L.b.l up

Chapter 160 - #160 /the lovers plan/

“You should go get that” she said with a smirk and a gesture downstairs. I blinked a few times and eyed her in a silent reminder that I was half naked. I received little to no mercy in return. I could’ve stood my ground a bit more, but I had at least some faith in her. Eliza loved teasing me, but she would usually not embarrass me to the point of being traumatized. What’s more it was clear based on her attitude that she has some sort of grand scheme brewing. And while some part of me was sure no moral good could come of it, a much larger part of me was very curious, and filled with degenerate excitement. I waddled downstairs as I was instructed, painfully aware of my own bouncing rippling blubber as I approached the front door and opened it. Since the door itself wasn’t see through I had no idea who was awaiting me on the other side. Though some theories were beginning to brew in my mind.

On the other side were two of the very few women I would’ve survived seeing me half naked. Doe blushed and Connie shot me a wry grin. I could survive it, but it was still certifiably embarrassing, particularly since I was sure there was no way Connie would let me live it down. “Hey Blue, surviving the summer sun” she teased me before barging her way in her usual brash confident fashion. Doe followed her and shot me a shy glance, that didn't seem to reach above my cleavage. While being joined by my friends was normally a positive to be sure I was beginning to get a tad confused. Everything about Eliza’s attitude had screamed sexy rendezvous which would indicate privacy. So, it seemed odd to invite them over. Odder still was the fact the two were lugging around small backpacks. Before I could ask them about them the duo was already waddling up the stairs to Eliza's room. No doubt having seen it from outside. I let out a squeak of protest before falling the flabby duo upward. If nothing else, they made a nice view from behind.

When we made it back to my lovers' bedroom, I found her right where I had left her. Except she had undergone an honestly miraculously fast change in outfits. The days causal wear had been stripped and deposited haphazardly in one corner of her bedroom. Her body now covered but certifiably not concealed by a silver lace baby doll. It was see-through and tight around the waist in a way that truly highlighted her fledgling gut. Or as much of her gut as could be seen with her enormous prow in the way. A solid pair of cups squeezed them tightly and surged their blubber bloated forms out through an open neckline. Her blubber meant the fabric couldn’t quite hang all the way to her thighs, leaving just a hint of her white panties on display. That was pretty much my only indicator that she wasn’t planning to bone, with our friends invited over as an audience. “You two find the place okay?” Eliza asked playing off her clothes as totally casual. “Well it’s on display in a way that’s pretty in your face” Connie shot back with a chuckle. “Please, you wish these were in your face” she teased crossing her soft arms in the gap between her gut and her bust. Doe looked like she was going to pass out due to a heady mix of lust and or embarrassment.

“So, girls, while we’re all staying on for a bonus year, we’re basically graduates, we could legally star in porno’s” Eliza explained with a smug smile. “Is that on your to-do list?” I asked half serious considering her provocative choice of clothing. “Of course, but probably not tonight, tonight is for celebrating” she joked as I continued to try and decipher what she was getting at. “Which means this sleep over will be a lallapaloosa of party games and debauchery, celebrating our mutual friendship and time spent together” she said leaning over in a wobbly display to fish something out from under her bed. The something as it turns out was a bottle of champagne. “Well It was a sleepover, so if there wasn’t drinking, I probably would’ve gone home” Connie said teasingly. “Yeah where will be uh...sleeping” Doe said eying Eliza’s bed concernedly. "There’s a spare bedroom...there probably wouldn’t be room for the four of us” Eliza said in a theatrical tone that indicated she had considered it. “Anyways, sleepovers mean showing off, strip...and then put on your choice of sleepwear” Eliza ordered. “Right here?” Doe objected. “It’s nothing we haven’t seen before, our lives are pretty much just gaps spent between wardrobe malfunctions” Eliza teased presciently.

Doe had been becoming more confident, but she was still no match for my lover, it seemed she was still adamant about not stripping in front of us. Waddling out of the room to get changed in the guest room. Connie boisterous and confident as ever displayed none of this shyness. Pulling her sweatpants down in a heaving motion that jiggled her bulk. It took a bit of work with her gut in the way but eventually she got them down and out, baring her thick tree trunk thighs and allowing the full extent of her oversized gut to become visible. Underneath were a simple pair plain white boy short that were barely discernible, considering her monumental gut obscuring them, and her bulging blubber burying them. The Latinas hoodie was the next thing to go, though her comparatively meager chest meant it was her blubbery arms that caused most of the trouble. When it was off though it revealed a grey bra that certainly didn't match what she was wearing below. Lazy as ever it seemed. I might’ve teased her about it if I wasn’t so busy eying up the sheer girth of her. There was a time she was unconscionably fat, but now I couldn’t help but wonder if I was sneaking up on her.

“So, what are we drinking...?” Connie asked panting a little and flopping with a thud onto the floor of Eliza’s room, her mostly bare butt jiggling all the while. “Well this isn't the first time we’ve been drinking together, so I’m replaying the classics, I’ve got that high calorie beer we drank the previous times” my lover explained pointing with her thumb to her closet, where I could see an almost menacingly tall pillar of six packs looming. It struck me based on that she must’ve been planning this for quite a while. Maybe it even would’ve come sooner if I hadn’t been constantly involved with facing down Cameron. It was good to see Eliza really get into her cocky smug mind set again, even if the fact she had the app was still downright terrifying. “Oh, and I’ve got some soda for our other invitee, I’m surprised she’s late” Eliza mused pouting a little. I paused for a few moments and mentally sorted through my friends' group. It had expanded in many ways lately. But I couldn’t for the life of me think of anyone else whom we were intimate enough with to involve in this sleepover. It seemed my lover would be keeping me on my toes.

Before I could begin to literally prod her for information, I was interrupted by a timid squeak of the bedroom door opening. Doe poking her head around and eying us with a flash of shyness. “Given your dress sense I can almost guarantee you’re more dressed than us...” I told her with a come-hither gesture. “But...” she tried to object. “No buts...yours...and mine...and well everyone else's” I told her leaning over to grab her hand to yank her in. Thankfully she saved me the herculean effort of getting to my feet and waddled in. She was wearing a much more reasonable and chaste buttoned up pajama top, composed of black grey and white pinstripes. It looked adorably soft, and the pin stripes only left her looking even softer. And bigger for that matter, given her round gut heavy nature the pattern granted a depth to her middle that left her looking positively spherical. Made only more adorable by the fact she couldn’t quite button in all the way down, a thin triangle of white blubber poking out the bottom. She was wearing matching pajama bottoms too, leaving her the only member without her legs bared. We all took a few moments to squeak out how adorable she was as the great feminine tradition dictates.

Once the embarrassment passed, we eventually got her to sit down. Leaving me wondering when we could start the festitives. The four of us were gathered and all suitably undressed. I did remember Eliza mentioning a fifth woman, but it seemed like she was a no show. Admittedly I probably just wanted them to start early so I could start drinking. The amount of skin and blubber on display was leaving me painfully aware of my own enormity. My one saving grace was that Eliza was the smallest and she was decently fat compared to normal people anyways. So, you can imagine my displeasure when a knock on the bedroom heralded the end of its protections. “You can just let yourself in” Eliza called out and the final sleep over participant arrived. “You’re late” my lover pouted. “A witch is never late, she only arrives exactly when she means to....and when traffic allows her to” Laura said with an apologetic but undeniably confident smile.

My sister was already down to her underwear, little surprise there. It was purple feminine and dainty in a way that matched her violet colored hair, patterned like flower petals. It was gentle but still highlighting her soft but generous curves. Next to us she looked positively tiny. She was hardly even curvy by the modern definition, and by comparison to some recent friends she was barely even busty. My older magically trained sister was basically a super model, and I was a whale even amongst the other whales. I was going to need that drink sooner rather than later. “Did you get the taxi like that or did you just strip on the way up the stairs...” I asked her with a sigh. “There were clothes on the armchair down there...figured why not, seeing as I was late” she said with a shrug. “Well late guests aside, with everyone in attendance, we can let the games begin” Eliza declared sitting up from her bed in a bust bouncing display.
200 chapters, created 6 years , updated 2 years
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Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
VVV I know right!? Doesn't it just get butterflies in your stomach when you read it?! (´ω`]
Zztop4224 5 years
I can't wait for this story to continue! It's one of my favorites.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Deena V The last few chapters have been quite the heartwarming read.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Happy 100 chapters! °˖✧◝[⁰▿⁰]◜✧˖°
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
YAY!!! \[≧∇≦]/
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I'm worried that the squeal of joy I made after reading this chapter may have been so loud that my neighbors could of heard me and might think I'm in trouble.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Personally, I'd love to see scenerios such as this, the mall trip, and the dinner date because all three scenerios could be a perfect way for the main girls to pack on some more weight and for Deena to use the app.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
And Deena could use the digest feature to see the final result the gorging had on waistlines of the bullies,Doe and Connie, the waitress and any other girls Deena used the app on in the diner.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
So by the time Doe and Connie finished desert, they're bill had been delivered and payed for (obviously money isn't an problem for Deena) the bullies would have just finished their meal...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Might have some room for more and request that the waitress bring them the desert menu, and as they chow down on a bit of desert Deena and Eliza get to watch the rest of the scene unfold with the bullies.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Before zapping both Doe and Connie with a couple of mana bars to make them a bit peckish again allowing them to digest there previous meal, to which Doe and Connie decide that they...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
When another waitress finishes taking an order from another table, she could ask if the girls "will that be all for tonight?" Connie cpuld respond, "Yeah, I am totally stuffed!", Deena could respond, "You sure, you guys don't want to order dessert?" befor
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Unfold on the bullies and see the results of the digested food has on the bullies's (and admittingly the waitress as well) body. Texting one a other under the table, Eliza and Deena come up with an idea...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Connie and Doe, while being afflicted with a decent ammount of hunger, appear to be slowing down, seemingly reaching there limit. But Eliza and Deena would prefer to watch the rest of the scene...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
/accident by effecting the bullys with a few more mana bars to add to their already intense appetite. As time goes by the girls continue to stuff themselves, but Deena and Eliza realize theres another problem...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Despite how erotic this new development might be, Deena is still determined to make the waitresses weight much less than the girls at the table who had bullied her, so she adapts to this new development...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Off the plates she's serving and/or the ones still on the trolly. Stuffing a couple of fries into her mouth, one handing some burgers, etc.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
As a result of having her aim thrown off, she targeted the last bully as well as the waitress, who continues to serve the plates of food from the trolly with one hand while using the other to eat some of the food...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
( especially assuming if Doe and Connie's hunger is intense enough to make other behavior of secondary importance) but if they are aware I'm sur Doe would be apologizing perfusly, at any rate Deena could see...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Over a bit, if ghostmode's effect is making them rationalize their gaining to the point where scooting over is an automatic response to their swelling figures they might not say anything in response to bumping into Deena...
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