about how it wants to grow; now, a mixture of firm roundness and soft blubber that likes to sag. In any case, her stretchmarks turn an angry purplish color, and by the time one starts to fade, another springs up nearby.

Jackson could not be prouder of his girl, but her viewership has tapered ever so slightly. He has no intentions of stopping, nor discontinuing his shows, but, as he had told her at the beginning, he's a businessman.


He startles slightly, brows raising in question. "Yeah?"

Mallory tilts her head with a small laugh. "You alright? I asked you what was for breakfast."

"Mhm. Sorry. We've got some french toast, juice, and a breakfast burrito. Sound good?"

With a small smile, she puts a hand on her belly and nods. He clenches his teeth at the thrum of pleasure the sight sends down his spine. Swallowing hard, Jackson nods and starts cutting into the french toast for her. Idly, he realizes that she's never really fed herself before. What a spoiled little pig. He adores her.

As he feeds her, it's the only thing on Jackson's mind. She takes every bite he offers, belly swelling and tightening. The french toast is new, from one of those high end chain restaurants, and it's obviously a bit much for Mallory, too sweet on top of the grape juice. She glances down at the plate and grimaces when she sees there's still another thick piece left. Offering a sympathetic hum, Jackson reaches out and rubs her belly. It's not as full as he wants quite yet, so he picks up the burrito and tucks the end into her mouth. She obediently bites down and chews, huffing quietly.

In the end, Mallory finishes the burrito, glancing between Jackson and the lace slice of french toast with a slightly distressed expression. Her belly is round and obviously tight, jutting forward and pushing her thighs apart so she can be comfortable. Clicking his tongue, Jackson rubs her belly, a bit firmer than she would probably prefer. Mallory whines until she burps several times. Two hiccups later, he pushes a bit bite of french toast into her mouth. She grimaces, and he shushes her softly, rubbing her belly rhythmically.

"Be a good girl; just a couple more bites."

Two more bites disappear into her, and she's having a bit of trouble breathing, from being so full.

"Good girl. Lay down and let that digest. I have a surprise for you later, hm?"

Mallory obliges, wriggling until she's lying down on her side, watching him clean up and rubbing her swollen stomach. "What's the surprise?"

"Well, it wouldn't be a surprise then, would it? You have a nap; I'll see you after class."

Yawning, Mallory stretches her arms above her head and arches her back a bit. "Mkay."

"There's snacks on the second tier. I want them gone by the time I'm back."


Jackson grips her face gently in his hand, a bit startled to realize how chubby her cheeks have gotten. He gives her a stern look, though his mouth twitches with a smile. She rolls her eyes. "All gone, or tonight won't be very fun."

"Alright, Jackson."


. . .

When Mallory wakes up from her nap, she's not particularly hungry, but it's closer to five in the evening that she'd intended. Wow, he had really stuffed her this morning. It had all been so *filling*. With a sigh, Mallory surveys the treats that he's left. The cheddar and sour cream chips are her favorite, as are the Oreos, and there's some soda there, as well - full sugar, of course. Before all of this, she hadn't been able to tolerate regular soda, its syrupy sweetness far too much. Even now, it could turn her stomach, but Jackson insisted. In all honesty, she would have preferred if he left weight gain shakes.

That thought sends a chill down her spine. Either way, she's getting fatter for him, but, she rationalizes, she prefers a direct approach. Yes, that was it. Of course. Before her brain can run away with that particular topic of thought, she tears into the chips and turns on the TV.

Sometime after five, Jackson returns. Mallory has an empty chip bag on her stomach, rising and falling with her sleeping breaths; the Oreo carton is empty and on top of another chip bag. Though he hadn't been too serious about punishing her if she didn't eat it all, his little piggy had done well.

Humming, Jackson approaches her and gently strokes his fingers across her brow. Mallory smiles slightly as she wakes, blinking her eyes open.


"Good evening."

She rubs her eyes, and then perks with a smile. "You have a surprise."

"I do," Jackson chuckles. "Wash up, and put this on." He hands her a bag that has pink tissue paper coming out of the top.

Grinning, Mallory rolls off the bed and heads for the bathroom. Even though she's moving more frequently now, as she has free reign of the room, she still has a distinct waddle, because she's growing so quickly. Every time she adjusts her walk, she packs on more pounds. Jackson's blood pulses with arousal, but he shoves the thoughts away. Business. Right.

He tidies up after her, while she's showering and changing, and puts fresh sheets on her big bed. Twenty minutes later, while he's skimming through emails on his phone, Mallory comes out of the bathroom. She's wearing the chemise he'd picked out for her. It's sheer and a bit small for her, hugging her belly and showing off all the stretchmarks he'd put there, and cups her breasts kindly.

Jackson smiles, letting her know she has his approval, and gets to his feet. "Good girl. Come here; I'm gonna show you your surprise."

Together, they walk out of her room and into the body of the basement. From their trip to the buffet, Mallory knows there's more of the basement than she's seen, but he doesn't lead her to the stairs. Instead, she finds herself outside a door on the opposite side of the basement. She shoots Jackson a curious look, but he's working with a key on the lock. He pushes the door open; Mallory leans around his broad-shouldered frame to peek at her surprise.

The room is quite similar to the one she had originally had - boring white walls, no television, a large bed at the center of the room, and a bathroom to the right. A girl with dark hair lies in the bed, wrists and ankles chained. She's clearly sleeping.

"Surprise," Jackson murmurs, stepping aside and letting Mallory waddle into the room. "Her name is Nicole."

"I don't...Do you not like me anymore?" The words taste funny on her tongue, and part of Mallory's brain is telling her that this is a good thing. But she *wants* Jackson to like her.

"No, sweetheart. No, not at all." He pets her hair gently, kisses the crown of her head that's damp from the shower. "Don't you worry - I'm still completely dedicated to fattening up this pretty belly." His hand skims over her stomach, still swollen from her breakfast and lunch/snack. "But I saw Nicole, and I couldn't quite help myself."

"And you're going to...?" Mallory can't quite say the words, but there's a sharp pulse of pleasure between her thighs.

Jackson knows exactly what she means. "Mhm. Aren't you curious? Take a closer look - come on." He coaxes her forward a few feet, until they're close enough to see Nicole up close. "See how her stomach's already a little soft? She's put on the freshman fifteen - maybe twenty, actually. Her metabolism's already slowed down. It won't take any time at all for her to balloon like you did." He chuckles and pats her belly. "This took some hard work."

Mallory bites her bottom lip and looks at the girl. Jackson is going to feed and stuff Nicole, just as he had done to her. There's butterflies in her stomach, for some weird reason. She tries to imagine this thin stranger with her own body, but falls short. What would she look like, and why does she desperately want to know?

"Do you like your surprise?" Jackson asks.


"If you want, you can take care of her feedings, sometimes."

Swallowing a moan, Mallory presses her thighs together. "Okay."

Jackson runs his fingers through her hair with a soft sigh, then gently rubs her upper arms. "What do you say, pretty girl? Wanna see how much room she has in her belly?"

"...Yeah," Mallory breathes.

. . .

Hey ya'll! Meet Nicole, our newest girl. Also, sorry for the huge delay in chapters, but life, you know? As always, if you have any requests for stuff in the story, just shoot me a message - I aim to please and love bringing life to your fantasies.

**Edit: 1/30/17 -- name edit. Next chapter upcoming tonight.
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Peanut Butter 5 years
I'm hoping there will be an addition. This story is top notch
Skibud96 6 years
Will there be more?
Girlcrisis 7 years
I can't believe this story has eluded me for so long but I'm so glad I finally read it. I'm always a sucker for the kidnapping trope but wow, your character development and writing skill just take it to a whole new level. Fantastic.
Silentgrizzly 7 years
I love this story!!!
Nok 7 years
Astoundingly well done, this is one of the best stories of all time.
Nok 7 years
I was gonna say, how could I have missed this absolute gem. But as I see below, I didn't. This is superb pacing and writing, character development, the intensity and yet simplicity of the story in perfect balance with Mallory's charm and sweetness. Astoun
Adoragordas124 7 years
I would love to see Mallory trying to work out just to see how unfit she is and how out of breath she gets.
Also, awesome writing, you have talent
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
Why can't I write like you do! This is marvelous!
Womansbellyl... 7 years
Keep up the good work!
BS Writer 8 years
She should be forced to deal with people she used to make fun of so they can have their revenge
Ikr 8 years
Very nice update! I'm always good for bringing in another girl. Perhaps they could be put in a sort of competition - both for pounds, and the narrator's attention. Just tossing out ideas!
Blasty 8 years
Pretty good. Unfortunately, I can't think of Jackson as anyone but Martin Shkreli.
Nok 8 years
OMG when she realizes that she's actually starting to be turned on by the powerlessness, by getting fat, and by being free of any guilt...
Drstrange 8 years
Loved this story!!
Jazzman 8 years
Very skilled writing style. I would suggest the opposite of tight jeans allowing her denial. I would suggest a Super revealing string bikini that shows her that she is Fat. And one she eventually grows out of.
Shavip 8 years
This is fantastic. The thing about the cinnamon buns is so f'ing hot! My request would be to revisit the tight clothes once she's wayyyy too big for them and can't even button them lying down.
BS Writer 8 years
I'd like to see some teasing an name calling. I'd really like to see girls she used to make fun of get to control her fate a bit and humiliate her in return.
Blasty 8 years
I love this
Badhansel 8 years
Good story. Only request I have is to keep going!
Fatlilboy 8 years
Kidnapping/Abduction stories followed by a good, stiff fattening up the victim into submission - my all-time favorite fantasy read.
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