L.b.l up

Chapter 163 - #163 /the tight squeezes/

Eliza seemed more than happy to grab the next item up, while Doe gently rubbed her bubbling, tubbier gut. She flashed a wicked grin of a most villainous caliber before removing a small blue bra. Simple and dull in design Once more nobody came forth to claim it. It wasn’t flashy enough to be Connie’s, Doe simply let out a belch of non-confirmation when asked. “Guess I’ll just give you the answer...it belongs to you” Eliza said pointing at Laura, who raised an eyebrow before experiencing a flash of revelation which I shared. It hadn’t technically been hers originally, I had bought back when I thought I might experience a late bloom into having a rack. I was righter than I ever could have comprehended but that came later. Eventually our maid sorted it into Laura’s clothes, seeing as she had breasts that might need the support. I was too embarrassed to bring it up, and my sister had just assumed it was hers but had shrunk in the wash. Technically It was my bra to farcically squeeze into, but I held my peace out of a desire to see my sister knocked down a peg and up a dress size. “Of course, you dug up that one, you’re rather diabolical you know that” Laura said getting up with an ease that shamed the lacking mobility of our overfed figures. “If you had any other clothes, I would’ve taken those” Eliza shot back continuing to bring that new, strange mystery to attention.

“If I was going to be a stripper, I would’ve done it during my “hot runaway with daddy issues” phase” Laura said taking the bra from a very smug Eliza. “But I respect your capacity to scheme I’ll give you that” she said turning so her back and side would be facing the semi-circle we had formed. Though Doe was still getting a side shot. As most fit and normal people tend to it was a smooth and almost laughably fast transition. A quick undoing of the bra she had on, followed by the smushing and squeezing of attempting to stuff her breasts into it. It was probably a B cup and she was somewhere in the Ds, making it a bit of a sight to behold. Try as she might she just couldn’t seem to fasten it into place. Yet there were no gallons of sweat or extra assistance needed. It simply wasn’t going to fit. The curvy gal dropping it to the floor and pouting a bit.

“Just hit me with it” she told Eliza with a sigh. Having no doubt noticed my lover was behind the steering wheel. “Hit you with what?” Doe and Connie murmured unaware of the fact my sister was referring to her oncoming weight gain. “Oh...I was thinking she’d throw me a can of soda...she said she’d have some since I can’t touch addictive substances” Laura explained holding out an open palm. It turns out the soda in question was a nonalcoholic version of the beer the rest of us were drinking, with the alcohol replaced with sugar. It tasted about as appetizing as it sounded. But Laura had a pallet tested in the harsh waters of English cooking, and thus could stomach just about anything. On the topic of her stomach it thickened out an ich as Eliza delivered the ensuing gain. My sister pausing to squeeze the small inch of belly flab and jostling her chest a little. Her view was almost scientific and detached, maybe with the slightest hint of dissatisfaction. For big fat girls such as the rest of us, a handful of lbs was simply drops in a bucket. For a girl who was in shape it represented potentially weeks of handwork and dieting to trim it off. My sister was playing a dangerous game indeed.

“Now then to end off this first game...I’ve got the last item in our bag of clothes” Eliza announced causing me to raise an eyebrow. That was ever so slightly odd. Doe had three, Connie had two, Laura had one, even Eliza had a couple. But I only had one. I was sure it was going to be me at least. Seeing as I was my lovers personal favorite teasing target. She jostled the bag a bit and the fabric inside rattled around, pre embarrassment beginning to build within me. I was sure she had harvested some terribly humiliating clothing item from back when I was a wash board. Something so heinously tease worthy she saved it for last, and that having me try on anything else would merely detract from its appeal. My lover removed the item. Bright red, stretchy material, a one-piece swimsuit, with a lifeguard symbol up top. I blinked a few times as I processed that. “Looks like it’s mine” my lover said with a theatrical sigh. “You were a lifeguard?” Connie asked seemingly excited to watch her squeeze into it. “Just for one summer, they didn't let me have the job back because people kept pretending to drown so I’d come save them” she said thrusting her chest out a bit.

There was no way it was going to fit. But that certainly didn't stop my proud companion from trying. She made quite the show of it as well. Snapping pulling and yanking the material into place as best she could fighting hard to get it into place. As it pulled up it got nestled between her pale rear end, hardly her most impressive feature, but it looked absolutely shapely when highlighted in such a way. The top of it however was a bit of breast related comedy. Her twin mountains were pressed together and upwards so dramatically her cleavage ceased to exist, the two soft pillows almost merging into a singularly overly wide bed of softness. Every heaving breath she took seemed mere moments from tearing the swimsuit in half. It was a dramatic squeeze. One which brought attention to the fact that though she was the smallest fatty, she had grown substantially from the athletic, toned swimmer she once been. Much like Doe it took her a while to get out of it. Even requiring my help to get it off her. I did my best to enjoy all the softness and PDA but I was also more than a little distracted. Something was odd with her, I was going untargeted and she was really packing it on. For obvious reasons I couldn’t quite determine if that was a good or bad thing.

“Are we going to have to get naked in any of the other games?” Doe asked still nude. While her body language still carried hints of shyness it was clear alcohol was beginning to drag out her more self-confident side. “I mean that depends entirely on how much other people like to see you naked...we should probably put our clothes back on anyways though” Eliza said with a mischievous grin attempting to slip her baby doll back on. Doe requiring two heaving attempts to sit up on the bed in light of her enormous middle, and the sloshing bubbly liquid inside. My lover squeezed her way back into her lingerie with all the bouncy wobbles of a bowl of jello. The outfit which had merely been scandalous when we entered was now even tighter, the silky fabric pulled skintight across her expanded midriff in a fashion which only highlighted its increased size further. So fine and strained I would have wagered I could slice it open with my fingernails like I was unwrapping a present. Across the room Doe was having a similar tightness issue, albeit with her button up. While before she had been one button from closing the bottom, the next button up was now struggling to no end. Doe almost seemed to have it at one point, but after being interrupted by a belch the intoxicated girl seemed to give up entirely, leaving more of her gut bared.

“So, you three are pretty comfortable with each other bodies huh?” Laura asked observing the sheer amount of blubber on display. “We’re just very clo-” Doe started to explain but was interrupted by a belch. “We all like girls” Connie finished for her, causing Doe to turn even pinker than usual. “I’m no stranger to girls either, but...” my sister insisted further. “Well we tend to see a lot of our bodies since there’s been a couple of uh...clothing related incidents” I explained causing Laura to give me a frank and accusatory look that indicated she knew I was responsible for most of those incidents. “That’s why I’m working on a clothing line so that sort of thing doesn’t happen...” Doe said a bit too drunk to go any deeper on her self advertisement. “Well it makes sense someone from our school would...I swear even without those weird incidents we still had that myth of the freshman 40” Connie said with a confident chuckle. “My mom actually warned me about that...guess it didn't work though” Doe shot back with a dark laugh as she poked her gelatinous gut. I blinked as I realized Ghost Mode Rationalization was now in overdrive to cover the sheer amount of ghost mode gaining going on.

“I used to think Connie was pretty fat, but we’ve got girls like the former cheer leaders, Allision, Paige is pretty big as well” Doe mused aloud seemingly waxing philosophical. As she did though a certain thought bounced around in my head I couldn’t quite shake. “Who do you think has a bigger butt, me or Paige” I asked the words slipping out before I even realized what I was saying. Almost immediately embarrassment shot through me like a heat vent. Even Eliza who had spared me thus far flashed a predatory smile. “You jealous?” my lover asked with a smug grin. “What would she have to be jealous of, it’s close, but Deena’s obviously got the bigger butt” Doe said sitting up to shoot Eliza a glance of confusion. “I’ve seen never met Paige, but she’d want to have a pretty impressive one, to be bigger than Deena’s” Laura mused aloud curiously. “Yeah sorry, blue but you’re probably undefeated in that category expect...well other Deena who’s huge” Connie said with a confident chuckle. I blinked in confusion, mild embarrassment and annoyance. A potent mixture. I had checked Paige’s measurements with L.B.L Up she was definitely bigger. Not that I could say that. “Well as much I’d love to celebrate my lovers' victory, in booty battle, it’s a really excellent segue to our next game” Eliza said standing up again in a wobbly motion. “You might remember, size comparison spin the bottle” she said holding up a bottle of beer.
200 chapters, created 6 years , updated 2 years
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Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
VVV I know right!? Doesn't it just get butterflies in your stomach when you read it?! (´ω`]
Zztop4224 5 years
I can't wait for this story to continue! It's one of my favorites.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Deena V The last few chapters have been quite the heartwarming read.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Happy 100 chapters! °˖✧◝[⁰▿⁰]◜✧˖°
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
YAY!!! \[≧∇≦]/
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I'm worried that the squeal of joy I made after reading this chapter may have been so loud that my neighbors could of heard me and might think I'm in trouble.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Personally, I'd love to see scenerios such as this, the mall trip, and the dinner date because all three scenerios could be a perfect way for the main girls to pack on some more weight and for Deena to use the app.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
And Deena could use the digest feature to see the final result the gorging had on waistlines of the bullies,Doe and Connie, the waitress and any other girls Deena used the app on in the diner.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
So by the time Doe and Connie finished desert, they're bill had been delivered and payed for (obviously money isn't an problem for Deena) the bullies would have just finished their meal...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Might have some room for more and request that the waitress bring them the desert menu, and as they chow down on a bit of desert Deena and Eliza get to watch the rest of the scene unfold with the bullies.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Before zapping both Doe and Connie with a couple of mana bars to make them a bit peckish again allowing them to digest there previous meal, to which Doe and Connie decide that they...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
When another waitress finishes taking an order from another table, she could ask if the girls "will that be all for tonight?" Connie cpuld respond, "Yeah, I am totally stuffed!", Deena could respond, "You sure, you guys don't want to order dessert?" befor
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Unfold on the bullies and see the results of the digested food has on the bullies's (and admittingly the waitress as well) body. Texting one a other under the table, Eliza and Deena come up with an idea...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Connie and Doe, while being afflicted with a decent ammount of hunger, appear to be slowing down, seemingly reaching there limit. But Eliza and Deena would prefer to watch the rest of the scene...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
/accident by effecting the bullys with a few more mana bars to add to their already intense appetite. As time goes by the girls continue to stuff themselves, but Deena and Eliza realize theres another problem...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Despite how erotic this new development might be, Deena is still determined to make the waitresses weight much less than the girls at the table who had bullied her, so she adapts to this new development...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Off the plates she's serving and/or the ones still on the trolly. Stuffing a couple of fries into her mouth, one handing some burgers, etc.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
As a result of having her aim thrown off, she targeted the last bully as well as the waitress, who continues to serve the plates of food from the trolly with one hand while using the other to eat some of the food...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
( especially assuming if Doe and Connie's hunger is intense enough to make other behavior of secondary importance) but if they are aware I'm sur Doe would be apologizing perfusly, at any rate Deena could see...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Over a bit, if ghostmode's effect is making them rationalize their gaining to the point where scooting over is an automatic response to their swelling figures they might not say anything in response to bumping into Deena...
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