L.b.l up

Chapter 15 - #015 /companion perks/

It was,in case you couldn't tell by the constant teasing dished out by my devil tongued friend, my first time doing the whole sex thing. Sure, I had made out with some of my more experimental friends and even got down to my panties with Olivia.The weed girl you might've heard us talking about earlier. But even then I always got cut off either by shyness, sexuality denial or just not being properly attracted to the person occupying my bed. I had none of these issues with Eliza her busty yet alethic figure meant she looked absolutely stunning with no clothes on, even to a proud feeder such as myself. While it might've been my first time,It was not Eliza's. So I happily let her take the lead, she was really quite gentle for such a naturally high energy person as she slowly guided me towards the bed while discarding objects of clothing. I'd go into details but honesty I'm not entirely sure on them myself I remember the feeling of her warm feminine hands being run across my thick and soft thighs, the feeling of her tongue on my oversized breasts, and the way she kissed me when I finally had my first o. Yeah I was selfish and didn't return the favor cut me some slack it was my first time, not to mention I had a good deal more mass than I was used too and as a hot as my plump hourglass looked and felt it wasn't exactly built for speed or stamina. She didn't seem to mind much though seemingly more than content to cuddle up into my fattened bosom while rubbing my mostly flat belly. I couldn't possibly sleep in that position snuggled up with my best friend finally possessing a body I felt was attractive and no longer dealing with being a virgin. I didn't even think about my plans for the football game or vengeance I simply lay there giggling like a school girl.
I must have gotten to sleep at some point since I definitely remember waking up, the first thing I woke up too was Eliza's firm ass up in the air rummaging through my closet like a burglar. The absurdity of the situation only got me giggling again as you can imagine, the sound of my mirth sending my poor lover hopping slightly in mild fright spinning around and yanking the blanket off the bed to conceal herself. "Boo, you gonna cut me off from the goods now" I teased her with another laugh getting a rare blush out of her confident façade. "Well, I might be a little easy to spook because a certain somebody had me up late" She said with a chuckle as her blush faded tossing the blanket over my waist and revealing her glorious tits to me once more the glorious set I could now say from experience were almost certainly inconvenient if absolutely glorious to play with. Her nipples gradually hardened as I rose out of bed myself beckoning her over with a finger playfully ready to pay back my debt from the day prior. "You still need to show me what you're phone can do, we got distracted" she said with a playful smile climbing across the bed towards me on all four swaying her hips before throwing her arms around me and pulling me into a kiss cutting off a witty retort. Her impressive chest rubbed and bounced off my own slightly larger set as she explored my mouth beginning to push downward with her lithe arms as I tries to recall how oral supposedly worked in reality instead of porn. I suspect I would've had a very educational experience had Connie not chosen that very moment to push into my room in her typical brash fashion. Thankfully we had the blanket on hand as the door was thrown open. Eliza's apparently not one for improvising decided that tugging the blanket upward towards her chest to keep some manner of chastity would be a good idea. This would normally have been the case, were I not kneeling on it and spacing out at the time. Thus like some failed magicians act I was sent tumbling off my own bed and onto the floor thankfully landing on my substantially cushioned ass as I came back to reality. I turned my attention to the chunky Latina in the doorway with one of my signature hellfire glares, but my beautiful stepsister just chuckled loudly her new belly jiggling in its place laying over her sweats as she nearly bowled over in laughter. "Listen, you really think I didn't hear what was going on last night I mean, geez you always accuse me of making noise but you were just...." What followed was some loud imitations of moans along with a series of expletives. As I hung my head in slight shame, there was a time literally days prior that I would've had her as massive as her mom for that, but I had realized recently that it was just how she was with people she liked. As Eliza joined in on mocking me I climbed back under the covers. "Okay as much as I *hate* to cut away from a moan off between two hot girls, I gotta ask if that's the only reason you chose to break in here" I asked now mostly covered due to the stretching power of rich people blankets though I was straining them with the amount they now had to cover. "Nah, there's some fashionable chick downstairs, big eyes, says she brought apology clothes" Connie said with a shrug, as a loud groan echoed up from downstairs followed by some incoherent Spanish. "That'd be mother dearest, I'll let you tend to you're guest" Connie added before stepping out of the room snatching a bag of smarties from atop my dresser like a cat. "Well damn, I guess we know who that Is" I said in a pleasantly surprised tone. I don't know quite what I expected, I mean she left mid party much to my complete profit, not that she knew that, but apology clothes was not really on the rather short list of things I had considered. Figuring the moment had passed for carnal retribution I started to climb out of bed untangling my plush body from her toned one with some trepidation. It was a few seconds after swinging my thick thighs over the edge of my bed that I realized I was still very much naked. "Look DD I think she's pretty hot too but this is a little forward wouldn't you say" Eliza teased me before pinching my obese behind and climbing out of bed and beginning to separate her clothes from mine in the disorganized trail leading towards the door. "I don't suppose I need to go over the dastardly plan with you?" I asked her in response as I made my way over towards my ensuite still blissfully aware of the fact I was still in the room with the very woman who I had just participated in mind blowing sex with. "Nope, as absolutely adorable as it would be trying to squeeze those hips of yours into a pair of skinny jeans I'll spare you for now, I'll go down and grab the clothes and telling her you're taking a shower" she said pulling on her dress from the night before, thankfully being more observant that me she realized how that'd look so as I shut the door I saw her rummaging through my wardrobe. As I turned on the shower I could still hear her sighing at my dreadful fashion choices.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Eleena CoOwO... 4 years
YAY! Butter muffin's giving her sweetheart lots of love and kisses!
(ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
Leauca 5 years
shame master chief didnt appear in this page
Theswordsman 5 years
Ok thanks
Adsein 5 years
My notes, which are non cannon, but are generally used as a vauge guide line. Have after the groups recent gains. The following numbers. Deena(MC) 320, Eliza 270, Mindy 680.
Theswordsman 5 years
The main character and eliza and mindy
Adsein 5 years
Theswordsman, which characters?
Theswordsman 5 years
Just curiously how much do they weigh now?
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
These ward-induced illusions are getting kinkier and kinkier.
[〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
Adsein 5 years
The art was done by 0pik Oort over on Deviantart as a commision, I'll be releasing a full resolution picture of it once I rotate it out for the next piece of cover art.
Bellylover95 5 years
can i ask you for the link of the pic i would like to see it full screen and who made it ?
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
It always seems like one thing or another keeps trying to stop you from posting, be it people trying to take down your story by flagging it or some coding glitch preventing you from uploading.
Adsein 5 years
Uploads will resume at their regular twice weekly pace
Adsein 5 years
The problem I was having with uploading has since been resolved thanks to the fine work of the Fantasy Feeder administration team.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I hope you get to the bottom of it, Mrs. Adsein.
Adsein 5 years
For anyone worried about the lack of updates I'm still going at the pace of the past few weeks but am dealing with some issues involving the site, the good news is that I'll have built up a backlog for when I can upload again.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Reading that the employee snacks on junk food while serving customers came out a lot more erotic in the story then I thought it would in my mind, glad it did!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
"create a sort of fat positive utopia where everyone loved fat girls with nobody being the wiser than they once preferred abs to guts" Gawd yes! The dream! (n♡ω♡n)
Adsein 5 years
Uploads should increase quite a bit since I recently had a bit more writing time open up. I'd be looking to get two chapters a week out for at least the next month or two.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Maybe next chapter she'll tease Deena a bit and have her fish it out from the back of her pants, the labtop feeling a bit warm from her sweet body heat from her comfy, plump seat... [^་།^]
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Is it weird I'm picturing she didn't just use her butt to hide the labtop,but snuck it out in the extra space in the back or her panties? Eliza isn't bottom heavy,but I think her cheeks would be good makeshift bubblewrap! [๑ゝω╹]
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