L.b.l up

Chapter 185 - #185 /the ladies party/

Outside as I had anticipated, the party had escalated to entirely new levels of debauchery. Thick girls wandered around and danced topless thanks to my fake poll. They danced and grinded against larger fatter girls with a reckless sort of close contact that would’ve killed any nun in the vicinity. While the mess that was building would’ve killed any maid. Boxes and containers of food were scattered around the floor completely unconsidered. The sheer amount of them a testament to the level of gluttony that was being partaken in around the mansion. Big girls receiving attention for the first time possibly in their lives relished in it and consumed anything that was brought to them. Receiving compliments and enjoying the simple pleasures of having their presence basked in. Even if they weren’t gay, though I suspected there would be a few sexual awakenings, there was still a very simple human pleasure that came from being desired. To being wanted. An addictive vice, particularly if you’ve been starved of it.

Though as I tried to wade through the busy crowds, it became clear it wasn’t the girls that were being sought after. “Eat this come on it’ll be delicious” “You need to eat like way more, your curves are nice, but they could bigger” “How many bikini sizes have you gone up lately anyways”. All were lines I heard pouring out of the mouths of the curvier girls. They wanted fat. They wanted raw girth and blubber and to watch that which was already big get bigger. Those affected were no longer just fascinated by bigger curves, they actively seemed to worship them. With that worship came a deep-seated desire to see them grow bigger. As a result, the party had become clumped, with women gathering around the fatter girls and lavishing attention and pleasure on them. In the hopes of seeing them grow fatter. It was a need so overpowering the party was taking on a life of its own. Becoming more messy, wild and sexual. With more spills, bared blubber, and loud music.

I had to physically fight against the interest of would-be suitors for my own girthy form as best I could. While at first, I simply told girls, I wasn’t all that hungry or that I was looking for someone. I quickly realized that wasn’t sufficient because they’d simple assert their own will. Force the food towards my lips or have a bit of fun groping my enormity. One girl even gave me a mouthful of beer by sloppily kissing me after feeling up my tits for a while. It was utterly unnatural, manic and completely debauched. Yet for those girls within those fields, it was simply reality. There was nothing to be questioned in their desires, and nothing odd about it. Normal to them was idolizing fat wherever you could see it and feeding it so it would grow bigger. To suggest anything to the contrary would’ve confused them. The best technique I found was to simply start talking about girls fatter than myself. I would occasional pause an evangelize the girth of the cheer leaders to anyone who would listen, and my personal fan club would then vacate me to seek out the former queens of Porcina Hill High. All the while I tried to seek out Megan amidst the half-naked bodies and gluttonous displays.

By the front door I heard loud knocking and was briefly terrified to see two police officers stagger in looking suspicious. Both were girls, one reedy and tall, the other was shorter and just a bit out of shape. “Can we speak to whoever is in charge of this party the music is too loud...” The tall and reedy one said shaking her head a little at the volume. “Seriously when I attended PHH it wasn’t anywhere near this bad...” the slightly curvier one said. “Seeming like it still did a number on you...” the tall one said quickly realizing the many drunken girls wouldn’t be a useful source of information. “Well, I might have packed on a little...you can believe the rumors...that cafeteria does things to a girl's figure...” the short cop mumbled under her breath. The whole interaction I couldn’t help but watch with mixed feelings. On one hand the party being brought to a close would probably be a good thing. On the other hand, I somehow doubted this was a problem the police could solve. As they pushed through the party, I could see the signs, that my suspicions were likely accurate.

“You know...It’s not just a little you put on...it’s quite a bit” the tall and reedy one said pausing to poke at her partners small saddle bags. The short blonde pausing and blushing. “It’s not as big as most girls who go there, it just shows more on my frame” she objected quickly tapping her feet nervously. “Well...in that case this party might be dangerous for you...wouldn’t want the PHH curse catching up on you...filling you out the rest of the way...” the tall one said licking her lips a little. The short one had already started snacking on some pizza and was beginning to shimmy her hips to the music. “If we stop the party now all this food would go to waste, we have a responsibility to all the hungry mouths in the world to make sure that doesn’t happen” the tall one mused pausing in her efforts to shut the party down a grabbing a slice. Shoving it towards her partners lips who ate it with a grunt of approval. I was beginning to think the party would never run of food. Which meant that the L.A PD was going to be about as helpful as expected.

The room formerly known as the kitchen was somehow more of mess than It had been when I had last waddled through it. More food had been added, but the once fancy room had already been busting at the seams with greasy supplies to feed the party’s many fatties. To make matters worse most girls seemed to just be taking food out and leaving the containers behind, leading to a huge buildup of fast-food containers, that was likely the truest demonstration of the sheer overconsumption of the bloated celebration of our fleeting youths. Girls would stumble drunkly in, gathering up an almost comically large amount of food and beer, and then stumble out to bring it to a *** of their choosing. When two girls went for the two foods, they tended to split it or start evangelizing about the positive qualities of the fat girl they were entranced by. Thankfully I seemed to have timed my visits between Doe’s supply runs. Which likely avoid an awkward conversation. However, I had to prioritize searching for Megan in amongst the stacks of pizza boxes and crumbled up plastic cups.

There were plenty of fatties who seemed to be lingering the kitchen. Though they certainly didn't need any curvaceous feeders to provide them offerings of food. They simply ate and ate, hoggishly from whatever supplies were available for them to snarf down. I recognized a few of them from when I had waddled through earlier. Based on the way their blubber was starting to overwhelm their once fitting swimsuits, they had done nothing but eat the entire time. All trace of anything but a desire for hoggish gluttony had completely left them. Table manner and dignity had been completely cast aside in favor of hoggish snorts and unladylike belches, as they stuffed themselves utterly stupid on the parties supplies. The sight of scantily clad women sloped in greasy food as they gorged like hogs was all too familiar. Confirming my earlier predictions that they were likely under the same conditions as the cheerleaders had been during their hoggish benders.

Megan didn't seem to be amongst Porcina hills resident hogs, so I glanced out the window towards the pool to search. But what I saw sent a shiver down my blubber buried spine. Most of what was happening at the party was happening out by the pool. Larger girls were swarmed by fat admiring girls who were lavishing them with calories and alcohol. That wasn’t anything new what concerned me was the populace. Quite a few of the girls that were being fed or were feeding weren’t even in bikinis. The pizza delivery girl from earlier had plumped up a bit and had stripped down to her underwear. But there seemed to be other newer delivery service drivers who had been swallowed up by the parties intoxicating energy. They were now amongst the dancing, feeding and fat worshiping party goers. One girl in particular looked old enough to have a child, and I was deeply suspicious she was a neighbor who had come over to make a noise complaint. Anyone who entered one of the parties many differing energy fields seem to become swallowed up and enamored by it. With that being the case the party and the girls who occupied it would never stop growing. Certainly, Mindy didn't seem like she'd be running out of finances anytime soon. Even if the party was consuming enough to fill the bellies of a small country.

Desperate to seek out Megan I waddled out into the crowded pool zone and looked amongst the many beautiful bodies on display. One thing that immediately became clear though was that it was easier to maneuver than outside than it was inside. In fact, aside from the small crowds gathered around the pool a huge volume of the partygoers were clumped around one place in particular. If nothing else, it seemed like a good place to start. Though the second I waddled into the crowd something odd happened. Someone called out my name as if they recognized me and yells of surprise and excitement echoed through the crowd as if they had been waiting for me. The second that happened I felt them pushing me. They were still squeezing and groping my massive ass, but they were primarily pushing it forward. As I staggered through the mass of dancing curvaceous girls I eventually emerged at the epicenter. Where three queens awaited me on their thrones. Surrounded by beauties, worshiped and at the height of their power.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Chillzones 3 years
Oh, goddamn! Better strap in people, looks like an BIG update is fast approaching! 😲
Grimesjd 3 years
I cant wait to see how this confrontation plays out, but I also wanna know how much Eliza has gained as well
Chillzones 3 years
I am like legit jealous of the girls who got to grope and lick Paige's figure. 😜
Eleena CoOwO... 3 years
(Me paraphrasing Arnold Schwarzenegger in the "Predator" movie.)

Olliiiivee! You sonavabitch! 😆
Chillzones 3 years
I want to see a bit more background party girls fattening up, and see how much pudgier and how handsy the cops have gotten with each other. And if the ladies that had stayed in the kitchen had busted some seams or torn their tops or bottoms off yet! 🥰
Chillzones 3 years
I don't want to make it sound like I'm hoping for Deena's failure or anything, as she is a lovable character and a great protagonist, but I'm hoping that she isn't immediately succesful in catching Megan during the party for at least a little while longer
Eleena CoOwO... 3 years
Aw, that's sweet of Mindy! And strong willed too to manage to wish Deena luck despite ghostmode+ being in effect. For a non-magic user & 4 someone who isn't a witch like Laura who has experience with magic, I consider that a impressive accomplishment!
Grimesjd 3 years
Thank you for the birthday gift! I was hoping this would happen! Thank you so much. Great chapter, anxiously awaiting more.
Chillzones 3 years
Please tell me there will be another chapter up soon, this party sounds like it's an absolute paradise of indulgence, and I would love to see what the third, ass heavy ebony beauty queen has in store for Deena!
Grimesjd 3 years
I can't wait for an updated group pic! A lot is going to change
Chillzones 3 years
Welp, looks like I was wrong 😂
Chillzones 3 years
V I think she's got a few more hearty meals left in her, her and the other two are definitely closing in on immobility though I feel, I just don't think there going to reach it 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 yet.
Grimesjd 3 years
Anyone else feel like Mindy is just a few more treats away from immobility?
SpiritOfACar... 3 years
This party is starting to act like a blackhole, the music's bringing in newcomers trying to see what all the noise is about, and are ensnared in a debaucherous trap! Very nice!
Eleena CoOwO... 3 years
Doe stuffing her not so little Connie-Bon full of food is so sweet! 🥰
Bebops 3 years
I'm happy to see Doe enabling Connie's gluttonous tendencies! smiley
Chillzones 3 years
Oh man, there just seems to be one new feature after another getting introduced here! 😍
SpiritOfACar... 3 years
Things appear to be heating up at this pool party, might need to take a dip in the pool to cool off, lol.
Grimesjd 3 years
I see my comment was a point of fear for Deena here. And wow. Just...wow this is getting so damn amazing!
Bebops 3 years
V Pretty Hot, But me personally I like her to gradually get up to that point through various story-driven sexy misadventures with the app.
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