L.b.l up

Chapter 184 - #184 /the ladies motivation/

Right around the time I finished snarfing down the last of the oversized sandwich Doe returned bearing more gifts. She was continuing to sweat up a storm lugging around the copious amount of food and beer required to keep our fat guts satisfied. I let out a lazy belch as she approached, the belly heavy dominatrix’s gut bounced off mine as she draped a pizza over my flabby body. It felt like a lot of effort just to pick the slices of myself and bring them to my lips. That was even without caring about whether I smeared sauce around my greedy lips or onto my cleavage. Though as much as it slightly irritated me to have to do any work at all, I couldn’t blame Doe, she was too busy supplying me with beer to feed me. Between greedy bites she’d push a bottle of beer against my lip so I could guzzle some down. Only ceasing to let me belch. Or to bring the next cheesy treat to my greedy gullet. Idly I rubbed the side of my gut with one hand as I mutely celebrated how good it felt to do nothing at all.

Outside the cinema room I could hear the party intensifying. The music was picking up in volume and the breathy moans of lust were happening with greater regularity. Not only that but the drunken giggling screams of chaotic party antics were becoming increasingly consistent. The party was slowly going out of control. It seemed much more relaxing to just sit on my fat ass and enjoy myself. Without worrying about what was going on out there. How girls were growing or losing themselves in lust for fat or their own appetites. Finding a blonde fat girl, in a party of predominately recently fattened L.A babes was going to be like finding a needle in a needle stack. Yet I couldn’t help but ponder just how intense things were surely getting out there. When it came to raw weight gain, my former mistress had demonstrated an unmatchable amount of power when she left Pepper an immobilized blob the size of a small car. Just what all that energy could do when applied to, lust, hunger, and a desire to feed, was something that had me curious in a macabre way.

Doe moved on to stuffing Connie again. Draping the latina in a thicker crusted and much more heavily topping covered pizza than the one she had given me to graze on. She was playing favorites, but I didn't really mind, I couldn’t work up the energy to care. The feeder once more forced down the delicious food she had gathered for her blobby feedee. In the back of my mind I couldn’t help but wonder how we were packing so much away when we weren’t moving at all. An answer as it turns out was readily apparent moments later. As Doe rolled up one slice into a cylinder and slid it past Connie lips I felt an extra inch of Latina blubber pushing against my wide hips. I lazily tilted my head and confirmed my suspicions. She was looking a bit fatter. Not dramatically so, much like us the weight she was packing on had a slow slothful pace. Creeping in as an extra roundness to her cheeks, a bit of extra blubber, a bit of extra hang to her boulder gut. It should’ve awakened anxiety in me to see her fattening up. But I just couldn’t quite muster the energy to see it as something to be concerned about. She was already huge anyways.

Doe moved onto the sisters and once more used Dee’s oversized girth as a platter off which to serve one of the giant pizza’s she had been carrying. The two sisters letting out a simultaneously belch of acknowledgment before beginning the slow process of digging in for lazy blobs such as themselves. They were absolutely massive. Their dark flab rippled haphazardly with any slight movements and their girth was copious, overflowing the already oversized couch. When they ate occasionally, they’d grab a slice at the same time, neither having the energy to negotiate or surrender they’d just eat half the slice at the same time. The twin flabby sisters. Once overflowing with energy reduced to lazy slothful blobs who looked like they never left the couch, let alone did a sport. The sight of that, filled me with an unmistakable lust. One which slowly built as I noticed they were growing ever so gradually plumper with every lazy hedonistic bit. They’d grow big and fat doing nothing but eating and sitting on their impressive asses. The thought drove me wild.

I blinked my eyes hazily and realized I had stopped eating, my hand having drifted down, my fingertips slipped under my gut towards my bikini bottoms. It was the slightest flame of energy. In a moment of lucidity I knew I had to stroke it, figuratively that is. At the end of the day, the only thing that could truly motivate me was purest, unadulterated lust. I turned my thoughts back to the party and how it was no doubt escalating outside. I remembered the rummaging, playful hands of beautiful girls. How their touch felt so good on my soft body. How nice it was to have my attractiveness acknowledged after years of being a stick figure. I thought of the other fat girls I had seen being treated with pure desire by those who would’ve previously seen them as much too fat to be attractive. How they had been lavished with praise and attention. Then I imagined how it could escalate, how much more pleasure could my former mistress wring out of the app. How much I might be able to in the future. These thoughts fueled me as fantasies ran wild. I let out an audible high-pitched moan, however short, it was the first sound that wasn’t a gaseous release or grunt to have entered the room since I had sat down.

“You need anything” Doe asked turning to face me with a curious look on her face. Obviously surprised by my little outburst. Her eyes filled with the manic bliss of a L.B.L UP induced feeder. Thanks to the app I knew she’d do anything to keep my fat lazy and complacent. She was fatter more decisive and most importantly didn't have a magical app making the slightest movements feel like the most herculean of tasks. There was no way I was getting out while she was in the room. Yet she had stocked up much more effectively this feeding sessions. I knew that if I waited for the lazy fatties to deplete all her food supplies, I’d have fully succumbed to the plush seduction of the pillow presented by my own fat ass. I needed to use my lust fueled motivation to find a way out. Unfortunately I could only see one, and it was less than to my likings. I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by a belch, something which seemed to relax Doe more if nothing else. “I need like way more food” I told her trying to sound as hungry as possible.

Immediately I noticed her snap into action, like a considerate mother being told her daughter was hungry. She approached with arms bearing gifts of copious calories. I had never been as gluttonous as my companions. So the thought of gorging down an entire hoard of greasy party food, even with auto digestion was a daunting task. But it was either that or totally succumb to being a lazy fat ass. She handed me off another pizza, and I started to dig into it as best as I could while Doe took to giving my fat gut a relaxing belly rub. If I hadn’t been so distracted by the feeling of stuffing my mouth full her soft hands and delicate rhythm might’ve siren sung me into subjugation. But as it was, I found the sheer thickness of the crust to be totally overwhelming my senses. Flooding my gullet with grease and calories. I gobbled them down quickly at first but my pace gradually slowed. I couldn’t feel myself getting fuller, but I could make out the sensation of myself growing wider and slower. It really did feel tiring just dragging the food to my own lips. But somehow, I managed to polish off the last of the pizza.

“More!” I grunted at her needily. This time I couldn’t be bothered with using my own hands. She seemed more than happy to feed me. She slipped her hands away from my gut and brought one around to the back of my neck the other brought food from her plush arms directly to my mouth. It was much less tiring when she did it and her firm grip felt good to. It guided me towards the food and held me steady as I gobbled it down. Time began to lose meaning, and food seemed to lose all relative volume. An entire pizza, another couple of full submarine style sandwiches, a heaping bags of potato chips. I had been relying on the other girls to step in and request a share for themselves but they were likely too lazy to do so. It fell on me to devour the hoard, and eventually she at last ran out of food. “More!” I begged her again and I realized my voice sounded concerning genuinely.

The dominatrix leaned back a little her own gut wobbling, dabbing sweat from her forehead, yet she shot me a smile that indicated she intended to rise the challenge. She waddled out of the room and I waited a fraction of second before trying to get to my feet. Not only was I still under the effects of the laziness effect, but I could feel I had gotten a little bit fatter after such a gluttonous stuffing. I used Dee’s vast hips as a ledge to pull myself, and used the sight of their rippling girth to remind me of my motivation. I staggered slightly as I begun to waddle out of the room. Lust may have been my reason for taking action, but my purpose hadn’t changed, I needed to corner Megan. I was still lacking in evidence but she was the only viable person I could think of given the conditions I had laid out prior. Of course, finding her would inevitably be easier thought than done.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Chillzones 3 years
Oh, goddamn! Better strap in people, looks like an BIG update is fast approaching! 😲
Grimesjd 3 years
I cant wait to see how this confrontation plays out, but I also wanna know how much Eliza has gained as well
Chillzones 3 years
I am like legit jealous of the girls who got to grope and lick Paige's figure. 😜
Eleena CoOwO... 3 years
(Me paraphrasing Arnold Schwarzenegger in the "Predator" movie.)

Olliiiivee! You sonavabitch! 😆
Chillzones 3 years
I want to see a bit more background party girls fattening up, and see how much pudgier and how handsy the cops have gotten with each other. And if the ladies that had stayed in the kitchen had busted some seams or torn their tops or bottoms off yet! 🥰
Chillzones 3 years
I don't want to make it sound like I'm hoping for Deena's failure or anything, as she is a lovable character and a great protagonist, but I'm hoping that she isn't immediately succesful in catching Megan during the party for at least a little while longer
Eleena CoOwO... 3 years
Aw, that's sweet of Mindy! And strong willed too to manage to wish Deena luck despite ghostmode+ being in effect. For a non-magic user & 4 someone who isn't a witch like Laura who has experience with magic, I consider that a impressive accomplishment!
Grimesjd 3 years
Thank you for the birthday gift! I was hoping this would happen! Thank you so much. Great chapter, anxiously awaiting more.
Chillzones 3 years
Please tell me there will be another chapter up soon, this party sounds like it's an absolute paradise of indulgence, and I would love to see what the third, ass heavy ebony beauty queen has in store for Deena!
Grimesjd 3 years
I can't wait for an updated group pic! A lot is going to change
Chillzones 3 years
Welp, looks like I was wrong 😂
Chillzones 3 years
V I think she's got a few more hearty meals left in her, her and the other two are definitely closing in on immobility though I feel, I just don't think there going to reach it 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 yet.
Grimesjd 3 years
Anyone else feel like Mindy is just a few more treats away from immobility?
SpiritOfACar... 3 years
This party is starting to act like a blackhole, the music's bringing in newcomers trying to see what all the noise is about, and are ensnared in a debaucherous trap! Very nice!
Eleena CoOwO... 3 years
Doe stuffing her not so little Connie-Bon full of food is so sweet! 🥰
Bebops 3 years
I'm happy to see Doe enabling Connie's gluttonous tendencies! smiley
Chillzones 3 years
Oh man, there just seems to be one new feature after another getting introduced here! 😍
SpiritOfACar... 3 years
Things appear to be heating up at this pool party, might need to take a dip in the pool to cool off, lol.
Grimesjd 3 years
I see my comment was a point of fear for Deena here. And wow. Just...wow this is getting so damn amazing!
Bebops 3 years
V Pretty Hot, But me personally I like her to gradually get up to that point through various story-driven sexy misadventures with the app.
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