L.b.l up

Chapter 19 - #019 /side boss beta/

After that I headed home for the day to an almost surreal contrast of normal and strange. Eliza couldn't hang out because she had a swim team meet up, this was normal. My Dad would be back from his business trip later than expected,this was also normal, though I cared a lot less then I would have a week ago. On the other hand Connie insisted on making me watch one of those boring weight loss reality tv shows, that was strange, and got progressively less interesting as time went on for what I assume our fairly obvious reasons. When I went to bed that night at around 11pm my best friend sent me a nude, and I stayed up sexting her and masturbating for like two hours instead of programing. That was strange. the next morning I put on a pair of black shorts and a grey crop top, hopped in a taxi, and got out to attend a UFC fight after a quick stop along the way. Deena Mathews, the tall dark skinned amazon who served as queens guard of the royal bitches.She had bounced her muscular ass off the lap of the sports coach when a better prospect came along, that better prospect was a UFC fighter. He had a fight that weekend, it wasn't anything to special, not heavily advertised and so it wasn't exactly a packed out fight. This itself worked in my favor because it meant I could toss my family name around and get access to some Vip seats. The prices were as over inflated as my step moms waist but I can't possibly complain with how things worked out. The arena was a repurposed hockey ring so it's seating was a little more traditional that the typical octagon based fight, a sea of blue plastic chairs descending downwards in a staircase like a reverse pyramid and concluding at ground level with a large cage containing two shirtless dudes making a good show of trying to beat the crap out of each other. But I wasn't interested in them, I was interested in the girl sat two columns from the cage, sitting on a row on her lonesome. Needless to say she wouldn't be alone for long.
I made my way down the stairs at the best pace my waddle would allow and I was secretly pretty thankful that the place was empty so as to minimize the amount of people seeing that I was slightly puffing and panting by the final few steps. I sidled along the row of chairs and while I did, I got a pretty good view of the girl who shared my name, and apparently as of recently my interest in bright hair dye. Her hair was now a bright red contrasting us further if that was even possible, a red I realized at a glance that perfectly matched the red boxers of one of the fighters bouncing around the cage. She was clad in a pair of black skinny jeans and a sports bra which left her muscled washboard abs on display for the world. "Not for long" I reminded myself in my head as she offered up some encouragement for her blood sport loving boo. I planted my thick rear on the chair next to her and felt my wide hips brush up on the arms slightly as I was pretty comfortable sat on my soft tush. She paid me a glance and glowered for a few moments and I briefly had to consider if she would attack me, she didn't though, she simply glanced back towards her fight and sighed. I noticed her fists clench and unclench twitching slightly and I again wondered if I was one statement away from getting struck. It was the sound that alerted me to the actual reason. It was in rhythm with the fight, in her head her muscled arms were his, she was in that battle, wincing with every hit he took. The whole thing was endearing but she still had a tax to pay, and as a lover of video games it spun a web of an idea in my mind. I pulled out my phone and got her into the recital turning my attention towards the combat, preparing my finger to tap whenever he was hit.
every time that happened his lovers waistline paid the price. I tapped the blue button with every blow only glancing back at my target on occasion. He was clearly winning but he was obviously a brute force contender with little emphasis on defense. This was made clear when he landed a combo of strikes around his foes chest while taking a small collection of smaller borderline non impactful blows. They did impact Deena though. Her body bloated with each misplaced strike, her 170lbs body of muscle added 15lbs of blubber per blow, that meant that since I started she was 90lbs heavier and it certainly showed even with her height and muscle mass. Her figure kept her curved better than most girls I had fattened up and her curves remained rather than devolving into a roll laden butterball like penny. That said she was certifiably chunky. Her thighs were chaffing heavily and her skinny jeans looked ready to pop at the seams her muscle definition was buried beneath a soft layer of blubber, the same fat forming a blob of fat right where her perfect abs used to demonstrate her athletic strength. I watched her newly puffy features contorting into a scowl as the bell was rung for a break of some sort, obviously he wasn't living up to her high expectations of him. As the bell rung various individuals dispensing greasy snack foods were deployed across the arena two of them wandered down our row. A new scheme popped into my brain, Deena was mumbling something to herself about "idiot men". The sellers eyes practically glinted with greed as they saw money bags the size of two tubby teens with big wallets. Deena having not earned her newly porked up figure through any bad dietary decisions of her own was quick to wave them off with a pissed off grunt. That was soon to change as I tossed a couple of fifties the way of both converging salesmen and they happily gave me their belly filling stocks. Placing one large container of greasy snack food on the chair adjacent to me and the other on my lap. As our little transaction finished Deena shot me a look like she was about to comment on the density of my food acquisition but her attention was pulled back as her man received an uppercut. She was completely unaware of how her jeans cut deeper into a bigger belly because of it. In fact her gut was so strained by her skinny jeans that she was red in the face and sweating slightly, she had two options, let It out, or I'd pop it off. Unfortunately for her, she had high self esteem, and her lover seemed to be a learner because after the uppercut he wasn't letting his opponent anywhere near him. So Deena was left struggling there in her constricting jeans rubbing the top of her exposed belly in frustration her more piggish face contorted in a scowl. Then like a girl who had earned her muffin top, she decided food was the best way for her to cope with the struggle. More specially my food. Not that I cared, that's what I bought it for. She grabbed a single bag of chips and popped it open grabbing one individual chip and tossing it into her mouth. I activated the green rune of hunger as a followup and all that control faded away. She stuffed her freshly minted double chinned face with a fervor stuffing in crisps by the handful as I simply slid the box across too her with ease. She tore through the greasy stadium food with the same fervor her boyfriend tore into his opponent. As she finished guzzling down a can of soda to wash down her fifth pack of chips her button finally gave away in a loud ping the metal object nearly striking the cage. The normally confident girl began to blush as her heavy stomach began to droop even larger in size than Connie's and was currently nearly covering her soft knees. It didn't help that her jeans had given away in other place, because the girl was clearly a natural pear. Her thick hips were cutting into the arms of her chair and were now brushing against mine, each one could probably balance a glass of soda. Her thick thighs were pouring out of several small tears in her skinny jeans just as I had wanted her breasts were still perky and firm, untouched by my thickening machinations. I had something specific planned for her though and for that she'd need to be a little bigger. Thankfully her rivals boyfriend seemed to have similar ideas, as in an almost elegant spin kick her chances of remaining in her pants were send into the void of unconsciousness. With that the ref began to count and she once again began to bloat outwards. Her thighs pouring and straining more, by the count of five she was nearly naked, by eight the tearing and ripping noises were actually audible as her flabby hips drooped onto mine and I very nearly came. By 10 with some very strategic thigh wriggling and a hard press of the button both of my goals were reached. My moan was drowned out by the bell, as was the final tear of her pants into complete shreds leaving her naked from the waist down. She was a solid 320 according to L.B.L UP and that was clear just by looking at her. She turned as scarlet as her hair when she realized trying to maneuver herself into a place she could hide but finding her newly fattened figure less that cooperative at moving around quickly. I rose out of the chair mighty satisfied with my work as I did so I made sure to grab the bag containing the cherry on top to my scheme. "Hey....is that bag from one of those plus sized stores" she asked me loudly before lowering her voice. "Yeah I just bought some fat pants, you know given my size I'm preparing case I accidentally wind up completely huge". She just kind of whimpered slightly obviously forcing herself to deny that I had noticed her sorry state before working up the courage to ask. "Can I have them, you know as payment for not making your day hellish?" She asked in a piped up voice. I considered toying with her for that threat but realized that it would be it's own reward. "Oh of course" I told her in a mock display of cowardice before making a show of waddling away with my tail between my legs. Inside when she finally hefted herself out of that insufficient chair she'd find a pair of XL "Wide Load" marked booty shorts. I personally hopped she'd wear them to the game.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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SpiritOfACar... 4 years
@ Adsein Ah, okay. My mistake.
Adsein 4 years
All my chapters are within the character limit the site just somtimes cuts stuff off anyways
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
@ Deena Chapter 129 cuts off too, I think it's because like comments stories have a character limit, I just fill in the blanks, she clearly meant for the last word to be "stairs."
Eleena CoOwO... 4 years
Also the chapter cuts off at "Just after"
Eleena CoOwO... 4 years
Guess Paige is in the know now! ^^
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
Woah, was not expecting Paige to figure it out, nor was I expecting she was into it!
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
...ointless because she wouldn't be likely to remember all the details and stories the girls shared to each other.
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
@ DeenaTheButterMuffin Sounds interesting, I'm excited to see what it is.

Also I just wanted to fix an error in my previous comment. I meant to say the if Deena were mind controlled and only remembered bits and peices of it, the conversation would be p
Eleena CoOwO... 4 years
have a wholesome and heartwarming conversation with one another as they get to know each other while they enjoy their hearty meal to sate their slighty magically enhanced appetites. Then the conversation becomes erotic.
Eleena CoOwO... 4 years
V Actually that's a great idea! I've been messaging Miss Adsein about some ideas, and one was an idea that could make conversations a lot kinkier. I won't say anymore about it in case Adsein plans to use it. But that could play into it, where the girls ha
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
...and nibbles on hamburgers and fries/perch/chicken tenders/ etc. And downing soft drinks.
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
...bit more food would just be some erotic elements, and Deena could justify it by acknowledging that they probably got to know more about each other because having more food to eat probably kept them all around at the table longer to chat between bites a
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
...them talking and sharing stories and getting to know each other better, the few things Deena does with the app in to the background girls, as well as her freinds to just make them slightly hungrier then they were originally that they order a bit more f
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
...Olive, Doe, Connie, Mindy, Penny, and Deena while they all chat. Deena of course being in a stable mental state and not being mind controlled this time, just doing it for some pervese reasons, sense if she were mind controlled the whole point of them t
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
..."stuff themselves silly" at a resturant again. And after shopping they could all rest up at a nearby joint in the mall, and Deena could perhaps have some fun with female staff and patreons in the background. And perhaps have a little fun with Paige, Ol
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
...mall has all types of plus sized clothing so her, Olive, and Paige and Connie can help the other girls their get clothes that fit them along with clothes a few sizes up comfortably instead of just barely where they "rip off" if they decide to "stuff th
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
, where Doe gets Paige and Olive to come as well as Deena and Eliza. While Connie convinces Mindy to join them, and Penny and Deena join in. If it's at a mall perhaps Doe could say that this is for another wardrobe intervention because this particular mal
SpiritOfACar... 4 years
@greymonk I agree with this idea, the other suggestions of the girls having a "night out" kind of fits in with this. Perhaps Doe and Connie could come up with the idea to have a little get together down the line in the story to meet up at a mall or club
Lpark435 4 years
Definitely my fav story on her, the thing I’m looking forward to, or hoping for I should say is the girls back at their respective homes obviously deana and Elize together, but a step back and look at how their bodies have expanded, some details, weight,
Eleena CoOwO... 4 years
Yay! Mindy got her friends back!
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