L.b.l up

Chapter 192 - #192 /the truth faced/

We waddled through the raw chaos of the party, its overwhelming hedonism surrounding us as the two of us became awash with the grasping hands of the party goers. We passed through the kitchen first. More new faces had joined the party. They were on the older side, neighbors perhaps, they were plump and surrounded on all sides by prospective feeders. Ten curvy girls to a single plump overstuffed central figure. The others in the kitchen had expanded from being merely fat to measurably huge. Greedy pigs covered in the remanent of their meals. Their bulging bodies so blubbery they had busted free of their swimsuits. Having grown so enormous they inevitably became surrounded by even more feeders, a self-fulfilling cycle of growth. An ouroboros of enormity. Paige and I waddled through it as spectators. There were so many willing to indulge that when we shrugged prospective feeders off they knew they could find a willing participant elsewhere. The scenes were becoming borderline biblical in their debauchery. Naked sweaty and with no discernible distance between anyone. I knew the party had to be brought to an end before it grew even more out of control. “Heck of a party huh?” Paige said sarcastically.

“Something tells me your perspective is a little warped given your probably mind controlled” I told her sympathetically. As we waddled through the living room I glanced into the room where the girls had been dancing. Every girl from curvy to enormous was feeling one another, grasping, squeezing, heaving and measuring. Yet with no visible escalation. Actual sex seemed far less important than indulging in the raw mass on display. Writhing together it was hard to tell where one girl ended and the other begun, somewhere amongst them Eliza was no doubt lost in L.B.L Ups altered reality. It had become impossible to tell who was from PCH and who had been swallowed by the vortex, they had all become alike in their nudity and reality warped perversion. “Mind control, I mean that’d be pretty hot” Paige shot back with a playful giggle.

I glanced into the living room as we passed and saw the lazy blobs inside. They had grown less enormous than the ones in the kitchen, which was probably a good thing for their waistlines, but I could tell their laziness had deepened. There were no words or sounds from the women being fed fatter. Beyond grunts of pleasure and the occasional belch to clear up room. All else had fallen away and they had become utterly subservient to being fed. Without the willpower to resist they had become vessels to be filled with food. To be grown massive for the pleasure of others. While they indulged in having to do nothing but grow larger and larger. Nude and swelling bigger on snack food. “But don’t you think mind control would be pretty boring?” Paige suggested with a shrug as we finally exited the house. My resolve to bring the party to the end at its peak. We climbed into her car which sunk slightly under our shared mass. Then Paige begun to drive.

Eventually we found our way to the restaurant where Olive and I had our first date. Paige parked out front and I waddled as fast I could across the parking lot and squeezed through the doors. I hadn’t moved that fast in some time given how much mass I had put on. But I was desperate. I forcefully slammed through the dining room doors with my gut but paused on the other side. As I was struck heavily by its atmosphere. Every single table had been removed barring one. The table we had originally been seated at on our first date. The places the tables had formerly occupied were left dark and empty, focusing everything down onto the single white cloth covered table, at which there were three chairs, two of which were pushed together and unoccupied. The last of which was being sat in by a beautiful woman, tall and with sensual soft curves that overflowed a little red dress. A dress which was a matching shade of crimson to her beautifully styled hair. Her high heeled clad feet were kicked up on the table as she looked up at the wall behind her head. It too had been removed of all ornamentation. Unlike the absences of the tables there was an immediate reason that could be easily discerned for that. That was the images being projected onto it.

Red hued camera feeds were broken into eight squares, their crimson light the sole illumination for the room barring the candles on the table. Each feed documented a different room of the house. Each one marked with a variety of symbols that represented the tools provided by the app known as L.B..L UP. I could see Eliza and Tracey pushing their bared chests into one another as they danced lewdly and grinded up against one another. Doe forcefully feeding a lazy and passive Connie greasy pizza slices by the fist full. The rest portrayed the surrounding chaos of the hedonistic affair, except the center, which like the crown jewels displayed the three immobilized cheerleaders being worshiped by their adoring public. My breath caught at the sight of all that chaos laid out so orderly. “Turn it off...” I demanded of her. “Sure” she said not even turning to face me.

A single clap of her pretty hands and the feeds changed the other eight to locations I didn’t recognize. A beach, a movie set, a courthouse, an empty and wide computer chair, a cheap apartment, a smoky bar, a motel room, lastly a room empty barring a single table, where two women were staring each other down. Those women were us. “That cancelled it...there won’t be any permanent consequences?” I asked her unable to keep a certain hint of desperation out of my voice. “Any weight gain will stick around but if you’re asking if you’re entire class is going to start a sex cult the answer is no” she said simply. Yet I could tell by her enunciation with regards to the permanent weight that she knew exactly why I was asking. She gestured to the seat across from her. I wanted to stay standing, but I was a fat girl, and it’s not like staying standing would accomplish anything besides stroking my pride. I waddled over to the table staring her dead in the eye. Even as I pulled out my chair. Her gaze was confident, cocky but not overwhelmingly vain, like a mostly innocent girl having a good hair day. Such a pure expression didn't belong on such a debauched person.

“We don’t have to worry about any interruptions either, maximum privacy” she said with a smile that indicated she was somewhat pleased with herself. “I presume you just bent the appropriate people to your will to swing that?” I shot back unable to keep from a verbal jab. “Not really. The arch mage who runs this place was interested in magic for body modification, but she could never get the shape to look sexy” she explained to me as if this was perfectly normal thing to say and do. There was something ever so slightly chilling to hear she was capable of things a supposed master of the arcane arts couldn’t manage. But then when I considered the raw power behind Ghost Mode, I wasn’t all that surprised. “What, you want a cookie or something?” I asked sarcastically as she was presumably waiting for praise or an exclamation of shock. She snorted and chuckled. “Uh, maybe, they actually have those on the menu here” she said picking up one of the menus that had been left on the table. As she flipped it up there was a brief flash of red and a sound like a printer, until red holographic cookies formed on the table. I blinked. “Hungry?” she asked with her mouthful as she took a bite.

Conjuring food, deeper levels of ghost mode, reflective wards, her array of perks was deep, far too deep actually. “You made it didn't you?” I asked her. It was a theory that had been brewing since I had recalled our final encounter. She had played with the source code for the app like it was nothing. Laura hadn’t seen anything like it before, but Olive was seemingly capable of manipulating like it was her own personal servant. There was only reasonable way that was possible. She giggled and smiled again. “Yep, self-taught in magic and programing” she said holding up the cookie to her face as if inspecting it. Ironically, she didn't phrase it like a humble brag or an accomplishment, just a simple statement of fact.

“So, you design a magical app that alter the universal perception of reality and you use it for fetish fuel?” I asked her. I couldn’t quite explain why that was the part that had me incredulous. The infinite questions that could’ve been asked or accusations I was tempted to make. That one took presentence before I even knew what I was saying. “Not just fetish fuel, I also used it to look for love, and they say love makes the world go round” she said with a shrug. “I roamed the entire world using the app for my own amusement, but admittedly I got bored, there’s only so many ways you can fatten a solid 10 before it starts feeling like you’re going through the motions” she explained. “I had gone through similar things with single player games as well in the past, JRPGs that sort of thing, but I realized that I was still playing multiplayer games years after they were released” she explained casually taking another bite of her cookie. “So, you decided to get another player?” I asked her. “Other players...but they got boring as well after a while” she explained.

Before I could ask her anything she perked up in her chair and blushed a bit looking a bit nervous. She massaged her cheeks a bit in a fidgeting fashion before sitting up straight. “I kind of had this whole bit planned...but I got distracted when you walked in” she said biting her lip with a hint of nervousness. “Ah what the hell, I’ll just do it now” she said straightening up her posture a bit in a way that made her chest readily apparent. “I’m Olive Solitare, hobbyist programmer, and full-time degenerate” she told me in a preppy greeting sort of tone. It probably would’ve been followed by a handshake if there wasn’t a zero percent chance I’d take it.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Eliza would be because I feel she'd be more easy-going on who she'd use her powers on, and the more women she'd effect the better I say.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Connie because that would make both of Deena's sisters, blood related or not, able to use magic. And I'd like to see how she'd react to suddenly being able to fatten girls up.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
This is certainly a strange turn of events, the person she choses will inherit some of the apps powers?

Well if I had to chosse, I'd pick ethier Connie or Eliza.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Laura's such a great sister to step in to protect M.C.D., guess she's on the chubby train with the other girls now! XP
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I just can't get enough of Doe! ≧◡≦
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I find Doe so cute when she's shy, and I still find her cute when she's in badass mode. And the whole ordeal of squeezing her big butt in the cab and sitting on Deena and Eliza's lap found funny as well as really adorable!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Damn it, no! I hope whatever's bothering Connie and Doe they can work it all out together. : c
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Doe to the rescue! When she's in her zone she's the badass with a fat ass! ^_^
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
I was unaware butter muffins existed until now too. I searched for them online, they look quite delicious!

Regardless, I noticed the mysterious voice said she was using the "old version?" By the gods what could be waiting in the up-to-date version!?
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I know it's erotica that appeals to my fetishes, but the fact I'm eagerly awaiting for the next chapter in this story to come every day to see what the characters will get up to next tells how talented you are as an erotic novelist and storyteller.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Eliza's lil' Butter Muffin and I couldn't be happier! (o´ω`o)

Asking any more from you I feel would be extremely selfish of me.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Mrs. Adsein, you are an amazing author, and to me you are an extremely kind person. I'm going to try my hardest not to make any more requests, because you went into detail about M.C.D. and Eliza's intimate time together, and now M.C.D. is...
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I CAN DIE HAPPY!! Yes I know it's just a story, yes I know I shouldn't care so much about pet names, but I can't help it! I only get these fuzzy feelings if I really care about characters in an interesting story!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Even if it's just used once, I think I could die happy.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
But if you do decide you want Eliza and the M.C.D. to affectionately nickname each other, can one of them be the one Tibbes suggested "Butter Muffin"? It's the sweetest nickname I've ever heard!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
The idea of the M.C.D. and Eliza giving each other pet names has been making me giddy for the past two days. I know it's just a story, and I shouldn't try to force concepts to the characters you created...
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Mrs. Adsein, I know I've made a lot of requests and you probably are considering how to incorporate one's others have already suggested besides me, but I feel I'll regret this if I don't make this one now...
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
She's also named Deena? That's going to get confusing, I'll just label the main character "M.C.D." (Main Character Deena) and the other Deena B.D. (Bully Deena). ; 3
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
VvvvV Tibbes.
Awwww! Butter muffin sounds so so sweet! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ

Although Eliza calling her 'blubber muffin' would probably be a more accurate nickname.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
If you haven't revealed the name already, can you have one of the characters say the main character's real name in conversations or something? I know Connie called her "Blue," but isn't that a nickname?