L.b.l up

Chapter 11 - #011 /grinding/

Sadly my little mall excursion with my friends was put on hold when Doe's Mother decided she needed to be put on a forced exercise regiment to get back into dancing figure. Believe me when I say you couldn't have found two more sympathetic souls. It all worked out though as over the following couple of days I began to actually treat my upcoming public execution of my enemies reputation as an actual mission of sorts. I began to do some in depth research into my targets spending my Saturday lying on my front flicking away on social media on my tablet while exchanging some barbed insults about our step mother with Connie. I didn't really discover much but each girl did have their eccentricities that I tucked away in the back of my mind. Deena's dad was a local dock worker and her mother ran an Etsy store that wasn't successful enough to make any real money. That wasn't unusual on its own but the girl bandied about cash like she was a frat boy in a strip club. I considered digging deeper but the answer was fairly obviously drugs so I decided it would probably be a waste of time. Penny's point of interest was a little more up my ally. Her father had made a ton of money in a law suite against some fast food place. Which upon further research I discovered was because Penny as a young girl was really really fat. Like 200lbs 9 year old kinda heavy, her father claimed it was because the company intentionally put addictive and intentionally fattening chemicals in their food and much to my surprise actually beat big corporate in the court of law. I might've felt guilty for sending her back to life as a porcine blob if she hadn't been the one to hurl the step mom comment. But Leena was the strangest of all because Leena seemed to be a complete social media ghost. I mean sure she had the usual character assassination posts and party invites you'd expect from an evil It girl. But other than that there was nothing there, no favorite food posts, no boyfriends or even famous one night stands. She just seemed to exists as some kind of two dimensional Bond villain. That gave me a little pause because of a theory beginning to form in my head, but It was snuffed out as I pictured her thin form flowing outward in heavy lard. Speaking of lard I had also begun a grind of sorts in that I was, in order to fill up the fat tanks, continuous In keeping my step mother in a state of indulgent gorging and rapid digestion and even after only two days it was having a simply beautiful effect of her figure.

My cow of a stepmother was developing to the size of just that, a cow. Her gut now stuck out before her like a wobbling bowl of gelatin jutting out before her and resting on her knees no matter what her position the tanned fleshed gut seemingly in a prepetual state of complete rock hard fullness even after I set to work turning it's contents into flab. Her tits had grown a little as well but most of the weight on her top had gone to her face much to my pleasure giving her the starting of an early double chin her flabby cheeks looking rather porcine as she crammed food into her gob gluttonously. Though neither of those body parts could quite size up match her most impressive feature, her bottom half. Her once toned cheeks had each fattened of watermelons the flabby flesh awash with light cellulite and seeming to jiggle with the slightest movements of their owners, her wide feminine hips once incapable of deception had been piled heavy with blubber developing soft jiggly saddle bags and had wedged her in her chair so completely that I had needed to just leave a pile of junk food on the arm rests every once in a while. Her thighs had also not been spared the onslaught of constant influx of calories and each had swelled like tree trunks to full chaffing sizes the grand heavy things touching down to her knees and seeming to be just as wobbly as her jutting shelf of a behind. I was admittedly growing concerned though as I watched her messily swallow down her third large pizza of our breakfast on Sunday morning, her eyes were beginning to look glassy and in the rare minutes between gorges she was out of it at best. But in those rare minutes she was lucid enough to hurl bitchy comments at me so I felt any kind of concern for the bloated hog of a gold digger be snuffed out.

While my relationship with my step mother turned from passive aggressive mumbling to personal feedee and masturbation aid, my relationship with Connie was actually on the up and up. While there hadn't been anything explicitly stated we had bonded quite heavily over a new found hatred of her fat sow of a mother having spent both days relaxing on the couch parallel to each other exchanging barbs as her fat sow of a mother glutted herself father under my orders. All the while I discovered that Connie was a party girl with a gluttons heart as she seemed to eat whatever she thought was tasty from the impractically large groceries of each day. This wouldn't be relevant if it didn't seem to me as though the hyper busty girl found anything not to her liking. I helped her along of course with a bit of magic to keep her belly empty since some quick experimentation allowed me to figure out that also filled the lard tank. She hadn't put on as much as weight as her mother as I hadn't turned her into a mindless eating blob but her middle puffed out a little and made her upside jeans unbuttonable revealing the raunchy underwear concealed beneath. It was there chatting with the unbuttoned chubster and prepping to hit her with another bout of straight pounds and relief for her overtaxed belly, that I discovered I had leveled up from my time spent at the grindstone.

It popped up as soon as I hit the button and what I saw made me some of the happiest I had been in my teenage life up until that point, the only things beating it being waking up that morning and seeing that I had turned my stepmother into a fat blob. It was titled weight redistributor and had a pretty hot little caricature of a plump girl with an arrow pointing towards a large chest and away from a heavy gut. It was pretty much exactly what I had wanted for a rather long time. So I let out a rather girly squeal upon reading it. "One of your friends just broke up and Is "done with boys for life"?" my pretty step sister asked with a wide smile and a happy glimmer in her blue eyes posed rather unladylike with her thick legs spread and her full unsupported breasts drooping down to a few inches above her naval. "Celebrity nude leaks" I responded quickly half manic as I aimed my app at the sprawled out glutton highlighting her and pushing the button with gusto. It popped another image on the screen this one a side profile that took up basically the whole app space. It was clearly based on Connie by its proportions it's full bust and equally chunky rear somewhat of a dead give away. Then on instinct I placed my fingers on the aforementioned full bust and ran my fingers inwards where much to some mixed feelings I watched the real life connie's chest receded inward. My feelings were only mixed of course up until I noticed that the weight was piling on elsewhere her chunky rear bloating out with more flab and her belly beginning to fill outwards with the start of a soft second roll. I managed to stop myself before making her totally flat chested but she probably barely a b cup at this point though I'd wager any guy capable of full vertical vision wouldn't notice much with her now full hips and bulging gut. I made a mental note in my head to tweak her figure a little more later but I don't think It ever fully registered because I was waddling up the stairs giggling like a school girl as I tried to commit it to memory. I practically belly bumped my door open as I made my way into my room paying little attention to anything but the full body mirror as I took in my soft and round shaped body. I quickly scanned it as I began to critique things about my figure and spend roughly the next hour or so just tweaking my own body.

It all started with my chest of course my inferiority complex not forgotten I poured my body weight on them till they were touching my belly button before nearly toppling over. I adjusted them down again but not by a massive amount as I left myself with a rather glorious g cup prow each one about the size of a soft ball. After that I moved onto my lower half and got to shaping it, rather than simply growing out my ass as many girls would probably do I set to work editing my figure in it's entirety. I thickened the tops of my thighs and softened the bottoms inward made my legs soft but skinnier than they were, I left myself with barely chaffing thighs that looked like a perfectly comfortable pair of pillows to have around your neck and a set of hips that you could probably balance a coffee cup on. This left me with as any fat intrigued person would know, three areas of import, belly, ass and arms. I did the arms first and shaved away some of the additional adipose leaving me shapely feminine softness. Next came the belly which I basically flattened, not quite completely but certainly it would no longer stick out over waistbands and be really that notable lest I was wearing tight shorts. To account for it however I filled out my rear practically pumping the thing full of my body fat till the my track suite bottoms felt quite painted on, each cheek was full and round by my own ministrations and they became a flabby shelf that was so thick I could feel it weighing me down a bit.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
VVV I'm really sorry, I didn't want to ruin the story for anyone else reading. I just wanted to know if the files could confirm it. [ㄒoㄒ]
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ PaddedOreo

Pad, they clearly have chemistry. Deena noted that Doe had Connie's perfume on her and everything, don't you want it to be confirmed throughout more chapters?Having it confirmed now would spoil the build up to it.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Can the app tell what Doe and Connie's sexuality is? I would really like to know if it's what I hope it is. 。◕‿◕。
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
What are you hiding Connie...?

More importantly, what do you know that you aren't telling us Mindy?

The mysteries continue...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Maybe for awhile Doe and Connie would feel something is wrong everytime women would fatten up in front of them, like Deena did when she got on the bus and didn't realize at first Connie had swelled up, but eventually I feel they'll have to find out.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ Tibbes

I don't know if they get the apps powers if Doe and Connie won't notice that their [girlfriend???] is using them. Like when Eliza noticed that the narrator Deena was fattening up people with the app, her brain was freed of ghost-mode.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Adsein 5 years
The votes were all pretty evenly split between the three of them anyways as far as I can tell. Not to mention opening all their files will allow me to reveal some fun new information about each of them.
Adsein 5 years
All in this case referring to Doe, Connie and Eliza
Adsein 5 years
These powers may not be immediately visible in the story. One of them not even manifesting till after this arc, but rest assured they'll be there.
Adsein 5 years
I find the requests for all of them to be affected pretty interesting. While I won't be giving all of them the full battery of the apps abilities. I will be giving each of them a related power.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Bickering not bucking.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I sorry Mrs. Adsein, that I made a promise and broke it so shortly after that I wouldn't ask so much of you from now on, but I can't help but beg you to have Deena check out all three of their files and give them powers through it.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
On top of all this, Eliza would be swelling then all up a little bit for fun? It be a great excuse for them to all put on more weight!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
And maybe Doe and Connie could try to use the app's powers a bit on Deena and Eliza. Of course sense Deena used the app on them, she feels it's only right for then to have their fun?
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
And Deena and Eliza could keep an eye on them to see how they react to all this, not immediately revealing they gave the two powers because they'd like to see how they respond and what they do with the app's powers.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I just had this vivid image in my mind of Connie and Doe both going through the same confusion as M.C.D. did when she first got the app. And if they're both closet FAs then (hopefully) after the whole bucking blows over they could fatten each other up.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I'm sorry, I know it's selfish, bit I can't help it! I was so happy when Eliza called her lover "Butter Muffin" but after seeing you want to give your other character's the app I can't help but beg you to give it to all three of M.C.D.'s freinds!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I know you want me to choose one, and if I truly had to decide I'd pick Eliza 100% But I want Deena's other close friends to get in on this!

Deena could also see if Doe and Connie are both closet FAs.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Dammit again, I know I promised I wouldn't ask any more of you, but then you had to ask us to decide who else could get the app.

Can you please give the powers to Eliza, Connie, and Doe?! PLEASE!!