L.b.l up

Chapter 12 - #012 /pre boss shopping/

I sat on my bed for a few moments just relishing in my newly perfected figure running my hands across my full breasts and feeling the warm tingling of arousal between my perfectly shaped pillows soft thighs. I slowly began to run my hands across my softer stomach with obvious intent as I explored my new body. I likely would've have a very fun night taking my new magically adjusted curves for a spin but unfortunately it was not to be, as a few moments from fully getting down to business I heard a whistling whoosh as something small and hard sailed in through my open window and ricocheted off my bed post with a satisfying thunk.
While most people's first response in such a situation would probably be to duck and cover I personally just let out a semi annoyed sigh "You know with my Step Moms size she couldn't stop me from sneaking out, right" I called out to the window like Juliet if Romeo had been a 4 instead of a 10. "Oh look at me I'm DD and my step mom is like a waddling fetishist wet dream" came a sarcastic if expected response from my open windowsill as a few moments later my dear friend Liza popped her pale head over my window managing to heft herself in too my room with minor difficulties. "Doe wants to do some shopping and I need my wing woman" She said as if this contained all the necessary information, which admittedly it did. "Look, I get that we're doing the whole friends thing but I wouldn't want to be a distraction" I said with a bit of unusual self confidence smiling at her recalling the playful flirting of the day prior. I couldn't help but compare our figures as she shimmied into my room and took a seat next to me. I had her beat in the bust department now to a rather odd surprise, though the main contrast was to be found in the rest of our bodies. She had worked with a feverish tenacity at swimming to keep from balloons from causing her to turn into a butter ball. So even with her blessed proportions the rest of her was compact and toned. I on the other hand was bloating in every direction except outwards from my stomach with a plush and flabby rear that nearly balanced me out. "Look sweetie your gorgeous, wonderful personality, attractive appetite, but when it comes to bangability you know I've gotta go for the chick with the gut and all those other features as well" she said in a playful and dismissive fashion which admittedly made me feel a little bit sad. "And I've brought you a bra since for some absurd borderline masochistic reason you still don't have any" she said incredulously as she tossed the aforementioned bra right at my head from her purse, following it up with a few other folded clothes items which looked like they might fit my new fertile maiden figure. "I still owe you for being distracted don't I?" I knew there was very little point in asking, but the Cheshire Cat grin I got in return was the only answer I really needed.
After a few minutes of trial and error in the en suite and a slightly embarrassing attempt at trying and failing to squeeze out of my window with my fatter rear I managed to simply walk out of the house my step mother stuffing greasy junk food in her mouth as had become seemingly instinct for whatever was left of her mind. Outside I met Doe, not that I recognized her at first. Gone was the shy practically chaste looking ballerina from the days of high school and in her place was a hellion dressed to kill. Her dark explosive makeup making her beautiful baby blues pop like gemstones in a coal mine the rest of her all black and extremely risqué outfit seeming to highlight her pot bellied figure in a shadowy latex. "Right you two are going to stay close to me, don't take any drugs you've never heard of, no touching any of the girls and please do not embarrass me" she ordered us in a uncharacteristic display of dominance that left me feeling a little weaker in the knees than I'd like to admit Liza undergoing a similar effect as we all climbed into the cab that would be taking us to a more shady part of town.
The drive over went pretty well, Liza had a large abundance of snacks which Doe was more than happy to pleasantly munch upon while explaining that this would be her fourth time going to this particular "Black Bazzar" and that it had everything you could ever want from a shopping mall, without any of the bimbo fashioned bitches bothering you. Needless to say I relished and drew out more conversation from the empowered young woman as she regaled us with some stories that I'm not allowed to put in this memoir.
Embarrassing and legally grey stories aside we eventually arrived at our destination having a rather fun and somewhat sensual time squeezing out past each other during which Liza seemed to "coincidentally" acquire a face full of belly and bum. Admittedly I looked all the way down south through her cleavage as I did it so we technically made off even. "It's just down the creepy corridor, none of the fun people are gonna be down there yet so I'm gonna grab some takeout, you two go acclimatize" she told us in a regal commanding tone before making her way off towards a nearby food truck waddling slightly in a set of heels that I noticed were extremely high, her balance perfect. It was relatively easy to tell which alley she meant and neither of us felt particularly like arguing with her so we began to make our way through it. "So how exactly is it that, that poor lost lamb went from my type to yours" I teased Liza as we found ourselves traveling down a rusty staircase a distant thumping of bass becoming less distant by the second. "I have no idea but I'm not entirely convinced she's not a werewolf or something, hopefully she'll eat like a wild animal at least" Liza said back her tone as incredulous as my own.
I'm pretty sure she said something else but it was quickly drowned out as we made our way off the staircase the loud bass laden techno music now drowning out pretty much everything else. The whole place looked like a rave staged at a street bazar with different tents and half walled establishments seemed to put their wares on display the space between them filled by an ocean of sweaty dancing bodies waving glow sticks in an epileptic wave of color. I got lost in the lights and energy as Liza a more accomplished party girl from her days of thinking she was straight led me by the hand through the maze of people, my fuller figure brushing off everyone and receiving the occasional confidence affirming grope.
Eventually we broke through the animalistic mob into what appeared to be a store selling fetish underwear. What followed was a few moments of communication via eye rolling and shrugging, after that a solid minute of emoji based communication through which she managed to convey her message. Apparently she wanted to come here because a lot of the fetish stuff was made out of strong and restrictive materials which meant they provided a lot of great support which was needed for girls as busty as ourselves. They also more often came in large sizes due to people being into lactation and other large breasted kinks. I however knew two excuses when I saw them and one angry devil face emoji later and she revealed that it was in fact cause when Doe tracked us down she'd have an excuse to talk about her breasts. I sarcastically responded that I highly doubted the young Hyde had missed em which got me an annoyed slap on the ass for my sarcasm along with a stern telling that I was to go actually by bras like a responsible adult.
So I took that opportunity to duck into the strange cylinder of under hanging cloth that was the "changing room" of the odd establishment. Between the ass slap the opportunistic groping and the fact I had been starved for sexual attention almost entirely up until that point in my life and I was ready to just go at it right there. My horny mind however had other ideas in mind as I slipped my phone out from my purse and readied L.B.L UP. My Libido deciding that wasting a few pounds of weight gain juice was worth it for the appeal of it as I locked in on the pinked hair girl one trembling hand on the button mere seconds away from drifting lower into my thong and passed it. I hit the button with a satisfied moan and watched her dress tighten for a few moments I was wise enough to only put 10lbs on her saving the rest for later, it wasn't even really noticeable unless you were looking for it. But I was, and it was more than enough to get my engine into highest gear. But before I could actually do anything about it I was interrupted by the sound of Liza's voice once again this time behind me and saying words I'll never forget "Holy shit you're a witch".
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Eliza would be because I feel she'd be more easy-going on who she'd use her powers on, and the more women she'd effect the better I say.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Connie because that would make both of Deena's sisters, blood related or not, able to use magic. And I'd like to see how she'd react to suddenly being able to fatten girls up.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
This is certainly a strange turn of events, the person she choses will inherit some of the apps powers?

Well if I had to chosse, I'd pick ethier Connie or Eliza.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Laura's such a great sister to step in to protect M.C.D., guess she's on the chubby train with the other girls now! XP
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I just can't get enough of Doe! ≧◡≦
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I find Doe so cute when she's shy, and I still find her cute when she's in badass mode. And the whole ordeal of squeezing her big butt in the cab and sitting on Deena and Eliza's lap found funny as well as really adorable!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Damn it, no! I hope whatever's bothering Connie and Doe they can work it all out together. : c
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Doe to the rescue! When she's in her zone she's the badass with a fat ass! ^_^
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
I was unaware butter muffins existed until now too. I searched for them online, they look quite delicious!

Regardless, I noticed the mysterious voice said she was using the "old version?" By the gods what could be waiting in the up-to-date version!?
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I know it's erotica that appeals to my fetishes, but the fact I'm eagerly awaiting for the next chapter in this story to come every day to see what the characters will get up to next tells how talented you are as an erotic novelist and storyteller.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Eliza's lil' Butter Muffin and I couldn't be happier! (o´ω`o)

Asking any more from you I feel would be extremely selfish of me.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Mrs. Adsein, you are an amazing author, and to me you are an extremely kind person. I'm going to try my hardest not to make any more requests, because you went into detail about M.C.D. and Eliza's intimate time together, and now M.C.D. is...
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I CAN DIE HAPPY!! Yes I know it's just a story, yes I know I shouldn't care so much about pet names, but I can't help it! I only get these fuzzy feelings if I really care about characters in an interesting story!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Even if it's just used once, I think I could die happy.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
But if you do decide you want Eliza and the M.C.D. to affectionately nickname each other, can one of them be the one Tibbes suggested "Butter Muffin"? It's the sweetest nickname I've ever heard!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
The idea of the M.C.D. and Eliza giving each other pet names has been making me giddy for the past two days. I know it's just a story, and I shouldn't try to force concepts to the characters you created...
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Mrs. Adsein, I know I've made a lot of requests and you probably are considering how to incorporate one's others have already suggested besides me, but I feel I'll regret this if I don't make this one now...
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
She's also named Deena? That's going to get confusing, I'll just label the main character "M.C.D." (Main Character Deena) and the other Deena B.D. (Bully Deena). ; 3
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
VvvvV Tibbes.
Awwww! Butter muffin sounds so so sweet! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ

Although Eliza calling her 'blubber muffin' would probably be a more accurate nickname.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
If you haven't revealed the name already, can you have one of the characters say the main character's real name in conversations or something? I know Connie called her "Blue," but isn't that a nickname?