L.b.l up

Chapter 189 - #189 /the booty queen/

With her authority properly asserted Mindy attempted to heave her enormity up off me, but It immediately became clear it was more of an undertaking that she originally anticipated. She had blown well past the moniker of massive during her sloppy stuffing, It would’ve been a miracle if she could have hefted her own bulk up under her own power. Thankfully as with all revered monarchs, doing something for herself wasn’t anything she really had to concern herself with. Two dark pillars of blubber wrapped around her waist and hefted her up to her feet with a powerful grunt of effort. As Dee used her own back weighted fat distribution to balanced out Mindy’s immensely front heavy one. The two blobs thus staggering to their feet. Based on the sweaty nature of her admirers I had a feeling they had helped the massive wrestler get to her feet personally. I knew from experience how much effort it took to get that massive ass to defy gravity even slightly. Though as usual it seemed that once she got into motion, she was still one of the more mobile of the former cheerleaders. At the start of the party she had been the biggest, during my confrontation with the queens she had become the smallest. Though using the word to describe someone so massive was a joke in its own right.

“Hey tiny, you think you could handle a booty like mine?” she asked me, slapping her giga ton behind for emphasis. At the time I figured she wanted another massage like Penny, though I doubted she’d need the flowery compliments. “I mean I’ve handled it before” I told her between heaving breaths. “I don’t mean squeezing or grabbing it, anyone could do that, I mean lugging it around” she asked me with a confidence to her voice that was as strong as concrete. It was nothing short of rhetorical question. At the time I was lying flat on my back, panting from the immense exertion of having Mindy on top of me. My face and chest covered in sweat grease and crumbs. My own booty was my biggest feature and it caused me all sorts of difficulties. From getting up from sitting positions to risking damage to furniture. The idea of lugging around such a heinously massive rear was absurd. Yet it was clear she still wanted to say it. “Absolutely not” I told her and she flashed a toothy confident grin.

I noticed her thicken up from that. Her gut bulging out a bit further and stretching the material of her swimsuit. As her enormous ass was totally bare it was easy to notice the extra inches of girth it garnered from whatever strange field L.B.L UP was utilizing. “Well I just wanted to hear you say that. Cause of all the recent PCH graduates, when it comes to the art of the ass you’re undeniably second place” she said confidently shifting her immense weight between each of her massive thighs and causing their blubber to ripple and bounce. “So, before we go, I want it asserted, so in a few years, nobody misremembers which Deena had the best butt” she told me flashing a competitive grin. As she did the pieces began to slide together. It was physically feeding them the validation that would sate their insecurities. Penny’s relationship issues and self-confidence problems. Then Dee’s competitiveness. This of course meant that if such a competition went through, she would probably wind up in the same state of immobilized hugeness as Penny.

I mentally attempted to assert some manner of way out but it was hard to think with the crowd roaring with excitement. Yelling reminders to Dee that the contest was entirely unnecessary since her butt was undeniably superior in every category. As I attempted to stagger to my feet. I was pushed back down by Dee planting her foot on my plush middle, forcing a blech out of me. “You can just roll over...save yourself the effort of getting up” she told casually. Nudging my right hip to tell me to roll over. I found myself briefly utterly stunned by my sheer powerlessness in the situation. Their massive sizes, the raw power their enormity gave them over the crowd. There was little else I could do but swallow my pride and do what they commanded. I let out a grunted effort as I flopped over to my side. Feeling my gut and tits pressed down into the tiles surrounding the pools edge. They were miraculously cool and a scandalously pleasant contrast to my bodies sweat and rising body heat. I glanced behind me, the sheer width of the former cheerleader allowing me to still see the majority of her bulk.

I had a feeling I knew what was coming. With my big booty up in the air there was only one real obvious pose to compare the two of them. I tensed my thick body as best I could but even then, little could’ve prepared me for the sheer weight as Dee sat down on my ass. The sheer crushing girth as my lower half was utterly enveloped by her utterly mountainous behind. I let out a squeak that almost transformed into a moan at the raw pressure her physical mass was exerting on my lady parts. She was utterly massive. Unlike Mindy It was all localized to the one place. She rocked her hips back and forth a little which forced a deeper and much more audible moan out of me as the tides of her oversized posterior wobbled and the two massive cheeks bounced off one another. Thankfully my lustful audio was utterly muted when compared to the utterly deafening sounds of the crowd celebrating.

“So who do you lovely ladies think has the bigger butt” Dee asked them once more shifting her hips a bit for theatrical effect. It would’ve been a difficult match to referee because one of the competing booties wasn’t even visible. Dee’s ass completely overwhelmed mine, utterly and totally. A burial in butt blubber. The sides of her ass even touched down on the ground next to my rear meaning it was utterly concealed. I had actually been in a number of booty battles over those past few days. All had been close, and I had technically won both. But Dee’s sheer girth utterly overwhelmed mine to an utterly believe extent. There was no comparison to be had between my tush that generously overfilled most chairs and hers which utterly engulfed and destroyed them. I had known that going in, but it was still slightly awe inspiring to witness and it awakened somewhat conflicted feelings in me. It wasn’t like I wanted to have the fattest rear around. But I had been complimented on mine however teasingly on countless occasions. So, to some extent no matter how much I denied those compliments I had developed a certain pride in it.

However overwhelmingly and obviously she was outclassing her competition in the ass department. Dee still seemed to drink in the praise of the vibrant crowd of beautiful girls. They had started chanting her name the second she had sat down on top of me. All informing her that she was the victor in a competition of size and girth unequivocally and undeniably. I could feel those chants feeding her and the consequences there within. The mass that was pressing down on my pelvis was become large and larger as her rear began to spread out, wider and flabbier across the floor. It was so massive that given her pose it was the only aspect of her I could properly see yet its growth told me most everything I needed to know. As always it grew outwards in every direction. Wider and even thrusting out further behind her. All the while her twin cheeks kept this almost round shape to them. Not quite spherical, more dome like, like two record breaking huge pies. Very juicy, oversized pies that were mesmerizingly huge.

“Hmmm, but you know lately I’ve heard some people say size isn't everything, personally I disagree but I don’t really think that matters...since I’m sure I’d win in a battle of shape too” Dee announced to the crowd and immediately they started wooing in excitement. I almost felt a flicker of hope, or somehow desire. I thought I probably had a chance in that category. The crowd began to chant her name and I wanted to object; due to the fact they hadn’t seen mine. But it occurred to me they almost certainly had; it was kind of hard to miss. Yet they were declaring her the victor. I wondered why but the more I stared at the sheer enormity of her booty I felt the reason start to present itself. Her cheeks were utterly huge, they didn't quite have the same dramatically round curves as mine. But their raw hugeness gave them their own domineering massiveness. Like a dark fortress imposing fortress in a fantasy movie, they loomed inescapably massive and dark. It wasn’t exactly the sort of sex appeal they advertised in vogue, but the more I stared the more it started to work on me. It really was a shape that properly accommodated her size. It was a fact the crowd was happy to tell her. And it fed her to no end.

Bigger and bigger the dark cheerleader grew. Rounder and rounder. Her utter enormity surging to new heights. As if every voice in the chanting masses was adding a pound of blubber to her enormity personally. I watched the eclipsing cheeks growing bigger and fatter, I felt them engulfing more and more of my body and I was struck by a sort of uncanny feeling. Having assisted her with her workout for her wrestling practice I was somewhat intimately familiar with her body. Or at least I felt I knew her limits. The booty she was lugging around earlier had gotten distinctly more titanic, It seemed logical the rest of her had as well. I had the deepest feeling that if that was the case. Then she wouldn’t be able to waddle off of me by her own power. Nor would the athlete even really care if that was the case. After all why would she need to move if she was undefeated. If she was the ultimate victor. The crowd assured her of her competitive victory, and the blob of a queen relished in it. I would’ve been struck by a greater sense of dread if I didn't spot something amongst the cheering crowd. A streak of blonde hair that was an all too familiar color. Megan, the most likely suspect to be the cause of this mess amongst the praising supporters.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Eleena CoOwO... 4 years
YAY! Butter muffin's giving her sweetheart lots of love and kisses!
(ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
Leauca 5 years
shame master chief didnt appear in this page
Theswordsman 5 years
Ok thanks
Adsein 5 years
My notes, which are non cannon, but are generally used as a vauge guide line. Have after the groups recent gains. The following numbers. Deena(MC) 320, Eliza 270, Mindy 680.
Theswordsman 5 years
The main character and eliza and mindy
Adsein 5 years
Theswordsman, which characters?
Theswordsman 5 years
Just curiously how much do they weigh now?
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
These ward-induced illusions are getting kinkier and kinkier.
[〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
Adsein 5 years
The art was done by 0pik Oort over on Deviantart as a commision, I'll be releasing a full resolution picture of it once I rotate it out for the next piece of cover art.
Bellylover95 5 years
can i ask you for the link of the pic i would like to see it full screen and who made it ?
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
It always seems like one thing or another keeps trying to stop you from posting, be it people trying to take down your story by flagging it or some coding glitch preventing you from uploading.
Adsein 5 years
Uploads will resume at their regular twice weekly pace
Adsein 5 years
The problem I was having with uploading has since been resolved thanks to the fine work of the Fantasy Feeder administration team.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I hope you get to the bottom of it, Mrs. Adsein.
Adsein 5 years
For anyone worried about the lack of updates I'm still going at the pace of the past few weeks but am dealing with some issues involving the site, the good news is that I'll have built up a backlog for when I can upload again.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Reading that the employee snacks on junk food while serving customers came out a lot more erotic in the story then I thought it would in my mind, glad it did!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
"create a sort of fat positive utopia where everyone loved fat girls with nobody being the wiser than they once preferred abs to guts" Gawd yes! The dream! (n♡ω♡n)
Adsein 5 years
Uploads should increase quite a bit since I recently had a bit more writing time open up. I'd be looking to get two chapters a week out for at least the next month or two.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Maybe next chapter she'll tease Deena a bit and have her fish it out from the back of her pants, the labtop feeling a bit warm from her sweet body heat from her comfy, plump seat... [^་།^]
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Is it weird I'm picturing she didn't just use her butt to hide the labtop,but snuck it out in the extra space in the back or her panties? Eliza isn't bottom heavy,but I think her cheeks would be good makeshift bubblewrap! [๑ゝω╹]
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