L.b.l up

Chapter 191 - #191 /the truth/

I heaved my blubber like a bulwark as I pressed through the adoring crowd of fans. The average weight of a girl in attendance at PHH had risen drastically but I was still in one of the higher weight classes. Girls who were merely curvy pretty much bounced off my frame as I shoved them aside amidst the pandemonium the party had become. Girls grinded and pushed up against one another in lewd displays, at best clad in skimpy bikini’s at worst completely naked. The girls who had started the party on the heavier side had gotten noticeably and distinctly fatter. They bulged out of ill-fitting swimwear and were usually utterly stuffed to the gills, marked by stains and evidence of their feasts. Yet they didn't show an ounce of care as they were surrounded by beauty and lavished with praise that fed not just their belly but their emotional needs. Yet much like the food filling up them up it was emotional junk. Sexualizing compliments designed to entice them to grow fatter and lose even more of their inhibitions. The girls who had truly cut loose were passed out in food comas, naked with their fatter bodies bared, snoozing against a wall as their taxed guts struggled to overcome their perverse overfullness even with magical assistance.

It was amongst those bloated stupid beauties that I managed to find Megan. From the looks of things while I had been feeding Mindy, she had been busy falling prey to the adoration fueled feeders. Her gaze was half lidded and she looked to be struggling to stay awake, her fat gut a perfect orb of churning calories. It seemed an ironic fate for her but oh so appropriate. Yet I knew better than to underestimate her. As I approached, I bent over and scooped up a half eat pizza from a box. I noticed I was stealing it from one of the cops that had arrived. She had grown noticeably plumper under her partners administrations. Though both had past out from overfullness. It’s admittedly difficult to be stealthy when you weight over 300lbs but Megan didn't seem like the most perceptive target. I waddled overly slowly and gently lowered my bulk down so our eyes were even. I saw just a fraction of recognition before I crammed a pizza slice aggressively down her throat. She swallowed it down a let out a loud belch rubbing her pink belly nervously. With how full she was I was sure it stung her a little to be fed more. “You’re going to use your app and undo this...” I told her.

“Wha-” she started to say but I interrupted her by cramming another slice down her throat. “I know it was you...It has to be you you’re the only person for who it’d makes sense, you’ve been following me after all” I told her firmly pushing my palm into her taxed gut hard and forcing a deep belch out of her middle. The pink faced girl looking completely out of it. “I don-” she started to say but I interrupted with another slice. As she slowly chewed it down, I used my other hand to rummage amongst her folds. Her phone was beneath some of her left thigh fat, it had probably slid out of her hand when she started passing out. It was one of those cute pink ones with the incredibly impractical bunny ear phone cases. It was remarkably non-threatening. I glanced at her again as she gobbled down that slice with a grunt of pain. Nothing about her had even a hint of the domineering red head I had once dated. I had at one point argued that as a point in favor of her suspicion. But that was a hard point to maintain even as desperate as I was.

“I was following you, but I really don’t know what you’re talking about” she managed to squeak out before wincing. Pausing as if she was expecting me to rough up her belly or feed her more pizza. I didn't I needed to hear her out. “I just saw you at the coffee shop is all, Paris.exe” she explained squeakily. “I just go there to download, ya know.... stuff” she said trailing off and I gave her a hard slap on the gut that indicated her obscureness wasn’t going to fly. “Workout videos, you know the ones you can do at home, I think they look kind of lewd, and if someone saw me, and you know me, someone would totally see me, they’d think I was looking at porn” she explained rapidly, and I found myself momentarily baffled. It was a reason so absurd it sort of hard to be true. “So why did you follow me to the swimsuit place, and the fast-food diner” I asked her with concern bleeding into my voice. If she wasn’t connected I had quite literally zero leads.

“Well, it’s because I wanted to tell you that I thought Olive had a crush on you or something but then I saw you hanging out with all your friends and I was too nervous” she explained rapidly. I froze in a moment of idiotic hormonal lust. “Why do you think that” I couldn’t help myself really. I had to know. “Well, she had a picture of your butt on her screen it was on....it was on...it was some sort of...funky app or something...or was it...what was it called” she said trailing off and I blinked a few times. Physically frozen in time as I confronted what I was being told. Megan was still talking needlessly, I didn't hear a word she said. My mind was turned completely elsewhere. I felt like all of the plates had fallen out of the cabinets. But they had landed perfectly stacked. Something chaotic and utterly unexpected, but that somehow left things more orderly than they had begun. Things became perfectly clear, and the steps needed to make connections were spectacularly easy.

Olive or rather the woman who had told me her name was Olive, had introduced herself almost immediately after my two-week romance with the red head had ended. She had protected me from Pepper taking a picture of me without my permission. The very same Pepper who would lately wind up immobilized during the First Incident. A first incident which Olive had been involved with. She seemed interested in me, and the more I thought about it our coincidental meetings would’ve been easy to rig. What’s more, there was the most damning evidence of all, she had been at Paris.exe. She was the very first person to suggest that my butt was bigger than Paige’s, she did and then probably altered it so that it would be the truth. All that time at the coffee shop she had been doing something with L.B.L Up which Megan had happened to witness. She tried to seek me out to tell me about it but had been too shy to come out and tell someone “hey this girl made your ass fatter” for obvious reasons. But it wasn’t just the location and the convivence for her to have been the perpetrator.

When I first met her I had been overwhelmed by certainty she wasn’t the red head, so much so it was obvious in hindsight to be L.B.L UP related tampering. Her mannerisms were exceptionally similar. From her taste for her caffeine, to the way she crossed her legs when she worked. I could remember her feeding me French pastries from the very country she was claiming to be from. She was staying on a hotel directly by a beach, where she had fed me copious amounts of ice cream. Even the location of a high-class hotel perfectly lined up with my memories of the room I had shared with the red head. As I pictured Olive, slowly I winced as blue runes flickered slightly at the very edges of my vision. I heard sounds, her voice, her laugh, the look of her blue eyes, slowly my memories began to sync. The gaps in the erased memories becoming filled with what I knew of the red head. Completing themselves till it became abundantly clear who she was. I glanced around the party to find her and then remembered she wasn’t there. With that came the memory of her game, the challenge. She had to have known I would figure out it was her. That was the point.

I waddled my way back through the crowd frantically not looking for the red head but for another woman entirely. At least she was easy to spot. Paige was flanked on all sides resting lazily in the arms of four different gropers and sipping soda through a straw. She turned to me and flashed me a knowing grin. Olive being my former mistress also explained why Paige had taken so well to the gains of the first incident and why she was in the know about L.B.L UP. She had even fed me information to make me more concerned about Cameron. Who I was beginning to think was just a puppet. I wadded close to Paige, amidst the chaos of the party which continued in Its hedonistic fervor. As I did, I couldn’t help but recall everything everyone had been through during the first incident and what came after. Pepper and Belladonna, both immobilized by fat, Penny and Dee, both subjected to months of life as hedonistic hogs, later immobilized by fat. Even Connie had been a regular target of my once and former mistresses' machinations.

I paused in front of her, and she did my dignity of ceasing to sip from her cup. I did little to conceal my expression of scorn and determination. She petted the head of the girl attempting to lick her cleavage as she smiled up at me. “You figure it out?” she asked me. “It’s her” I blurted out immediately. “Hmm “It’s her” going to have to look that one up on google maps” she said sarcastically. I blinked a few times out of annoyance. “Just take me to her” I demanded. “Lady, I don’t even know where she is, that’s the point of her game with you” Paige said in the deferent tone of middle management. I took a deep breath and looked at everything we had been through together, whether I had known it or not, and thought about what she wanted. The realization seemed stupidly obvious. “Take me to the beginning” I told her simply. “Sure, but you’re probably going to need to help me squeeze my way out of this party” she said before sipping the last of the drink out of her cup.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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SpiritOfACar... 5 years
As a result of their magically enhanced appetite, they had eaten enough to swell them up while maybe just a bit, it's still enough that they had their hip and butt fat unconfortably squeezed against the wall and had to move...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Her aim is thrown off as Doe/Connie/Eliza in the same seat of the booth as her suddenly scoots a bit closer to her. Turning to them to see what the problem is Deena can see that if it's Doe or Con NJ ie they had to scoot over because...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
table, Deena could perhaps decide to give the bully's a bit more of a boost to their appetites just for the hell of it, but just as she's targeting them individually, while she's pressing down on the button on the last bully...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
You could even make things more interesting where when the waitress comes back with the trollys full if food the girls ordered, as shes putting some of the dishes on the table, unphased by the girls immeadiatly gorging on the food the moment it hits the t
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
order and she can continue to have some fun with L.B.L. up. She could also find it the perfect time to check out the progress Doe and Connie have made on their own orders and their waistlines if Deena gave there appetites a "little boost" too...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
At this point perhaps Deena can decide that sense she's with freinds it'd be a bit rude to spend her entire time on her phone while she's with them and it's a perfect time make some small talk with them before the waitress comes back with the other groups
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Perhaps to add more to the scenerio, after Eliza and Deena share a smile, they couldnbe interrupted (example like Connie asking Deena if she's "gonna finish that?" about her appetizer or meal if they had their meals served already)...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
And to this Deena and Eliza can perhaps smile tobthe other, amused themselves that the bullys have no idea what's in store for them, or that what's in store for them they aren't aware is abnormal for them to do...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
After the waitress begrudginly takes the menus off their hands and heads to the back to give the cooks the order, Deena and Eliza see the girls snicker to bvb one another clearly still amused by what they did to the poor waitress...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Denna and Deena see that of course thanks to ghostmode neither the waitress or the girls themselves find the large amount of food they list (assuming Deena and Eliza are close enough to hear them) as unusual thanks to ghostmode...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Deena uses the app at the moment ethier just before or right after the cheeky girls order there meals, if after they just reorder enough food that they think will satisfy there suddenly enourmously large appetites...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Waiting for the right moment, after the waitress cleans up the mess that wasn't truely her fault for making and she, as part of her job, has to take the orders of the girls who bullied her as any other waitress there is busy...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Seeing that the girl seems the one to just bear with any torment she has inflicted upon her and seems to reserved or shy to stand up to these girls or tell her manager what happened, Deena and Eliza decide to help this girl get revenge on her agressors.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Deena and Eliza, both understandably upset over this and seeing how embarresed they made this poor girl decide to act in response to this.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
While they're there they could also bear witness to some other girls from school bullying one of the waitresses that works there by tripping her while she's carrying a tray of food and laughing at the poor girls expense...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Allowing Doe and Connie and/or any other girls there to eat much more greasy fatty foods than they would normally even at their size, of course without finding it unusual...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
While there Deena and Eliza can have some fun with the app using it on Doe and/or Connie to give them a larger appetite and/or use it on any other female customers there...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
I'm not sure if they have any near where Deena lives, if not it can always be a made up one, but anyways the idea is that the girls stop there for a bite to eat during another girl's night out or another group event...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years

SpiritOfACar... 5 years