L.b.l up

Chapter 18 - #018 /side boss alpha/

I strode out of the taxi having finally reached my destination, though admittedly my stride had become more of a waddle. Don't worry you haven't missed anything, this is simply the next place that I can remember without having a headache. You see it turns out that no matter how heavyset your figure is consuming more alcohol then you could normally actually consume is going to give you an absolutely splitting headache. There are a few things of significance that bear mentioning including my destination itself and my reason for being there. Firstly, my dear Eliza was uncharacteristically rather apologetic for her fun and games the night before, I told her I was over it but she still owed me. That said after 30 minutes of lugging the extra 20lbs of weight around my plans were becoming increasingly vindictive. Secondly, Porcina Hill High school officially announced that it'd be closed for another two days, with the football game being hosted on the day we returned so as not to "invalidate the hard work of the players involved". This move played right into my plump hands due to my little revelation causing a change of plans. Speaking of which, thirdly and lastly, my revelation the night before was that you could alter someones figure in ghost mode leave time to pass in ghost mode then disable it while targeting them. This is important because it meant that I could do even more damage with my limited supply of weight gain energy by fattening up the girls individually and then revealing it on the day of the football game. It was that endeavor that brought me to Saint Lawerence's Convent a little way off the highway. Where one Penny Goodman was helping her mother with a health food based bake sale. Yes my now rail thin ex was selling health food in what was a strange twist of irony. Though no amount of kale was going to save her by the time I was finished with her.
I seated myself just a little bit away from where she was located selling health foods clad in this green tee and a set of baggy grey work out shorts, her entire outfit looked ready to slide off of her lanky form on a moments notice. It was a theme consistent across her appearance her gaunt cheeks and thin lips were covered in slightly ill applied makeup, her jittery green eyes marked by rather uneven eyeliner. I briefly felt a tinge of sympathy for the girl, but then her bitchy comment echoed back into my head and In doing so I was reminded that I was dishing out a public service. I turned on my phone in order to boot up LBL UP and was once more greeted by the sight of the logo. The female silhouette had become a bloated and obese woman with a belly touching her knees, it felt apt given just how big I had made some of my targets. The pleasant chime of a level up echoed from my phone as a rather happy consequences of Eliza's fooling around revealed itself. The new tool was called Feed, and it's symbol was of a woman with her mouth wide open as several different food types being tossed in, the whole thing was colored gold and I knew I had an ideal way to get my revenge. So I hefted myself up off the bench my rear clad in a pair of black shorts,and wobbling slightly as I rose out of the chair, my thighs now chaffing annoyingly and causing me to develop a slight waddle as I made my way over to greet the bony blonde herself.
As I approached she was serving some younger guy, a tall tanned teen such as herself, and when I say she was serving I mean she was flirting up a storm. Normal teenage guys would screw a lamp post so getting laid especially if you're a skinny teenage girl is not exactly difficult but for some reason he clearly wasn't into it. Personally my bet was on the crazy eyes. As I made my slightly lethargic advance I heard a dinging noise from my phone, a familiar noise for me, a text message."Whadup cow tits, I know ur not here to sample the food" It read, even without caller id I would've known it was her. I just chuckled, as impressive as her multitasking was I knew I had to make it cost her. Thankfully my phone had to be in hand in order to read her text so I had the perfect cover for targeting her with LBL UP. I winced as It read her weight at 80lbs and my desire to put some flesh on her bones was enhanced. I tapped the new button and watched in glee as mid flirtation her would be lover plucked up one of her gluten free raisin cookies and pushed it into her mouth. I hit the button a few more times as he fed her even more of the heinous faux treats. Her face registered no surprise at this thanks to the power of ghost mode. I had him shove a full plate worth of cookies into her taunt stomach before I gave her some reprieve. Then I had her digest those cookies, health food wasn't enough to actually pack much weight on her. But I had a remedy for that, pushing the blue button, both it's tanks full from my hard work. The weight she put on lacked any kind of real fat at a weight as small as hers, her face rounded out a little bit losing it's skeletal appearance her arms and legs softened out her bones now concealed beneath a layer of softness. Her weight number flashed 130 and I felt a tinge of mercy in me for the nice girl who had once experimented with me. "I'm actually interested in losing a bit of this weight, and figured it'd be a nice cause and a good place to start" I texted back, it wasn't entirely untrue either. She easily could've saved herself and been reasonable, but unbeknownst to me at the time she was still stinging from our breakup. So instead of playing nice her response to my text read "Can you even work out at your size outside of a pool, wouldn't want those boulders of yours cracking the ground" she sent back with an emoji of an ass. I smiled as she sealed her faith. Much to my pleasure one of the younger nuns wandered over a red head with a sincere smile, I suspected she wanted to congratulate Penny on helping out but by coming close she instead became a pawn in my scheme. "I'd be careful with the amount of food you put away you might end up as big as me one day" I warned her with a tongue sticking out emoji. I didn't even give her time to formulate a response before proceeding to jam on the golden button rapidly like a five year old playing with a light switch. In rapid intervals synced perfectly with my button presses the nun and the jock began to shovel food into Penny's mouth. There was a small amount of crumbs that sprayed outward with each crunching bite as she was fed the stock of her food stand by hand. It was roughly three plates of cookies that she managed to fit into her underworked stomach and due to her mouth never being left empty for a moment, this only took only a minute. Her taunt belly poked out from her now fitting clothes as she clutched it in discomfort. "Don't worry, dear, I'll help you out" I said aloud in a pleasantly evil tone as I magically enhanced her digestion and the food in her stomach instantly became a mere 2lbs of fat on her frame. I blinked a couple of times and began to question if the food actually had any calories. Disappointed by this fact I figured out the next best thing to do was just go directly to the source again. She had even refilled half or the charge I had expended by getting fed. Which meant I had more that enough to pump her softer. I watched her clothes go from fitting to constricting as her body went from healthy to flabby at my behest. It began as small round potbelly but quickly became much more as shirt became a belly shirt as the unexercised apron of flab rose outwards and downwards accompanied by blubber everywhere else, her bottom half developed soft rolls and chaffing thighs. I even had an ideal view of her ass where mine had developed into a heavy if soft pair of "boulders" hers looked like a few slabs of cellulite ridden hams. However to some irony her tits developed rather nicely as well, which was ironic given a previous jealousy when I hung out with Eliza. The girl looked like a hurricane had struck her newly fattened form. The boy she had been looking to impress had clearly lost interest completely turning up his nose as if insulted such a fat whale would hit on him, the nun while oblivious too her own part in the girth now on display looked rather sympathetic. I glanced at my phone and saw that I had emptied the first tank on L.B.L UP and on the texting app there wasn't any indication I'd be getting a response. I wasn't finished with her yet, but at 230lbs she was at a very good head start for the game on Thursday.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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SpiritOfACar... 4 years
@ Adsein Ah, okay. My mistake.
Adsein 4 years
All my chapters are within the character limit the site just somtimes cuts stuff off anyways
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
@ Deena Chapter 129 cuts off too, I think it's because like comments stories have a character limit, I just fill in the blanks, she clearly meant for the last word to be "stairs."
Eleena CoOwO... 4 years
Also the chapter cuts off at "Just after"
Eleena CoOwO... 4 years
Guess Paige is in the know now! ^^
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
Woah, was not expecting Paige to figure it out, nor was I expecting she was into it!
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
...ointless because she wouldn't be likely to remember all the details and stories the girls shared to each other.
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
@ DeenaTheButterMuffin Sounds interesting, I'm excited to see what it is.

Also I just wanted to fix an error in my previous comment. I meant to say the if Deena were mind controlled and only remembered bits and peices of it, the conversation would be p
Eleena CoOwO... 4 years
have a wholesome and heartwarming conversation with one another as they get to know each other while they enjoy their hearty meal to sate their slighty magically enhanced appetites. Then the conversation becomes erotic.
Eleena CoOwO... 4 years
V Actually that's a great idea! I've been messaging Miss Adsein about some ideas, and one was an idea that could make conversations a lot kinkier. I won't say anymore about it in case Adsein plans to use it. But that could play into it, where the girls ha
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
...and nibbles on hamburgers and fries/perch/chicken tenders/ etc. And downing soft drinks.
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
...bit more food would just be some erotic elements, and Deena could justify it by acknowledging that they probably got to know more about each other because having more food to eat probably kept them all around at the table longer to chat between bites a
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
...them talking and sharing stories and getting to know each other better, the few things Deena does with the app in to the background girls, as well as her freinds to just make them slightly hungrier then they were originally that they order a bit more f
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
...Olive, Doe, Connie, Mindy, Penny, and Deena while they all chat. Deena of course being in a stable mental state and not being mind controlled this time, just doing it for some pervese reasons, sense if she were mind controlled the whole point of them t
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
..."stuff themselves silly" at a resturant again. And after shopping they could all rest up at a nearby joint in the mall, and Deena could perhaps have some fun with female staff and patreons in the background. And perhaps have a little fun with Paige, Ol
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
...mall has all types of plus sized clothing so her, Olive, and Paige and Connie can help the other girls their get clothes that fit them along with clothes a few sizes up comfortably instead of just barely where they "rip off" if they decide to "stuff th
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
, where Doe gets Paige and Olive to come as well as Deena and Eliza. While Connie convinces Mindy to join them, and Penny and Deena join in. If it's at a mall perhaps Doe could say that this is for another wardrobe intervention because this particular mal
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
@greymonk I agree with this idea, the other suggestions of the girls having a "night out" kind of fits in with this. Perhaps Doe and Connie could come up with the idea to have a little get together down the line in the story to meet up at a mall or club
Lpark435 4 years
Definitely my fav story on her, the thing I’m looking forward to, or hoping for I should say is the girls back at their respective homes obviously deana and Elize together, but a step back and look at how their bodies have expanded, some details, weight,
Eleena CoOwO... 4 years
Yay! Mindy got her friends back!
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