L.b.l up

Chapter 14 - #014 /eliza joins the party/

I think it goes without saying at this point in my story that Liza was ecstatic with the discovery of my new abilities, so enthused was she in fact that some poor taxi driver was subjected to a record breaking tier weird conversation. We bounced from topic to topic like we were discussing our favorite tv shows and not simply what our lives had been for the last few days. Liza despite not being the brightest girl went hard in conversations when it comes to depth. We talked about the morality of doing things with your memory altered and wether or not It fundamentally changed who we are as people to have our minds warped in such a fashion. We also did the fetish equivalent of girl talk where she talked through of all of her freshly excavated memories. "You definitely should've kept the belly it actually looked pretty good on you" she teased poking my soft yet not round belly with one immaculately painted fingertip feeling my softness give way beneath her poke triggering a slight blush. "It's not like I got fat on purpose as you well know I'm not a Feedee" I objected hotly rubbing the place she poked shudderingly still rather high strung from my day and being interrupted trying to get some release. "Oh so you just accidentally ate and digested enough food to put 60lbs or so of blubber on, you just hit the wrong button". I could of shut down this conversation with out too much difficultly just by simply telling her what happened when I tried to access the source code. But I was avoiding thinking about that, about the moment that made a point of the fact that I had no idea what I was messing around with. The moment that made the app even more dangerous. So instead I told her that I just did it for the boobs, which led to a 15 minute "no you didn't" "yes I did" argument which ate up the remainder of our journey. Funny I still remember the look on the drivers face, it was one of complete lack of surprise. Obviously I was not the strangest story he had heard. Needless to say he got a great tip and I later went on to their site and made all his reviews 5 stars.
We approached the door and I started fumbling for my keys in my purse trying to find an anglewhich I could see inside of it due to my thick hourglass. "Okay so here's what your gonna do, you're gonna pay the bad friend tax by showing exactly what that app of yours is capable of, every feature" she said confidently bopping in place obviously rather excited to get the show started. "But um not on me" she added quietly as I finally found my keys in the jumbled mess of my bag. "I'd never" I told her truthfully as I opened the door to squeeze my thick hips through into the main hall. In which we were assaulted by the munching crunching and slurping noises that had become quite normal for me in the last week. "I still can't get over that" Eliza mumbled in a breathy tone as I took a step into the living room where she was housed. The blob was just where I had left her, her fat blubber flowing outward struggling to escape the binds of her barely decent outfit. Her gut draped across her fat knees covering and concealing the tree trunk and cellulite adorned thighs that made up her colossal bottom. Her adipose packed face was as usual lost in indulgence as she rammed some chocolate ice cream into her face her second chin covered in the stuff. Connie was nowhere to be found but I figured she'd taken a nap, a notable new hobby of hers now that she was free from her over bearing mother.
Eliza was so stunned she had to take a seat her toned legs quivering slightly at the sudden sight of the whale I had made of my step mother. "How much do eh, think she weighs now" she asked clearly a little flustered, it wasn't entirely surprising as much as she teased me with ease she really couldn't take the heat back much, which is why I loved it. "Ah yes numbers, you do love em don't you" I whispered into her ear as I pulled out my cell and booted up L.B.L UP. For a fraction of a second I became worried at how second nature the motion had become in such a short period of time. This feeling was snuffed out by the rush I felt when I actually got the numbers back on just how effective I had been. The number came back as 420lbs certifiably huge compared to how small she was before, it had been a 100lbs from the first day and a whole lot more from two straight days of gorging and having calories turned into fat, and maybe a little bit of the weight gain button because I'm never quite as focused as I like to think I am.
"420lbs, that's insane, that's wow" Eliza said a notable blush on her face as she watched my elephantine victim scratch her rolled gut with one hand while tearing into a full sized chocolate bar with the other.
"So, I guess we should start then" I said leveling my phone and allowing the targeting box to surround her adipose stuffed body.
"Okay, so this first button here, inflicts the person with a ferocious desire to fill their stomach capacity which is represented here" I said hovering over the hunger button and then the currently half full orange bar which represented just how much fattening food she had crammed into herself. Eliza simply reached over and pressed the button with an excited tap, clearly ready to see it in action. As usual the colored rune briefly flashed on the screen, and as expected the apps fat target began to glut like a wild animal. She simply began cramming food in from the stash she kept around her and over the course of a few minutes the only thing her brain could comprehend was getting as much food into her gut as possible crumbs and chocolate sauce stained her bloated face and double chin as her hunger erased basic manners. It was something of a wonder to watch her eat in only a few days her stomach had stretched out and her appetite has been warped too the point that she seemed to be capable of stuffing with the gusto of an eating contest champion, her rolled and soft belly creeping outward and becoming rounder as the orange bar creeped higher and higher in sync with her gorging.
But as good a glutton as I made her, even she had her limits, after 15 minutes and clearing out the entire stash of food she that had surrounded she was finally stuffed. The orange bar was completely full much like her stomach, which had become nearly round in it's sheer tight packed glory, she was panting heavily and rubbing it's sides with her sausage fingers, as she could no longer hope to reach around to it's front. "Damn" Eliza said breathily just staring at the bloated woman who had begun to snore in a restless food coma. "Next up we have the-" "Let's give the poor whale a break shall we and head up to your room to listen to some music" Eliza suggested with her usual confidence though there was a hint of something else in her voice I couldn't quite identify because I am an idiot. Though admittedly my mind was very much on the same track as hers as we climbed the stairs up to my room, I could practically feel her admiring my fat jiggling assets from behind me. But the rational part of my brain that had agreed not to sleep with my beautiful compatriot was silenced by a tidal wave of hormones and soon to be released sexual tension. As we reached my door I went to open it wrapping my slightly chubby fingers around the handle as I did I felt Eliza do some reaching of her own, only in her case it was for my ass I felt her warm feminine fingers push and squeeze the jiggling flab of my rear as I turned my wide hips around to face her I felt her press her massive beasts into mine as she leaned in for a kiss. Had any rational part of my brain been working at that moment I might've been able to resist what happened next but of course I couldn't. All I could do was barely mumble "we really shouldn't" in a breathy voice before pressing my lips to hers to explore her mouth with my tongue feeling her nipples hardening against my own beneath the bra I had needed to borrow. We swapped spit for about a minute as she appreciated my bloated behind and my hands drifted northward to relish in her massive natural breasts. "Friends with benefits" I panted out as I came up for breath and was playfully shoved into my bedroom. And the benefits needless to were extremely pleasant and went on for a few hours before we passed out our contrasting bodies both sweaty and satisfied our minds too blissed out too worry about the consequences.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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SpiritOfACar... 5 years
The idea involves the girls going to a retro style diner. The old style long, but not very wide eataries that they still have up in places around the U.S. I'll provide some visual examples.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Another idea for a scenerio occured to me pver the holidays. If you like the Eliza and Deena dinner date and the mall scenerios t th en perhaps you might like this one.
Bebops 5 years
As for suggestions I've literally burnt my brain on both sides of the candle ( can't remember the proper saying) I can't think of a single suggestion that I haven't proposed in messages I sent privately to you. I'm sorry.
Bebops 5 years
V Ditto on that belly thing, Not saying I wouldn't want to see girls get bigger chests and buttocks, I just love me some girl guts.
DragonRx 5 years
More breast expansion?
Love your work on this piece, keep it up!
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
the idea to make sure all the girls around them in the eatary are bigger then her, and Deena can't resist sense the idea of making every girl in the eatary fatter than she makes her friends sounds so arousing.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Perhaps if Deena hasn't told Eliza up to that point that Doe is self conscious about her weight, after telling her while Doe and Connie are up at the counter after Eliza asks her lover if they can plump up their friends just a smidge then Eliza can get th
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Making sure Doe isn't self concious could be a great excuse for Deena to blimp up many girls in the background. And if Eliza encourages Deena to plump Doe and Connie up some too then she can just make sure the other girls are fatter than how big Doe gets.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
...refill again by giving many paterons low level hunger until many of them become obese and Doe looks quite a bit thinner by comparison.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Also, to make Doe not feel self concious l about her swelling weight Deena could charge up on giving many patrons at the eataries low level hunger so her phone gets a lot of juice that she can use to blimp up the patrons then...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
...encouraging Deena to use the app "Just a bit" and induce a larger appetite on the two when both Connie and Doe head up to the counter to get the four something to eat so Connie and Doe get themselves a quite a bit more to eat then they get Deena and El
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
...who Deena and Eliza feel like they could pork up while eating their meals. Maybe Doe or Connie could get peckish themselves after shopping and the four of decide to eat at one of the joints, and perhaps pork up a bit with the app a bit thanks to Eliza'
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
How about the girls go to the mall to update their wardrobe which for "some reason are all a few sizes to small" to Doe and Connie. And while at the mall there happen to be a lot of food courts and eateries that have many customers, and many being girls..
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
I already made a suggestion about Eliza and Deena going on a date and putting a homophobic waitress in her place, but if your okay with it I can pitch another idea.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
- Oh, and after sitting on top of her, if it's okay with you, can Deena hear and feel her lover's muffled breath on her underside as she hears Eliza let out a sigh of satisfaction before gently gripping the sides of her plush butt before eating her out?
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
-If Deena and Eliza make love again, can Eliza encourage her lover to sit her big behind down on top of her so her face is surrounded in pushness before proceeding to pleasure her butter muffin's underside?
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
-If you introduce the maid, whenever Deena fattens her up can the maid be oblivious that she's filled out her dress so much that from behind Deena can see her exposed undergarments which are ridding up her butt more and more the bigger she gets.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
- At some point can we get a few more love making sessions with Deena and Eliza? I don't want to come across as greedy, I just love your characters and the very thought of them having another passionate night of "fluffy" sex gets butterflies in my gut.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
- could Doe have another feeding session along with Connie while they're out at a restaurant,Deena could be checking on em through her PC to see they're on a date and let the girls to indulge a little, or the four could have a girls night out?