L.b.l up

Chapter 188 - #188 /the queens demonstration/

“Alright you’ve had your fun” Mindy said wryly and I felt the heavy force of one of her hips slamming into my side. Forcing me off Penny's girth and back onto the ground, once more on my back with my gut and tits up in the air. “Fine by me” Penny said looking quietly happy, it looked like she had gotten whatever she was looking for after that interaction. Mindy even flashed a genuine smile at her friend’s look of satisfaction. It seemed that no matter how much the app distorted their personalities some things would never change. Mindy once more lowered her crushing bulk on top of me. It was a bit less winding when I was expecting it. But it was still concerning to feel her enormity engulf my in its soft crushing embrace. Her gut was now lingering inches from chin and it engulfed my chest, restricting me from breathing particularly well. I doubted it was an intentional pose, just a direct result of whatever my former mistress was doing to her. “Alright tiny, I bet you’re feeling hungry after all that hard work” Mindy said sarcastically. As if as a failed retort to her taunt my stomach growled, and she chuckled, the rippling of her blubber causing me to wriggle a little.

“Well you know what I’m feeling sort of peckish myself, let’s get some food here...feel free to feed whoever you like” Mindy said with a cocky grin. I had no idea what she was trying to accomplish with that taunt. But the crowd responded in kind to her request with ensuing woos. The girls who were already on top of her backed off to grab some food. Though they were soon replaced by other beautiful would be feeders who were already bearing gifts. The party’s typical faire of pizza beer and greasy snack foods. They took to feeding her with a glee and excitement only exuded by fetishists. Cramming the food towards her lips which she gobbled down once more with ease. More and more girls gathered around us grabbing a handful of her blubber and offloading their offerings towards her. Mindy leaned back, regal and poised, the shift of her weight forcing me to elicit a grunt. Slowly, the more she ate, it became apparent I didn't exist compared to her. They would acknowledge that I was there by stepping over me or glancing at me. But she was the only thing that caught their interest, her and her girth they wanted to feed larger. As she ate It couldn’t help but build my own hunger a bit. Crushed beneath her and watching her gobble down sinfully delicious food while I was stuck. The smell of the food alone was ever so slightly overpowering. On some deeper level I began to wish I was the one on top for a change.

Mindy seemed to only feed on that, literally and figuratively. She begun to expand outwards with additional adipose. Slowly encroaching on more and more of my body, pressing me harder against the ground by her overwhelming furniture busting weight. Only growing steadily. The bigger she got the more the number of girls feeding her at a time seemed to multiply as well. They gathered around her and brought their food to her waiting maw and she made it disappear. Given my close contact with It I could feel that her gut was in fact filling. Yet she showed little to no sign of that as she continued her food disappearing act. Either her pride or her nature prevented her from demonstrating any hint that she was becoming bloated. Yet even as her swim-suit became clearly overstrained on her frame. As she was flanked by beautiful women and her mouth was filled constantly, she was eternally looking down on me. Hearing my stomach growl as she was fed enough to grow fat even without L.B.L Ups assistance. Her piercing gaze and assertive smirk asserted her authority and control over the situation. At any point she could probably have still heaved her bulk off of me and let me have some. But she had no intention of doing that. Why should she, she was better than me, so she deserved the food more. Her figure was more attractive, her social status superior, even her appetite was more voracious than mine. There was no reason for me to get the food over her.

I shook my head forcefully as If to shake those defeatist thoughts out of my head. I was sure it was just my hunger getting to me. But acknowledging that didn't make it go away. In fact, it only built further with the amount of food she was gobbling down. It seemed as though almost every piece of food from the party was being funneled directly to her by the way of bikini clad courier. All of it was being pushed down her greedy gullet. In an attempt to fill the seemingly endless capacity of her planetoid gut. I wanted that to be me, for me to be the one digging in. The raw smell of cheese grease, and the latex like material of Mindy’s wet swimsuit was an overwhelmingly heady mix. I licked my lips a little and my tongue almost grazed the edge of Mindy’s under belly and it was only getting closer. The hungrier I got, the more I wanted to be the way she was, the bigger she seemed to get. Pushing me further away from the perceptions of the ones feeding her and burying me deeper beneath her blubber. I could see her swimsuit start to rip at the middle, a small diamond of pale flesh becoming revealed by the bulging expansion of her heft.

That wasn’t the only in which the situation was becoming messier. The volume of food on its own would’ve been a heinous amount to deal with on her own. But the raw enthusiasm of those looking to feed her was what really stood out as a noticeable issue. They were so desperate to fill her gut fuller quickly they’d just thrust the food in the general direction of her mouth. This was manageable with ease at first, but with every angle of her body being pressed against by her adorable public, and every space around her face filled with greasy calories. Inevitably things began to get a bit messy. Her cheeks became stained with sauce. Stray beer and crumbs began to accrue in her cleavage before rolling down hill and into mine. The Queen didn't seem at all bothered by the mess that was accruing on her body. It was her dignity as the monarch to look however messy as she liked. Like any popular girl, she set the baseline for other people and thus wasn’t held to any standard at all. After one particularly intense pizza four way, a full slice rolled down her boulder of a gut and landed close to my mouth. I eyed it with utter indignity but was interrupted by a voluminous snarl from my stomach.

I just couldn’t resist I gobbled down her literal table scraps, making a bit of a mess of myself due to the lack of hands. It tasted unbelievably good to my famished pallet. I licked my lips clean and as if in answer to my unspoken prayer another slice rolled down her gut and into my cleavage. I gobbled it down with even less hesitation the first. It snuffed my pride a bit, but It was food and I just couldn’t bring myself to resist. I doubted it was even L.B.L UP that was responsible for my hunger or my succumbing to it. It was simply made mentally easier for me to do it thanks to the example Mindy was setting. After all she was making a pig of herself too. Snarfing down every greasy calorie rich morsel held close to her like a hog. Making a mess of herself out of pure hedonism. I was almost certain, she felt just as much shame as I did. But as I met her gaze again, I saw nothing but pure regal pride that burned me like I was a vampire exposed to sunlight. She was utterly uncaring about the mess accruing. Another slice fell my way, this one had already had half a bite taken from it but had slipped out leaving a streak of cheese down her swimsuit. I would literally be eating her leftovers. “Eat it, tiny” she commanded me shifting her expanded and stuffed bulk so to apply more pressure to me.

Under orders I obeyed her command and ate the half-eaten slice. As I did, she chuckled with her mouthful of beer and I felt her growing again. The tear of her swimsuit on her gut widened and tore open, the full extent of her gut spilling out like an oil spill and covering me up to my chin in her flabby enormity. She had grown massive and messy. More blubbery than Deena though not quite big enough to match the immobilized Penny. Though her sheer fullness made her look bigger, a factor which was relevant since she was still gorging. I had no idea how many full pizzas worth of calories were filling her enormous tummy but I suspected it was more than a handful. I could hear her gut gurgling and churning up her greasy meal with great clarity. But I was distracted from fully appreciating it as I was too busy gobbling down any stray morsels or leftovers she bestowed upon me. I’d take anything she didn't completely gobble down. From crumbs, to half eaten slices, to stray chips, I’d eat them out of the folds of her bared belly or out of my own cleavage.

As I filled up and the sheer hoggishness of my actions became apparent, I felt shame burning within me with an intensity I hadn’t felt in some time. Mindy smiled smugly down at me and let out a satisfied belch, a single wave of her fat hands causing the party to disperse from around her. The fat idolizing drunkards staggering out as quickly as they had arrived. Though they stayed in their surrounding circle to watch the rest of the show. “You get it now?” Mindy asked me as she licked some of the sauce stains off her face. I did, she was the superior fat ass, in every conceivable notion of that word. Utterly shameless, completely massive, and totally confident. A true hedonistic queen. One I was beneath in all unrelated categories. It was in fact a similar sensation. It was the same way I had felt her back when we were both skinny. She was utterly superior in every way in a way that deeply frustrating to my natural competitive brain. It seemed that no amount of fattening her up was going to change that.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Eliza would be because I feel she'd be more easy-going on who she'd use her powers on, and the more women she'd effect the better I say.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Connie because that would make both of Deena's sisters, blood related or not, able to use magic. And I'd like to see how she'd react to suddenly being able to fatten girls up.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
This is certainly a strange turn of events, the person she choses will inherit some of the apps powers?

Well if I had to chosse, I'd pick ethier Connie or Eliza.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Laura's such a great sister to step in to protect M.C.D., guess she's on the chubby train with the other girls now! XP
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I just can't get enough of Doe! ≧◡≦
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I find Doe so cute when she's shy, and I still find her cute when she's in badass mode. And the whole ordeal of squeezing her big butt in the cab and sitting on Deena and Eliza's lap found funny as well as really adorable!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Damn it, no! I hope whatever's bothering Connie and Doe they can work it all out together. : c
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Doe to the rescue! When she's in her zone she's the badass with a fat ass! ^_^
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
I was unaware butter muffins existed until now too. I searched for them online, they look quite delicious!

Regardless, I noticed the mysterious voice said she was using the "old version?" By the gods what could be waiting in the up-to-date version!?
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I know it's erotica that appeals to my fetishes, but the fact I'm eagerly awaiting for the next chapter in this story to come every day to see what the characters will get up to next tells how talented you are as an erotic novelist and storyteller.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Eliza's lil' Butter Muffin and I couldn't be happier! (o´ω`o)

Asking any more from you I feel would be extremely selfish of me.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Mrs. Adsein, you are an amazing author, and to me you are an extremely kind person. I'm going to try my hardest not to make any more requests, because you went into detail about M.C.D. and Eliza's intimate time together, and now M.C.D. is...
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I CAN DIE HAPPY!! Yes I know it's just a story, yes I know I shouldn't care so much about pet names, but I can't help it! I only get these fuzzy feelings if I really care about characters in an interesting story!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Even if it's just used once, I think I could die happy.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
But if you do decide you want Eliza and the M.C.D. to affectionately nickname each other, can one of them be the one Tibbes suggested "Butter Muffin"? It's the sweetest nickname I've ever heard!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
The idea of the M.C.D. and Eliza giving each other pet names has been making me giddy for the past two days. I know it's just a story, and I shouldn't try to force concepts to the characters you created...
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Mrs. Adsein, I know I've made a lot of requests and you probably are considering how to incorporate one's others have already suggested besides me, but I feel I'll regret this if I don't make this one now...
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
She's also named Deena? That's going to get confusing, I'll just label the main character "M.C.D." (Main Character Deena) and the other Deena B.D. (Bully Deena). ; 3
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
VvvvV Tibbes.
Awwww! Butter muffin sounds so so sweet! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ

Although Eliza calling her 'blubber muffin' would probably be a more accurate nickname.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
If you haven't revealed the name already, can you have one of the characters say the main character's real name in conversations or something? I know Connie called her "Blue," but isn't that a nickname?