L.b.l up

Chapter 187 - #187 /the bust queen/

“I’m taking a turn” Penny announced smugly swinging her massive girth around to face me and almost knocking off one of her admirers. The sheer amount of effort it took just to manipulate her chest was admittedly worth the sight of It as it rippled. “She was pretty much the worst girlfriend ever, so I think I’m going to take some recompense for that” she asserted bearing down on me. Unlike Mindy she didn't rise to her feet. That likely would’ve taken some serious effort from the damsels draped over enormity. Instead she lazily beckoned me over with a confidence that indicated she knew she’d be obeyed. I slowly waddled over towards after struggling to my feet. I still felt that appeasing them was probably the best way to get out of the situation I was in. Certainly, fighting against them wasn’t going to work when the entire party was utterly enthralled by their hugeness. “Give me a massage, it won’t make up for the lack of physical intimacy, but it should give you some idea of what you missed out on” Penny uttered lowering her massive chest a bit to allow me to better grasp it.

Even if she wasn’t commanding me, I likely wouldn't have been able to help myself from giving the titanic twins some experimental squeezing. I had more experience with giant breasts than most, but even then, they were a pair whose enormity put them in a class of their own. They weren’t just more than a handful, they were so huge I could only fully squeeze the full extent of one if I wrapped it in a hug. Something which I did after a time that earned a slight moan of bliss from Penny. I experimented with lifting them up and dropping them but found I’d need two hands just to lift one of them. So, like any truly dedicated coinsurer I simply did them in turns. The crowd in particular seemed to love that even more than she did, though I could see their attention was more than enough to feed her. The tits in question had reached a size so comically enormous they had curves and heft that other breasts simply didn't. Like a whole new world of breast blubber to explore. However, as my curiosity began to run a little wild Penny perked up. “Don’t just play with them quietly like a weirdo...tell me what you like about them” her tone was confident and almost regal, but her words betrayed her inner insecurity.

“They’re the biggest I’ve seen, in porn, on tv, pretty much anywhere” I told her honestly as I bounced her left breast between my palms. As I watched them ripple and bounce with heaving blubber, I became almost hypnotized by their almost awe-inspiring scale. “They’re absolutely enormous, beyond enormous, borderline preternatural” I told her as I squeezed it tight between my hands and felt the excess boob flesh pour out through my fingertips. Then I felt them start to shift beneath my grasp. There was more to grab, and I could feel her growth pushing back against my fingertips. Somehow the already absurd bust was getting bigger. I could feel the stretchy material of the swimsuit fight back against the ensuing growth, but I wasn’t sure it’d hold up. The gain was sizeable. Yet as I paused in surprised it seemed to stop. “More” she commanded of me her tone tinged with a desperation. Her need for validation seemingly overwhelming. I had a feeling I knew where this was going but I also didn't have a huge amount of choice in the matter.

“They absolutely dwarf you like, you’re 60% boob, it’s amazing” I started up again as I continued my massage and compliments, she let out a satisfied breath. The gaining continued once more unabated. With a bit of a curious inspection, I noticed it wasn’t just her breasts that were getting bigger either. I could feel her gut pushing up against my thighs and beginning to apply pressure to them as It expanded. There was too much tit flesh in the way for me to see beyond her, but I could tell by the rounding of the cheeks on her face that it was decidedly an all over style of gain. “Your cleavage is so deep I feel like I could get lost in there forever” I told her in a tone that I hoped didn't betray the cheesiness of the lines. The massage was much easier than the compliments. Such enormous tits meant there was infinite ways to play with them. Especially when I had stayed clear of her nipples for the most part.

It wasn’t like the breasts didn't deserve all the praise one could lavish on them, especially from an FA such as myself. But somehow it was just difficult for me to say it. Perhaps due to pride, annoyance at the times she had scorned me, or maybe just a little bit, a touch of guilt at our failed relationship. “Seriously they’re....” I started to say but she interrupted with a huff that bounced her breasts into me and knocked me back a bit. They had a serious swing to them, pendulous like two pair of wrecking balls. “Are a girls tits really all you’re going to compliment her on” Penny said pouting and turning her nose up at me. I wanted to point out that she hadn’t seemed to mind up until this point. But there was a certain deep emotional hunger in her eyes, which told me that I’d suffer death by cleavage induced asphyxiation for making that comment. I wasn’t that death by boobs wasn’t a great way to go, I just had a very different pair of boobs in mind.

From my pushed back position I could probably assess the amount of girth her validation feast was packing on her. For such a massive girl it took a hefty amount of blubber to make an appreciable difference, so it was a tad concerning that she was noticeably so much heftier. She was wider denser and softer all over, bulging at the stretchy seams of her swimsuit. If she got much more massive, I suspected getting her up would be a three-man job, and her odds of being able to waddle were slim. Yet her poised pose and the position of power the idolization of her girth provided her left me with little choice. I lowered my girthy body down low and massaged her soft blubbery thighs, the sensitive girl biting her lip in response. “The way they ripple is super-hot” I told her honestly before sliding my hands around to her hips. A process which required me to basically place my own enormity on top of hers. With my words of praise, I could feel the full extent of her body thickening and swelling with softness. “Your hips might not be as a wide as your waist but that just makes your top half look so much fatter” I told her, and she let out a tiny squeal of satisfaction. It seemed I had hit on her insecurity and as if in response she blimped out a little further immediately.

“You’re such a sex pest...there’s more to a girl than her body ya know...” she reiterated looking down on me with a slightly manic gaze. The way she tip toed the line between bossy confidence, and desperate insecurity was slightly terrifying to watch. “Your face is actually really pretty, it’s cute and energetic, like a girl next door, but hot and cute instead of just cute” I told her, and I realized I hadn’t even needed to think of that compliment. She smiled proudly and there was a slight tearing noise as her swimsuit began to tear from the top down. But for reasons I knew had nothing to do with magic or L.B.L Up I was compelled to keep going. “Your eyes are really bright and vibrant, it’s crazy how expressive they are” I told her. That one in particular was a line that occurred to me when we first met but for whatever reason I had never told her. Additional tit flesh surged out of the tear in the swimsuit and widened it with an audible rip. Her figure continuing its rapid expansion into new categories of enormity.

“I think that’s the first compliment I’ve gotten that was actually about my eyes and that wasn’t a metaphor for my chest” she said with a girly giggle that betrayed her true nature. “But ya know what the movies say, it’s what's on the inside that counts” she said facing her head up proudly in a fashion that viscously wobbled her hugeness against mine. What looked to be on the inside of her was half a ton of blubber, but I was happy to oblige her. On some level I knew what any additional fatness would do. But I felt desperately like she needed to hear it. “You know, I’ve got to say, I can’t say we have a huge sphere of similar interests, but I can’t say your boring” I told her with absolute honestly. With none of the flowery affectations or sexual context of my other compliments. I really meant it. It was probably shameful of me to say it. Particularly after I broke her heart. But I said it anyways. Out of some explicable need to selfishly make myself understood.

A surge of blubber poured overwhelmingly out of the cracks and seams of her swimsuit. Smaller tears formed like a submarine succumbing to water pressure. Pale blubber pouring out and pulling those tears apart. But given her immense figure and the amount of the material needed to cover her, the primary tear was still straight down the middle. It surged downwards and outwards as an overwhelming tide of Penny’s tit flesh and gut blubber poured out like a tidal wave of excess. It left her nude but chaste, as sitting down her gut hung down to her shins and completely obstructed any kind of access to her lady parts. Her tits sat diagonally propped up on her gut, beyond massive. Her legs had become so plump her feet now lifted slightly off the ground by the cylinders of blubber. Even with the fitness of a former cheerleader there wouldn’t be any heaving those around for Penny. I hadn’t tested it but I didin’t need to. Laying in the ruins of her swimsuit and looking well and truly satisfied, I saw no question, her blubber made her the fattest of the cheerleaders by a fair margin. But also immobilized by her own sheer enormity. A blob of lard.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Chillzones 3 years
Oh, goddamn! Better strap in people, looks like an BIG update is fast approaching! 😲
Grimesjd 3 years
I cant wait to see how this confrontation plays out, but I also wanna know how much Eliza has gained as well
Chillzones 3 years
I am like legit jealous of the girls who got to grope and lick Paige's figure. 😜
Eleena CoOwO... 3 years
(Me paraphrasing Arnold Schwarzenegger in the "Predator" movie.)

Olliiiivee! You sonavabitch! 😆
Chillzones 3 years
I want to see a bit more background party girls fattening up, and see how much pudgier and how handsy the cops have gotten with each other. And if the ladies that had stayed in the kitchen had busted some seams or torn their tops or bottoms off yet! 🥰
Chillzones 3 years
I don't want to make it sound like I'm hoping for Deena's failure or anything, as she is a lovable character and a great protagonist, but I'm hoping that she isn't immediately succesful in catching Megan during the party for at least a little while longer
Eleena CoOwO... 3 years
Aw, that's sweet of Mindy! And strong willed too to manage to wish Deena luck despite ghostmode+ being in effect. For a non-magic user & 4 someone who isn't a witch like Laura who has experience with magic, I consider that a impressive accomplishment!
Grimesjd 3 years
Thank you for the birthday gift! I was hoping this would happen! Thank you so much. Great chapter, anxiously awaiting more.
Chillzones 3 years
Please tell me there will be another chapter up soon, this party sounds like it's an absolute paradise of indulgence, and I would love to see what the third, ass heavy ebony beauty queen has in store for Deena!
Grimesjd 3 years
I can't wait for an updated group pic! A lot is going to change
Chillzones 3 years
Welp, looks like I was wrong 😂
Chillzones 3 years
V I think she's got a few more hearty meals left in her, her and the other two are definitely closing in on immobility though I feel, I just don't think there going to reach it 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 yet.
Grimesjd 3 years
Anyone else feel like Mindy is just a few more treats away from immobility?
SpiritOfACar... 3 years
This party is starting to act like a blackhole, the music's bringing in newcomers trying to see what all the noise is about, and are ensnared in a debaucherous trap! Very nice!
Eleena CoOwO... 3 years
Doe stuffing her not so little Connie-Bon full of food is so sweet! 🥰
Bebops 3 years
I'm happy to see Doe enabling Connie's gluttonous tendencies! smiley
Chillzones 3 years
Oh man, there just seems to be one new feature after another getting introduced here! 😍
SpiritOfACar... 3 years
Things appear to be heating up at this pool party, might need to take a dip in the pool to cool off, lol.
Grimesjd 3 years
I see my comment was a point of fear for Deena here. And wow. Just...wow this is getting so damn amazing!
Bebops 3 years
V Pretty Hot, But me personally I like her to gradually get up to that point through various story-driven sexy misadventures with the app.
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