Wishes granted

chapter 8

Jackson's grinning, when Mallory glances up at him, and she flushes, averting her eyes. A strong arm wraps around her shoulder, and he ducks down to press a firm kiss to her temple.

"Wait out here, pretty girl," he instructs. "I don't want to spook her, okay?"

There's still warmth between her thighs and butterflies in her belly, when Mallory nods. "Mhm."

"Good girl."

With that, he steps into the room, closing the door behind him. Mallory can still hear his voice, an indecipherable rumble from this distance, but offered in a soft tone of voice, that coaxes instead of demands. It's a sound that she has grown used to, perhaps even fond of. Absently, her hand falls atop her round belly. The light fabric of the babydoll chemise tickles her palms and the sensitive skin of her ever-growing belly, but it's nice.

Sighing, Mallory leans against the wall. Her mouth feels strangely empty; she'd like something to fill it. The girl has woken up, she can tell, since there's a loud rattling and a higher voice that chatters in a pleading tony. Mallory resists the urge to roll her eyes. The girl was so dramatic. Jackson wasn't so horrible. She had been treated with nothing but kindness.

Something in the back of her mind tugs and tickles, telling her that it's *not right,* but before she can think further on it, the door open. Jackson stands in the doorway, expression a touch brooding. Mallory hides a giggle behind her hand. His pout turns into a grin.

"Hush, you," he scolds, pinching gently at the fat of her belly.

Mallory grins back at him, and he lets her inside. Nicole is awake, and her eyes are bright and angry. Distantly, if she stretches and tries, Mallory might remember a similar sentiment. As it stands now, though, it's just a little annoying.

"Sit here," Jackson murmurs, nudging her toward an empty chair. She obliges, belly bunching quite uncomfortably at her waist, so she spreads her thighs to compensate.

There's a weird contraption on the table next to Nicole's bed. Situated on the end seems to be a funnel of some kind, though it's larger than the ones she'd used in chemistry class.

"Nicole, this is Mallory," Jackson introduces, in a polite, formal tone that Mallory had almost forgotten.

Nicole glares, tugging at her padded restraints, and Mallory can't help but think she's not very nice. In any case, she won't be talking much soon. Jackson's got a blender full of weight gain shake ready. The end of the contraption goes into Nicole's mouth, and buckles jingle. She makes muffled protests; Jackson glances back to Mallory, who bites her lip, watching the new girl with interest. When he looks away, tipping shake into the widest part of the funnel, Mallory presses her thighs together.

Mallory quickly understands the concept of what Jackson is doing, and she's curious. The first time he'd fed her, testing out her capacity, he'd fed her through a cup. Granted, she'd tried to spit it back out and ended up with it all over her top...Right, this made more sense. A little flutter in her stomach makes her wonder if that's the only reason he's chosen a less hands-on approach. She sits back and watches.

The first few minutes of Nicole's feeding are boring. She tries to resist, closing her mouth and breathing through her nose, but Jackson pinches it shut until she relents. They fight back and forth like that, until Nicole's panting and just drinks. Mallory has never really watched her own stomach bloat, more focused on the eating itself, but she can watch Nicole closely.

After about five minutes, her belly starts to rise from its fairly flat, natural shape. Mallory knows her belly must be getting full by now. She presses her thighs together, breathing a bit deeper. There's still half the pitcher to go, when Nicole waves her head a bit, trying to tell Jackson she's had enough. A quick glance down at her belly tells Mallory that the girl is nowhere near done.

Jackson fits almost the entire pitcher into Nicole's belly. By the last few gulps, she's gone nearly slack. Her stomach is quite impressive - swollen and round. Mallory knows exactly how she feels, all full and saturated and heavy, like she'd been inflated. She doesn't think she's ever been this aroused in her life. Jackson unbuckles the funnel from Nicole and places it to the side. Mallory's grinding her hips in subconscious little circles down onto the chair. There's no friction but her ever-widening thighs.

"I'll see you in the morning, Nicole. Get some sleep." His broad hand rests on the girl's bulging belly, and he gives it a little shake. Mallory can't tell if the moan in the room comes from her, or Nicole.

She's shaky and weak-kneed as she gets up, gravitating toward Jackson. He closes and locks the door behind them, and she whines lowly. Frowning, he sweeps the hair from her face.

"You okay, pretty girl?" Gritting her teeth, Mallory nods. "Liar," he accuses, voice soft and low. Pleasure throbs hot in her blood. She stares at the ground, too embarrassed to look up at him. "Did you like your surprise?"


He's closer, and she backs up out of reflex. Her back hits a cool wall. Jackson all but towers over her, though this presence is not as imposing as it once had been. His knee knocks between hers, presses her legs apart, until he's fitted a lean, muscular thigh between both of hers. Mallory groans, cheeks flooding with heat, and presses down onto him.

"Look at me."

It's a command, however gentle the words, and she forces herself to raise her eyes. Jackson's smirking, almost wolfish, and presses his thigh firmer against her. She gasps, bucks her hips. Oh, that makes her stomach bounce.

"Did you like it, when I fed Nicole?" he asks innocently, tracing his finger gently across her cheek. Mallory's panting, now, like she does when she's stuffed so full she thinks she's going to pop. "Answer me, pretty girl."

"Yes," she says, almost through her teeth.

"That's my girl," Jackson whispers, leaning in close to kiss her temple. "Want me to make you come?"


Mallory can feel him smirking against her ear and cries out in indignation when he removes his thigh from her grinding hips. His warm hand pushes up her chemise, and finds her sex in moments. Mallory almost sobs in relief, hand snapping out to grasp at his shirt, twisting the loose fabric in her fingers. Jackson breathes out a ragged breath against her ear, almost a moan, as he rubs her.

The things he whispers into her ear are filthy, drawing her pleasure high and tight with slow circles on her clit. He's going to make her come, then he's going to fill her belly so full she won't be able to get out of bed. He's so glad she's waddling, now; so proud of how fat she's getting, all for him, all because of him. He wants her bigger - wider, rounder, jiggling. His good girl, his pretty girl, a chubby little thing.

She comes with a broken moan, vision going white as she trembles. Jackson peppers kisses across the side of her face.

"Good girl," he praises in a rough voice.

Not but five minutes later, he starts to make good on his promise of filling her up. Mallorys' still foggy with pleasure as she starts gulping down the shake that Jackson presses into her mouth. It's creamy and the perfect consistency, somewhere between a milkshake and actual milk, and tastes like chocolate and peanut butter, with some kind of texture. It's so good. Her brain clears, but she still drinks.

Obedient (and also wanting to show off), Mallory drinks until Jackson stops giving her more. She thinks it's the fullest she's ever been. Groaning, she hiccups and presses presses a hand to her forehead. She really should have been paying more attention. Her breath is shallow, and she wriggles, trying to get comfortable.

Humming his sympathy, Jackson leans down close to her bulging belly and gently sloshes it between his hands. Mallory moans with the motion, feeling more than a little sick, and tries to get more comfortable. Lying down further only presses her tender belly further into his hands, but he keeps still, this time. She's thankful for it. He kisses her stretch marks and strokes the beginnings of ones she can't see. Undoubtedly, this feeding session is going to add to them. Mallory bemoans her fullness.

"I bet you couldn't get up right now, even if you tried," Jackson teases with a smirk. Mallory hiccups, groans, and shakes her head. She feels so *fat.* He chuckles and pats her belly gently. "Just how I like it."

. . .

. . .

A/N -

Two updates in a week. Damn, I forgot how much I like writing this story. I so appreciate all your comments on the last chapter, and I've got most of your ideas worked into the story progression! I'm super excited and love having your feedback.

As always, if you want something - a fantasy, a kink, etc - in the story, leave a comment or shoot me a message. I aim to please :D
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Peanut Butter 5 years
I'm hoping there will be an addition. This story is top notch
Skibud96 6 years
Will there be more?
Girlcrisis 7 years
I can't believe this story has eluded me for so long but I'm so glad I finally read it. I'm always a sucker for the kidnapping trope but wow, your character development and writing skill just take it to a whole new level. Fantastic.
Silentgrizzly 7 years
I love this story!!!
Nok 7 years
Astoundingly well done, this is one of the best stories of all time.
Nok 7 years
I was gonna say, how could I have missed this absolute gem. But as I see below, I didn't. This is superb pacing and writing, character development, the intensity and yet simplicity of the story in perfect balance with Mallory's charm and sweetness. Astoun
Adoragordas124 7 years
I would love to see Mallory trying to work out just to see how unfit she is and how out of breath she gets.
Also, awesome writing, you have talent
GrowingLoveH... 7 years
Why can't I write like you do! This is marvelous!
Womansbellyl... 7 years
Keep up the good work!
BS Writer 8 years
She should be forced to deal with people she used to make fun of so they can have their revenge
Ikr 8 years
Very nice update! I'm always good for bringing in another girl. Perhaps they could be put in a sort of competition - both for pounds, and the narrator's attention. Just tossing out ideas!
Blasty 8 years
Pretty good. Unfortunately, I can't think of Jackson as anyone but Martin Shkreli.
Nok 8 years
OMG when she realizes that she's actually starting to be turned on by the powerlessness, by getting fat, and by being free of any guilt...
Drstrange 8 years
Loved this story!!
Jazzman 8 years
Very skilled writing style. I would suggest the opposite of tight jeans allowing her denial. I would suggest a Super revealing string bikini that shows her that she is Fat. And one she eventually grows out of.
Shavip 8 years
This is fantastic. The thing about the cinnamon buns is so f'ing hot! My request would be to revisit the tight clothes once she's wayyyy too big for them and can't even button them lying down.
BS Writer 8 years
I'd like to see some teasing an name calling. I'd really like to see girls she used to make fun of get to control her fate a bit and humiliate her in return.
Blasty 8 years
I love this
Badhansel 8 years
Good story. Only request I have is to keep going!
Fatlilboy 8 years
Kidnapping/Abduction stories followed by a good, stiff fattening up the victim into submission - my all-time favorite fantasy read.
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