L.b.l up

Chapter 167 - #167 /the third minigame/

“But before our first queen can succeed to her temporary throne, my lovely assistant will reveal something for me” Eliza said eying me smugly before gesturing across the room to where something was covered by a blanket. Ironically, I was a good pick, since barring Laura I was probably the most mobile and stable gal left in the room. I waddled over as Doe and Connie tracked me with drunken stares, pulling the blanket off to reveal a mid-sized mini fridge. I hummed the chest opening sound from a popular video game as I popped the door open to reveal the bounty inside. Miniature tubs of ice cream, small deserts and other delectably luxuriant treats. “These are gifts from a friend of mine who works at a bakery...can’t have us losing our curves...” Eliza said with a smug grin, I had a feeling the friend in question was the very bakery worker Laura had fattened up, and based on a hint of a warm smile my sister recognized it as well. “Bring me some” Connie grunted gesturing lazily at me. “I probably shouldn’t...I’m getting so freaking fat...but do it anyways” Doe said before letting out a small booze belch. Even If I didn't have a figure for hard labor, I could hardly pass up on the chance to deliver food to greedy fatties.

“So back on topic...the rules of this game are simple” Eliza explained glancing down at the chop sticks stored in her cleavage. “Each of these sticks has a number, barring one which has a crown, we each take one, then the one with the crown gets to make a demand, but she can only make a demand referring to a number...if the person can’t or won’t complete the demand...they take a penalty by drinking” Eliza explained succinctly. Both Connie and Doe eyed her in a drunken haze that indicated this might have been a touch complicated a game to have after getting them so fat and hammered. “Alright....” Eliza said rummaging around in her cleavage with drunken clumsiness before removing the stick with a crown. “Drag those big booties over here and....grab a stick” Eliza said presenting her chest and leaning her shoulders back to make sure we knew where to grab them from. Connie and Doe both looked absolutely transfixed by her cleavage, enough so the two lazy fatties approached and grabbed their own sticks with suitable staring. It looked like they were horny drunks. I grabbed mine diligently and quickly, but I found myself unable to keep from rummaging a bit more than was necessary. Not that Eliza seemed to mind but I was beginning to feel pent up with all the sexual tension in the air.

“My command as Queen is simple...3 has to prove themselves a better kisser than 4” Eliza called out as we each eyed our sticks. “How exactly are they supposed to prove their a better kis-” Laura started to say but Doe and Connie were already crawling across the room a competitive and thirsty look in their eyes. It seemed they were the two challengers and they both knew exactly how to prove it. “Which ones three and which ones four” Eliza said using a foot to keep the encroaching Connie at bay. “3” Connie muttered slurred. Doe opened her mouth to provide her own number but let out a belch. “Then biggest first” Eliza said ceasing her gently push back and allowing the blubber lugging Latina to get in closer. Both women looked hungry, and even though Eliza was my girlfriend I felt absolutely flush between my oversized thighs. I noticed even Laura biting her lip and I was struck by a thought. Eliza was probably helping things along with the app. Easing our arousal up to further diminish our inhibitions, naughty as ever.

Connie sat up as she approached so her face would be at eye level with Eliza’s their eyes locked momentarily before they began to push their lips into one another. It started as an initial smooch but then their tongues began to dance, Connie sliding her hand around to my lovers waist and giving it a forceful squeeze. The mouth movements becoming sloppier the longer the kiss dragged on. Eliza was quite obviously enjoying herself, based on the way her diamond cutters were poking visibly out from her bra. Connie broke off her messy kiss with a strand of saliva still threading between them. “Tasted like booze and chocolate” Eliza enunciated breathily licking her lips.

As Connie started to retreat to her sitting position Doe bumped her out of the way slightly toppling the massive latina over while entering Eliza’s personal space. Eliza gulped in surprise at the goths assertive action, but she wasn’t prepared for what happened next. Doe slipped her hands below Eliza’s knees and hoisted them. Sending my busty lover directly onto her back. The dominatrix allowing for a single breath of surprise before parting my lover's breasts with her hands. Securing a path through before lowering herself on top of her busty target. The full weight of her enormity pinning Eliza down while she kissed her forcefully. I actively let out a tiny moan, that was concealed by the make out noises. Doe licked her lips confidently and leaned back as she completed her kiss already crawling back to her chair. As Eliza sat up her face was cherry pink, flustered for a change. “4...4...wins...3 takes a penalty” she mused licking her lips speculatively. Connie chugged her beer, and absolutely bloated, her stomach growing outwards with sloshing blubber, and her boy shorts beginning to disappear noticeably into the crack of her enormous rear. The penalties had been enhanced again. Laura even physically gulped at the girthy gain on display.

“Then lets...see who’s up next” Eliza said obviously still recovering from Does kiss, I could almost swear I could see a pink handprint on my lovers left breast. We all approached and slid our sticks back between her chest, double entendre intended. Then she bounced the twins around a bit to shuffle them. I took mine, Connie took hers, before Doe took hers however the big girl hesitated. “You know what...just to make sure” she said before grasping Eliza’s chest and mauling them with her palms while bouncing them off one another. The best Eliza could muster was a sudden moan. Doe took her stick, the queen, before Eliza could even squeak out a response. I took a mental note that using arousal on Doe while she was drunk was a dangerous game indeed. “I’m sick of being the only full up..urp...person here...2 will drink...till she can’t fit another drop in her belly” Doe said with a smug and dangerous aura. Her command was met with silence as we all one by one bared our numbers. Eliza was 1, I was 3, Connie was 4, and Laura's was....6. I glanced at the illusory number. “How did...how did that happen” she said as unconvincingly as a person could be.

As it turns out Eliza had bought a lot of soda. A large eighteen pack was retrieved and laid out in front of Laura who couldn’t help but wince apprehensively. Unlike the rest of us she was hoping to keep a trim and slender figure. Everyone barring Eliza was probably already too fat to be well and truly skinny ever again. Which meant she couldn’t afford to take the huge penalties that hung over the third round. Of course, the alternative...was lots and lots of drinking. “Listen...I have to be in charge of deciding when “I can’t fit anymore”” Laura tried to argue. “You’re all huge and have very distorted ideas of...” she began to trail off. “We’ll know, we’re sort of experts on the topic” I said with an admittedly sadistic sisterly grin. It was rather rare I got one over on her. All she could muster in response was a sigh, if anything she was lucky, she didn't take a double penalty for trying to weasel out. The first one went down with a quick chug, but it was her second of the night and while she pulled the can away from her mouth she couldn’t help but lot out a belch. “Excuse me...” she muttered but her good table manners seemed funny when the next thing she did was chug yet another can.

Slowly a pyramid of cans became stacked next to my slender elder sister. Each one marked another hedonistic junk beverage filling her stomach. It was mostly flat beyond the slightest layer of flab at first. But the drinks slowly began to fill it. The first row of the three row eighteen pack went almost easily. Though there was beginning to be some noticeable bloat from the carbonation. The second row however went decidedly less smoothly. It became clear early on there was simply too much of the bubbly substance in her belly. While before belches had been uncommon rude expulsions she’d cover with her hand and apologize for, critical mass had been achieved, they now followed every single can. I could almost swear her gut rounded out an extra third of an inch with every gaseous outburst. More and more her middle rounded tighter and tighter. Filling up like a bubbly water balloon, her skin becoming tight and slick as her expression became increasingly pained. I had to give her credit, she hadn’t tried to back out at all once she started. By the time the third row was nearing its completion my sister was looking like she had swallowed a watermelon. One raucous bass heavy belch physically pushed her onto her back out of a mix of surprise and sheer gas pressure. Leaving her big dome of a bloated belly thrust into the air.

“I’d like to take a moment to congratulate you...no penalty” Eliza said with a deep smugness. My sister opened her mouth to retort but only let out another belch, at least now that she was finished, she could go back to covering her mouth. “I personally would like to congratulate you as well....I can’t wait to meet my niece” I said sarcastically patting her tummy, but immediately retracting my hand as she let out some odd sound that was a mix of a burp and a groan of pain. For all my joking she really did look pregnant. My dad had been super worried she’d come back from Britain with a baby. Little did her know he’d get his heir by nonalcoholic German beer-soda.
200 chapters, created 6 years , updated 2 years
147   336   1571560


Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
VVV I know right!? Doesn't it just get butterflies in your stomach when you read it?! (´ω`]
Zztop4224 5 years
I can't wait for this story to continue! It's one of my favorites.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Deena V The last few chapters have been quite the heartwarming read.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Happy 100 chapters! °˖✧◝[⁰▿⁰]◜✧˖°
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
YAY!!! \[≧∇≦]/
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I'm worried that the squeal of joy I made after reading this chapter may have been so loud that my neighbors could of heard me and might think I'm in trouble.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Personally, I'd love to see scenerios such as this, the mall trip, and the dinner date because all three scenerios could be a perfect way for the main girls to pack on some more weight and for Deena to use the app.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
And Deena could use the digest feature to see the final result the gorging had on waistlines of the bullies,Doe and Connie, the waitress and any other girls Deena used the app on in the diner.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
So by the time Doe and Connie finished desert, they're bill had been delivered and payed for (obviously money isn't an problem for Deena) the bullies would have just finished their meal...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Might have some room for more and request that the waitress bring them the desert menu, and as they chow down on a bit of desert Deena and Eliza get to watch the rest of the scene unfold with the bullies.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Before zapping both Doe and Connie with a couple of mana bars to make them a bit peckish again allowing them to digest there previous meal, to which Doe and Connie decide that they...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
When another waitress finishes taking an order from another table, she could ask if the girls "will that be all for tonight?" Connie cpuld respond, "Yeah, I am totally stuffed!", Deena could respond, "You sure, you guys don't want to order dessert?" befor
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Unfold on the bullies and see the results of the digested food has on the bullies's (and admittingly the waitress as well) body. Texting one a other under the table, Eliza and Deena come up with an idea...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Connie and Doe, while being afflicted with a decent ammount of hunger, appear to be slowing down, seemingly reaching there limit. But Eliza and Deena would prefer to watch the rest of the scene...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
/accident by effecting the bullys with a few more mana bars to add to their already intense appetite. As time goes by the girls continue to stuff themselves, but Deena and Eliza realize theres another problem...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Despite how erotic this new development might be, Deena is still determined to make the waitresses weight much less than the girls at the table who had bullied her, so she adapts to this new development...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Off the plates she's serving and/or the ones still on the trolly. Stuffing a couple of fries into her mouth, one handing some burgers, etc.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
As a result of having her aim thrown off, she targeted the last bully as well as the waitress, who continues to serve the plates of food from the trolly with one hand while using the other to eat some of the food...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
( especially assuming if Doe and Connie's hunger is intense enough to make other behavior of secondary importance) but if they are aware I'm sur Doe would be apologizing perfusly, at any rate Deena could see...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Over a bit, if ghostmode's effect is making them rationalize their gaining to the point where scooting over is an automatic response to their swelling figures they might not say anything in response to bumping into Deena...
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