L.b.l up

Chapter 186 - #186 /the queens authority/

The queen at the center of the trio, and the highest point of the pecking order was a massive heap of lard. Her enormous gut extended vastly out in front of her beyond the reach of her thick blubbery arms. It’s sheer girth and enormity was kept somewhat in check by the tight custom-made material of her swimsuit. But even with its assistance the mountainous middle sagged down to the ground, and likely would’ve hung to her shins if she were to attempt to rise from her lazy sitting position. Her hugeness however persisted all over, every aspect of her girthy body bulged with blubber. From her flab inflated thighs, the width of tree trunks, to her many chinned and bloated cheeked face. While it could be said every aspect of her was flabby, none of it seemed to quite match up perfectly with raw girth of her overwhelmingly momentous middle. Giving her a spherical boulder like presence. Her features were dark stormy and fierce, like her shadowy map of midnight black hair. Her eyes were a piercing blue and her plump sexual lips were twisted into a superior sneer. Four lighter women flanked her gut on either side rubbing it and mewling in joy at the sight of rippling. The queen seemed aloof but pleased with the joy they were taking in her enormity. I recognized her, though I hadn’t seen her in quite a while. High Queen Mindy the confident ruler of Porcina Hill Highs social circles.

On her right was a blonde of a marginally less massive scale, but who’s enormity was still mind boggling to behold. Her most massive and eye-catching feature was her heinously massive prow of a chest. That dwarfed the rest of her frame and preceded her wherever she went. Each induvial tit was bigger than some of the smaller girls at the party in terms of raw mass. They were measurements that had surpassed huge and become something borderline awe inspiring. Though the rest of her betrayed the reasoning for their unspeakable girth. She was fat all over, with a doughy gut that hung down to her oversized thighs, and a plump and round face, that could almost at times look cherubically innocent. A sharp contrast to the girth of her chest which left her looking like she was built for nothing, but sin incarnate. Like the central queen she had her share of beautiful admirers rubbing up on her. But unlike Mindy she was utterly enraptured by the women snuggling her cavernous chest. Looking desperately at them for approval. I recognized her as a girl I had very briefly dated. Queen Penny seemed to finally have found the affection she was looking for, and in spades.

But though one queen was certainly above the others in terms of pecking order, that queen was not the fattest. Such a title fell to the dark-skinned woman on the high queens right. A woman whose raw width surpassed any I had personally witnessed. Her hips were broader than some double doors, pumped wide by blubber, and bearing saddle bags so big they could hardly be described as such. All of which accommodated her massive thighs. On a woman that large, there thighs are often disguised by their hanging gut, and Dee’s was certainly large enough to obstruct. But her thighs were a fashion of blubber so immense it surpassed that. Each one was wide enough to be the mattress of a small single bed, and they looked to be about as soft. But these were merely appetizers to the enormity of the ass upon which she was sitting. It was a booty so titanic it had surpassed the measurement of being called a couch crusher and become so utterly massive it might as well have been a couch in its own right. The royal's lower half was so utterly immense it made her top half look small by comparison. Though that too was undeniably extremely flabby, with a several roll gut and breasts that while small for her size, were quite a bit bigger than average due to pure fat. The formerly most athletic of the Queens, we shared a name but she had simply asked me to call her Dee.

“Well look who it is” Mindy asked tilting her head curiously in a decidedly smug way. Something was definitely up. She hadn’t been that theatrical even back when she was skinny. It was also abundantly clear she wasn’t ghost mode aware either. “Well I was just enjoying myself at your par-” I started to say. “Mhmm, feel free, it’s not like you eat up that much food or space” she said her tone indicating that this was some sort of sly dig at me. “Well, you also don’t seem like you’re going to run out of food any time soon...” I fired back. I really couldn’t help it. Whether under her own self-control or not Mindy brought out a childish part of me that loved to argue. I was rather pleased with my comeback as ever simple as it was. But while I was waiting for her retort I was suddenly knocked backwards onto my ass by a sudden and very heavy presence. My landing was cushioned by my own blubber. But I was still uncomfortable due to an enormous feeling of weight pressing down on my waist and lower half. I glanced up and was met with the edge of Mindy’s under belly. She had slammed me to the ground and positioned her girth over mine. “You’re right about that, and I want to partake, so feed me, Tiny” she commanded me in a tone that was actually rather like her usual one.

Declining her command wasn’t an option. Not just because of the raw authority she exuded but because of the sheer girth of her body. Her mass was so enormous it was a rather severe threat. And Dee had more than demonstrated the capabilities of enormity during her wrestling match. There were however two key issues. The first of which, the lack of food, was quickly remedied. Flat on the ground I could see girls lowering food offerings down at the point where Mindy’s stomach touched the ground. Like offerings left at the foot of a vast mountain. Theoretically they should have been an easy to reach out and grab, but it was in performing that action that the second problem emerged. Namely that my arms were utterly pinned beneath her gut. I struggled against the pressure exuded by Mindy’s overwhelming girth, but I couldn’t quite get them out. She laughed an almost theatrically villainous laugh at my futile struggle. Creating the odd sensation of the massive gut pushing down on me rippling and leaving me with the sensation that my smothering fetish was likely making a comeback. She eased off the pressure on my arms a bit but the second I tried to move them out she lowered the mass back down, trapping them in again in a small flabalanche. Her girth and power rendered me utterly helpless, her authority as the queen asserted.

It seemed her hunger overtook her entertainment in using her overwhelming sized advantage against me and she released her hold on my arms. Allowing me to grasp at the food and lift it towards her mouth. It was a bit of stretch given her height and pose, but she seemed to relish the grunt of effort it took me to bring the greasy treats to her lips. The food disappeared down her lips with comical ease. Almost like a magic trick. It was simply her black hole appetite of course. But it lent me this strange sensation that she was overeating more to make a statement than out of any love of overeating. She was overeating because of a need to show how much she could consume and how superior she was. But that certainly didn't stop the surprisingly immediate consequences. And they were heavier consequences than I initially anticipated. I could feel her growing thicker with each bite, weighing down on my stomach more heavily. Her fat body visibly swelling with every gulp and lick.

Yet her adoring public continued to leave offering for me to feed her. They cheered and screamed vacuous compliments at her. About her body, about her beauty but mostly about her size. The party was still raging. But it’s focus was entirely on worshiping its queens. I continued to do as was requested of me. Though I did my best to slow down when I could. If for no other reason than I had a very bad feeling about the rate of mass she was putting on giving her already enormous size. But whenever I did, she’d adjust her body in some way that knocked the wind out of me, wriggling her ass so as to correct her position. Shifting her gut an inch closer. Ironically that particular method of harm was actually happening naturally. The more I fed her and the fatter she grew the vast perimeter of her enormous middle was enveloping more and more of my body. She didn't seem to be getting any fuller either. But I had no idea if that was simply because of her overwhelming capacity or because of auto digestion. I hadn’t even bothered pulling my phone out, I was suspicious she’d simply wind up crushing it anyways. The best I could do was try and sate her appetites, so she’d let me go after Megan. I could just only hope that wouldn’t be before she was too big to fit back into her own mansion after the party.

Eventually she seemed content that she has reasserted her position as the dominant one in our relationship and eased her bulk off me. Or rather tried to. It took her two attempts, the drop from the first one having winded me and sent her enormity rippling and bouncing like a tide of oil. She staggered back up in a slightly undignified fashion and waddled against the girth of her gut back to where she had been seating. Lowering her massive ass down to the pool. Prompting her lustful attendants to immediately flock back to playing with her gut. By my estimate she had evened her weight up with Dee, by sheer force of consumption and making me feed her. It somehow made her look even more in charge. “Can I go now, I’ve got a girl to find...” I asked Mindy not quite having recovered enough to get to my feet. “Hmmm, I might’ve but now that you’ve asked I’m afraid that’s going to have to be a no” she said regally idlily rubbing her enormous gut. It seemed I was in for yet more royal treatment.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Chillzones 3 years
Oh, goddamn! Better strap in people, looks like an BIG update is fast approaching! 😲
Grimesjd 3 years
I cant wait to see how this confrontation plays out, but I also wanna know how much Eliza has gained as well
Chillzones 3 years
I am like legit jealous of the girls who got to grope and lick Paige's figure. 😜
Eleena CoOwO... 3 years
(Me paraphrasing Arnold Schwarzenegger in the "Predator" movie.)

Olliiiivee! You sonavabitch! 😆
Chillzones 3 years
I want to see a bit more background party girls fattening up, and see how much pudgier and how handsy the cops have gotten with each other. And if the ladies that had stayed in the kitchen had busted some seams or torn their tops or bottoms off yet! 🥰
Chillzones 3 years
I don't want to make it sound like I'm hoping for Deena's failure or anything, as she is a lovable character and a great protagonist, but I'm hoping that she isn't immediately succesful in catching Megan during the party for at least a little while longer
Eleena CoOwO... 3 years
Aw, that's sweet of Mindy! And strong willed too to manage to wish Deena luck despite ghostmode+ being in effect. For a non-magic user & 4 someone who isn't a witch like Laura who has experience with magic, I consider that a impressive accomplishment!
Grimesjd 3 years
Thank you for the birthday gift! I was hoping this would happen! Thank you so much. Great chapter, anxiously awaiting more.
Chillzones 3 years
Please tell me there will be another chapter up soon, this party sounds like it's an absolute paradise of indulgence, and I would love to see what the third, ass heavy ebony beauty queen has in store for Deena!
Grimesjd 3 years
I can't wait for an updated group pic! A lot is going to change
Chillzones 3 years
Welp, looks like I was wrong 😂
Chillzones 3 years
V I think she's got a few more hearty meals left in her, her and the other two are definitely closing in on immobility though I feel, I just don't think there going to reach it 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 yet.
Grimesjd 3 years
Anyone else feel like Mindy is just a few more treats away from immobility?
SpiritOfACar... 3 years
This party is starting to act like a blackhole, the music's bringing in newcomers trying to see what all the noise is about, and are ensnared in a debaucherous trap! Very nice!
Eleena CoOwO... 3 years
Doe stuffing her not so little Connie-Bon full of food is so sweet! 🥰
Bebops 3 years
I'm happy to see Doe enabling Connie's gluttonous tendencies! smiley
Chillzones 3 years
Oh man, there just seems to be one new feature after another getting introduced here! 😍
SpiritOfACar... 3 years
Things appear to be heating up at this pool party, might need to take a dip in the pool to cool off, lol.
Grimesjd 3 years
I see my comment was a point of fear for Deena here. And wow. Just...wow this is getting so damn amazing!
Bebops 3 years
V Pretty Hot, But me personally I like her to gradually get up to that point through various story-driven sexy misadventures with the app.
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