L.b.l up

Chapter 13 - #013 /+5 to relationship/

I froze up where I sat in that strange changing cylinder while trying to convince myself that I had just misheard or imagined something from the blasting techno track that seemed to be vibrating through the air. But as she spun around to face me in a rustling motion from behind me I realized that it was certainly not the case. "You were...fat..actually you were thin, then you were a bomb shell, holy hell..Step Mom" Elisa began to mumble as I realized her mind was being flooded seeming to be literally swooning where she stood her busty form teetering dangerously in her heels. I was uncharacteristically a loss for words so I simply stood up and grabbed her by the arms to steady her, her eyes were jolting in ever direction as we stood there, my dearest friend seeming to see me with new eyes. "Let's find a place to sit" a familiar voice said as Doe popped her head into the tent looking at our proximity with some mild confusion and giving us a come hither motion. "She's just a little tipsy" I told our new friend as Eliza seemed to still be a little spacey.
Thankfully Doe seemed to have a pretty good understanding of the place and it's layout must've been fairly uniform since she managed to lead us back through the dancing masses pausing to get distracted grinding off a particularly nice fronts belonging to any gender. Every step for her was one of strength confidence and control as she carved a path through the crowd like a panther stalking her prey. She was in her element and was quite impressive now that she was. Eliza's babbling had calmed down and instead she was simply staring at me and my purse like I was some kind of fascinating lava lamp.
Eventually as awkward as it was we managed to actually find what appeared to be a couple of booths in the form of fold up chairs. We took our seats my own letting out a scared squeal which got an extremely significant half smile out of Eliza. It was significant because Liza had the poker face of a hall monitor and as a result that smile meant she wasn't at her "Death Destroyer Of Worlds" level of anger. "So you two getting intimate in the changing room" Doe pried rather flatly as she began to dispense some fast food for us to snack on while we chatted together. "Maybe, what's it too you?" I quipped back taking a bite out of a taco enjoying the crunchy feeling and the taste of it. "If it's cause your interested were not dating or anything yet" Eliza followed up having declined any food for herself continuing to watch me out of the corner of her eye like some kind of puzzle that needed to be solved. "I don't think yet is a concern, her ex's are the weed girl and that home schooled chick, you're pretty out of her league" Doe said with a smirk as I simmered somewhat aggressively all regret for fattening her up like a pot bellied pig having completely disintegrated in a single sentence. "The dating pool isin't exactly vast when you chase skirts exclusively, but for those who don't...." Liza said with a single point of her crimson painted nail at some shirtless guy on a stool a little ways off, the guy looked like a good value Hemsworth and was wearing nothing except shorts and neon body paint. "Nice catch" Doe said eying the Adonis from her chair before passing me the bag of fast food taking a step out of her chair and performing an elegant hair toss. "Don't wait up" she told us with a smirk before practically bouncing off in her heels. She wore a confident smile as she strolled off but I had seen a whole mix of emotions in her eyes, she was playing a role I had come to realize a façade she had created. People being unable to stay mad at Doe is a common theme in this story and it's almost always because in her heart Doe is always just afraid of being rejected.
But nevertheless her absence left no buffer between me and my best friend so we sat there with the music blasting simply looking at each other. Neither of us were very good at silences however, we talked to each other about anything or everything. We were never afraid of our relationship falling apart because we needed each other. "So you didn't tell me you got incredibly hot magical powers related quite keenly to our shared interest, so that's worth a solid ten BF points" Elliza said in dramatic tone her voice carrying surprisingly well in the music flooded environment. BF points are not as you might've figured Boyfriend points. They're Bad Friend points a currency we devised to help cathartically work out issues with each other since we knew that we'd never lose our valued friendship. They could be exchanged for favors and I had always been the market leader in acquiring them much to my own chagrin. "And now that I've voiced my displeasure I can voice how freaking awesome that is" Eliza added in an upbeat tone before letting out a girly squeal. "Oh god I wanted to tell you I just didn't really know how to broach the topic" I offered in my own defense with a meek smile on my face as she grinned at me. "Bullshit, you got distracted with fattening up hot girls, which is at least productive" she quipped back at me the two of us seeming to have quickly returned to our rhythm of banter. "But I'm cashing in my chips tonight, first things first were gonna get out of this rave, second things second your gonna tell me everything and show me exactly how your new powers work" Eliza continued practically bouncing out of her chair, I tried to follow suite but my hips caught on the arms of the chair requiring me to wriggle my full ass free of its plastic prison. By the time I had I was already being led back through the crowd of sweaty dancing teens their glow sticks parting way in a dazzling display of light as I set off towards what would be one of the most fun nights of my life
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Ubat 6 years
Yeah, seeing the main character getting fatter when she doesn't want it would be awesome. Like someone taking her phone and using Lbl up on her.
Eleena CoOwO... 6 years
Last thing---

*Plz, plz, plz be more descriptive about the main character and Eliza's lovemaking, I don't understand why you'd skip over all the juicy details. You seem like a great writer, so I can't see why you seem to shy away from their 'fun time.'
Eleena CoOwO... 6 years
Last three things-

*I'd like to see the father or the main character and Connie make an appearance.

*Please, I beg you to keep Eliza and the main character together romantically.
Eleena CoOwO... 6 years
...is using the app) Similar to how Eliza's mind was fried after she realized all the changes that had took place, this in result maybe costs her friendship points despite the main characters inner approval.
Eleena CoOwO... 6 years
...inebriated (Perhaps have her use the feeder option on her friends or random strangersand see the event through the main characters Point of View, seeing the scene as normal, before it dawns on her the changes that are taking place after she sees Eliza.
Eleena CoOwO... 6 years
What I personally would like to see more of - - -

* Eliza getting more cheeky with the app.And possibly accidently going overboard, bee it because she get's drunk again and doesn't think of the consequences like people tend to do when they get...
Eleena CoOwO... 6 years
What I personally would like to see more of - - -

* More Main Character and Eliza romantic and lovey dovey moments

* Penny and the main character making up in some way after she innterogates or questions Penny why she's so hostile towards her (heart
Ubat 6 years
Awesome. I can't wait for more episodes smiley
Tftter 6 years
Okay, I know I’m a little late to the whole “first chapter judging” but I’ve just started and I’m intrigued. But you might wanna watch the extra long paragraphs, maybe put breaks ebery idea change. Just the perfectionist in me haha 😆. So far, awes
Wadegain 6 years
Ahhh the cliff hanger is killing me! This is definitely a top 10 story for me
Adsein 6 years
The Artist for the covers is Opik Oort over on deviantart, they were commisoned specifically for this piece
Jolene 6 years
Love this story! Keep Going!
Danget 6 years
Finally, I love this story and thank god they finally got together, even if it is only fwb for now.
Adsein 6 years
Sorry for the inconsistent uploads I just wasn't feeling inspired for this particular story, thankfully the font of inspiration has returned, as a result of this I'm going to try and upload one update a day for as long as I can, this will mean a lot more
Adsein 6 years
things should be back to their normal schedule now with the once every three day posts
Adsein 6 years
Part 8 is up, no gaining but hopefully the teasing will tide you all over, it'll probably be a week before part 9 since I'm going to be a Halloween themed story
Adsein 6 years
I'm not really sure how else to format it I'm afraid, I wouldn't know how to fix it
Adsein 6 years
There may be a tiny delay in getting out part 7 since I'd like to work on some other projects, but it'll certainly be out before the end of the week
Ktm909 6 years
holy Moly, an idea! id have never have thought of that. Please keep writing I cant wait for the next chapter
Insanity2222 6 years
Awesome story, can't wait for more!
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