L.b.l up

Chapter 127 - #127 /the secret/

I made my way back to the car carrying our ill-gotten gains. As might've been expected for a total of over 1000bs worth of fat girl in a single vehicle, it was a lot of food. Even after the absolute overdose that should've come with saving Penny and Deena, I still found myself enjoying the scent of the greasy food. Which only served to leave me feeling like the fat girl I was. I tided over these bad feelings by playing through that would be expansion sequence involving Olive's boobs. The mental image downright delightful, and more than sufficient to keep me entertained during the short waddle in and out of the fast food place. Unfortunately, as I climbed back into the car I wasn't greeted by the sight of the busty red head. Paige was sitting in her chair, half of her fat girl booty hanging onto nearly half of my chair. A quick glance around confirmed that seats had been shuffled. Doe was now behind the steering wheel, sucking her belly in and trying to look confident. Across from her Olive was riding shotgun, shooting the goth girl an encouraging smile.

I just sighed inwardly and climbed into the backseat. Squeezing my gut and rear against the door frame and trying to squeeze in next to Paige. It was something of a fool's errand to try and fit comfortably without pressing into one another. To put it simply there was just too much booty between us for a conventional vehicle. Between her overflowingly blubbery hourglass and my thickset pear we would've needed a whole other chair. Even then we still would've been touching at the hips. As It was, we were tightly pressed against one another. Overlapping layers of flab that made me painfully aware of just how lardy my rear had become. I shifted a little to put the bags of takeout in a communal center area so everyone could take what they wanted. The simple movement sending jiggles that wobbled from my body all the way to Paige's. "So, Paige is totally incapable of not eating if there's food around, and seeing as her driving was bordering on criminal with two hands free, I've banned her from diving" Doe explained simply. "Isn't this her car?" I asked back. "She can be very persuasive when she needs to be" Paige mused with a shrug already tearing into a burger.

We all just sort of giggled at that. Though the sound of laughter was soon replaced with the sounds of chewing and slurping. Even though we had gotten takeout we were all seemingly the sort of girls who paid far too much attention to stuffing ourselves to drive and eat at the same time. Doe adopted her usual eating style. Somehow demure and in control while cramming greasy meat down her throat. If you really squinted you could just about see the shades of self-consciousness in the way she stuffed her face. But most people would probably be too distracted by her belly creeping outward under the mass of the food she was cramming into. Paige was similarly gluttonous but in a very different way. Her style was openly hedonistic, she moaned and groaned and smiled her way through every bite of every meal. Eating in such an open way it seemed to almost invite comments about how much she was putting away. She also had a funny habit of stealing food from everyone else's orders. Only small bites here or there rendering it mostly adorable, but it was a strange quirk none the less.

Olive and I found ourselves circling the two larger girls, like gazelles prancing around the perimeter of the watering hole in use by boars. Okay, the gazelle metaphor is being rather generous to my athleticism and my body fat percentage. But it fit rather well for Olive. We occasionally took small bites or food items when one of the far larger girls wasn't rummaging through the bags for their next snack. I wasn't sure about Paige, but I was fairly sure, you really didn't want to get between Doe and her food on a night out. Given my snowballing body weight I was almost glad for the forced restriction on how much I could eat. Slowly but sure the twin fatties slowly filled their bellies with enough calories to sate their appetites. Doe's belly surging out and retaining its ball belly shape, hovering inches from the steering wheel. A few minutes later Paige finished up as well. Having seemingly consumed every leftover fry or scrap of food from our order. Her massive bust now propped up by a small shelf.

"I may have had just a little too much" Doe mused looking down at the stuffed state of herself. No doubt made aware of it by the fact she would now be sucking her stomach in to actually be able to drive. "Come on it's a night out, everyone knows calories on a night out don't count" Paige protested. "Besides if you've had a little too much, I've had like way too much by a factor of three" the goth girl concluded with a reassuringly casual smile at her self-conscious friend. "I actually think it's a good thing you did, most of the times you see seams ripping or buttons flying at school it's because people had a little too much" Olive interjected as well. I unfortunately was too self-conscious about my own body and eating habits to really muster a positive comment myself. But I nodded along enthusiastically with what the other two girls said none the less. "Alright your pep talk sucked" Doe said sarcastically, pointing at Paige as she got the ignition started. "Yours on the other hand...was a little better" she told Olive with a sincere small smile on her pretty face. Even though I'd never seen her drive before she was smooth behind the wheel as she drove us out of the parking lot. Though I suppose anyone would've looked like a Nascar Driver next to Paige.

"So anyways yeah, big girls at school keep tearing out of their clothes, I think there might be a market there" Doe finished simply. Clearly downplaying her own interest, a little. I blinked a few times as it struck me. I glanced around the rest of the car to confirm it. "Wait, wait you made these clothes?" I asked pointing at Olive's Polytex shirt for emphasis. "Well I mean technically the machines made them, I just rented the machines and bought the materials and made the design" Doe explained continuing to downplay her own involvement. "Well I actually helped a little with the designs" Olive elaborated tapping the chains on her shirt. I blinked a few times just the tiniest bit taken aback that she hadn't mentioned any of this to Eliza or I. Though I couldn't necessarily blame her, we had been a bit distracted in the friend department. More so than usual even. "I was thinking I'd show you off some stuff when it was finished but you guys keep bursting out of your outfits far too fast" Doe said her voice almost a squeak of anxiety. "I wouldn't worry, from what I can gather they'll probably be running into that problem again in no time "flat"" Paige said seemingly putting special emphasis on the word flat as she stared at my chest.

I raised an eyebrow and blushed a little in spite of myself at the comment. "See it's funny cause you used to have basically no tits" She leaned in and whispered into my ears. I almost laughed, because well it was sort of funny, while still a pun. But then my brain finished processing the importance of what she had just said and my mind nearly fried itself in shock. Given my ghost mode induced nickname and how Eliza had acted, Ghost mode interpreted me as being certifiably blessed in the chest department for my entire life. The fact that Paige knew I used to be flat could really only mean one thing. "Jeez if you think I was ever flat, your recent gains must've given you a very strange perspective on cup sizes" I squeaked back trying to panic cover it up. "Oh right, yeah, I just couldn't help myself with the joke, I was meant to let you know formally, but you kept dodging talking to me" Paige explained rubbing the back of her head a little a bit of concern on her face. "Let me know what?" I asked continuing my extremely feeble protests. "That I know you're responsible for all the fattening that's been going on in our school" Paige explained at a casual whisper.

"Uhhh" I whispered back scrambling for a plan. I could've probably hit her with something to see if I could reset her into Ghost Mode. But I quickly dismissed that plan since I'd hit Eliza with ghost mode effects and she had still known. In fact, It occurred to me I had literally no idea what to do in that situation. Given how often I had my phone out it was bound to happen eventually. But I had done nothing to prepare for the eventuality someone accidentally broke ghost mode by seeing L.B.L UP. In spite of the fact it had already happened twice. I started to panic ever so slightly. After all when Mindy had found out she had tried to crush me with her belly and black mail me into helping her. Though on the other side of that coin Eliza had found out and we had participated in some truly fantastic sex. I really had no way of knowing which end of the spectrum Paige was situated on.

"Well I should clarify, responsible for some of the weight gain stuff, I'm pretty sure the First Incident wasn't you, cause you were only having a little bit of fun, instead of a lot of fun" Paige continued displaying a worrying amount of knowledge. The only real solace I could take was that if she knew I wasn't responsible for her own mega gains she'd be less likely to take the Mindy approach. "So anyways, just wanted to let you know that I know" she explained leaning in a little closer to ensure neither of the front passengers could hear what was said. Pressing her own massive breasts into mine. "And I just wanted to say, I think you're doing a fantastic job" she concluded breathily before breaking the close contact as if nothing had happened.
200 chapters, created 6 years , updated 2 years
147   336   1573313


Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
VVV I know right!? Doesn't it just get butterflies in your stomach when you read it?! (´ω`]
Zztop4224 5 years
I can't wait for this story to continue! It's one of my favorites.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Deena V The last few chapters have been quite the heartwarming read.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Happy 100 chapters! °˖✧◝[⁰▿⁰]◜✧˖°
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
YAY!!! \[≧∇≦]/
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I'm worried that the squeal of joy I made after reading this chapter may have been so loud that my neighbors could of heard me and might think I'm in trouble.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Personally, I'd love to see scenerios such as this, the mall trip, and the dinner date because all three scenerios could be a perfect way for the main girls to pack on some more weight and for Deena to use the app.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
And Deena could use the digest feature to see the final result the gorging had on waistlines of the bullies,Doe and Connie, the waitress and any other girls Deena used the app on in the diner.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
So by the time Doe and Connie finished desert, they're bill had been delivered and payed for (obviously money isn't an problem for Deena) the bullies would have just finished their meal...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Might have some room for more and request that the waitress bring them the desert menu, and as they chow down on a bit of desert Deena and Eliza get to watch the rest of the scene unfold with the bullies.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Before zapping both Doe and Connie with a couple of mana bars to make them a bit peckish again allowing them to digest there previous meal, to which Doe and Connie decide that they...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
When another waitress finishes taking an order from another table, she could ask if the girls "will that be all for tonight?" Connie cpuld respond, "Yeah, I am totally stuffed!", Deena could respond, "You sure, you guys don't want to order dessert?" befor
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Unfold on the bullies and see the results of the digested food has on the bullies's (and admittingly the waitress as well) body. Texting one a other under the table, Eliza and Deena come up with an idea...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Connie and Doe, while being afflicted with a decent ammount of hunger, appear to be slowing down, seemingly reaching there limit. But Eliza and Deena would prefer to watch the rest of the scene...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
/accident by effecting the bullys with a few more mana bars to add to their already intense appetite. As time goes by the girls continue to stuff themselves, but Deena and Eliza realize theres another problem...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Despite how erotic this new development might be, Deena is still determined to make the waitresses weight much less than the girls at the table who had bullied her, so she adapts to this new development...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Off the plates she's serving and/or the ones still on the trolly. Stuffing a couple of fries into her mouth, one handing some burgers, etc.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
As a result of having her aim thrown off, she targeted the last bully as well as the waitress, who continues to serve the plates of food from the trolly with one hand while using the other to eat some of the food...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
( especially assuming if Doe and Connie's hunger is intense enough to make other behavior of secondary importance) but if they are aware I'm sur Doe would be apologizing perfusly, at any rate Deena could see...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Over a bit, if ghostmode's effect is making them rationalize their gaining to the point where scooting over is an automatic response to their swelling figures they might not say anything in response to bumping into Deena...
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