L.b.l up

Chapter 194 - #194 /the truth improved/

“What, what exactly is this update going to do” I asked her, realizing I was once again effectively begging her for answers to a questions. I had no information she didn't have, and she seemed to know everything I didn't. It felt almost accidental, like I had stumbled behind the curtain during a stage show. Much like in that situation the woman behind the curtain was nothing like who she appeared to be. Her curves were less of a dramatic statement than they had been when she was my mistress. Her figure on the whole entirely tamer likely to avoid any recognition or suspicion she had obtained it unnaturally. Yet for how utterly overwhelming a secret as her true identity was, our interactions still felt terrifyingly familiar. On some level she was still the beautiful red-haired transfer student I had developed a crush on. The one I had laughed with and hung out with. Yet instead of discussing normal problems, gossiping or nerding out we were engaged in a conversational duel about ethics and the nature of her seemingly all-powerful magical app.

“Well it’s the biggest upgrade I’ve ever worked on, it’s basically a foundational shift” she started what I knew was going to be a speech. She had an overwhelming amount of pride in her voice like she done something amazing and wanted to everyone to know it. “I worked my ass off to get it out in time for tonight, Paige had to drag me out of my computer chair a few times” she said toying with her hair a bit. “But I actually did it and at 12:00am tonight it’ll activate, and everything will change” she said with a satisfied smile. “That’s not an answer to my question” I asked forcefully suddenly concerned her ease of answering my questions would dry up and I’d be left in a state of not knowing what was going to happen. “Hey, my point is that I worked hard you know, can’t you let a girl have her pageantry” she asked taking a sip of wine. I had a snarky comeback prepared but I held my tongue. “Hey, don’t do that either” she said having clearly picked up on my restraint and not liking it. “I was just thinking you talk too much” I told her my annoyance bleeding in.

She laughed happily, practically a giggle, it seemed she was happy with that response. “You’re probably right, I’ve been told I have a bit of an ego problem, but you also shouldn’t object till you hear what the update is” she said teasingly wagging her finger at me. “So, you know ho-” she started to say but stopped herself. “Fine I’ll keep it short” she corrected herself indicating her previous sentence was going to launch another tangent. “Two words” she said holding up two fingers. “Reality” she said dragging out the breath between the second. “Alteration” she finished watching with bated breath for my reaction. I blinked a few times incredulously. “Isn't that what the app already does?” I asked her unimpressed. In truth on the inside I was much less dead pan and much more concerned. I had no idea what she was getting at, which worried me even more. “Well I guess, it’d depend on your definition I suppose” she said trailing off. “How could I explain it....” she says trailing off. “Hell I could hardly explain it in French how am I going to do It in English” she mused speculatively.

She swung back in her chair in casual thought before a lightbulb seemed to go off in her head, the red head easing her chair back and casually getting to her feet. Standing across from me. There was something familiar about looking up at her from below. It was the angle of many of my memories of her from our strange phantom relationship. She took a step back as if to make sure I could see all of her striking a pose and watching me for praise. Sufficed to say she didn't get any. Then she kicked her heels off. Then to my surprise she struggled with her tight dress for a few moments. She managed to get it off over her head. At first, I thought it was remarkably unsexy and uncoordinated of the normally composed woman. Then I got very distracted by something else I hadn’t expected namely the fact I could see her entire body bared. It seemed the dress and the heels were the only clothes she had put on. Leaving her sculpted figure utterly on display.

I tracked her from head to toe. Her face was beautiful, though the more I looked at her eyes the more their slightly scary quality became apparent to me. Her figure as it flowed down was beautiful mix of straight line and soft curves. Yet in a way that was somehow too realistic to be real. Her breasts were just full enough to have some fun with, but not so big that you could say she was a girl with huge tits. Her stomach was flat yet it showed no sign of tone or musculature. Her hips were wide enough to be noticeable and feminine, but not quite enough to be fully standout. Even her butt was shapely but not big. Like in a character creator in an MMO if you set all the sliders to the exact center. Sexy but completely and perfectly average. Even her figure was an act of subterfuge. However inevitably, being me my eyes drifted to between her thighs. Where I found her hands keeping her chaste. Clutching a very modern looking phone in a red and black case.

“Okay so” she said pulling the phone up and quite casually revealing what was beneath. Her body language standing up naked was no different than it had been sitting down wearing that dress. Not that the dress covered all that much but it was still rather alien to watch. Her body language betrayed no hint of insecurity or concern. All was on display and she hardly cared at all. She brought the phone up and pulled away from her body bringing it closer than further away as if trying to properly frame herself. A familiar stock sound effect of a photo being taken played and she turned the phone back around, so the screen was facing me. A picture of her perfectly slender body was on it, clearly, she had just taken it. “If you’re trying to seduce me you’re a little below my strike zone” I taunted her. “Liar” she said truthfully sticking her tongue out playfully. “Besides I have better ways to seduce you, this is to illustrate my point” she explained.

She brought the phone back up to her face and spent a long few seconds fiddling around with it. Typing and adjusting something using the touch screen. I had a deep curiosity towards whatever she was looking at, but there wasn’t an available angle to see it. I had a pretty strong theory. One which was confirmed as she finished her fiddling and tapped on her screen with a satisfied smile. Her body began to shift shape. Thickening and expanding, yet it was somehow more artful than it was usually. Like a flower blooming instead of bread rising. Her proportions were clearly shifting to the more sexualized, her bust expanded with soft blubber, swelling in size and hanging slightly lower on her chest. Her thighs thickened and her butt and hips widened. If she had been perfectly slender before, she had become perfectly curvy. All her hips to waist and chest ratios were thicker than usual, but were all so shapely and perfectly proportioned she looked like a renaissance statue.

“So I just got thicker, guess by how many pounds and win a prize” she asked me with a teasing smile watching for my reaction to her thicker frame. I blushed a little I’ll admit but somehow any intimacy seeing her naked might’ve carried was destroyed by how utterly casual she was about it. “35lbs” I said because I couldn’t quite help myself. “Congrats you win, the chance to see me naked” she said with a devilish smirk. “Anyways, someone just put on 35lbs in half a second, that’s impossible right” she said I blinked not quite following the hypothetical. “So, all you have to do is convince someone the weight didn't change” she elaborated. “That the person had always been that size, you even convince the person themselves of that fact” she explained. I nodded beginning to understand where she was getting at. “That’s how ghost mode works currently but what about this photo” she said pulling up the photo of her looking slender on her phone. “That was taken 35 seconds ago and I was that size, for the most part ghost mode currently gets around that by just having people ignore it or rationalize it” she explained.

“But what If I told you the next version of L.B.L UP would change the photo” she explained looking at me excitedly. “If that’s all it did I’d say “wow that’s neat...but” I said trailing off as the potential weight of what she was saying begun to crash down on me. “The next version of L.B.L UP alters not just the person, not just the environments, but the world itself, so for all intents and purposes the person had always been that fat” she explained. “So...you’re altering the past” I asked starting to feel a little woozy at the potential implications of that. “pshh, I wish but no, we’re simply simulating an altered version of the past and then bending the present to fit with that result” she elaborated. “But here’s the real fun part” she continued stark naked as she continued her explanation. “Because watching girls outgrow clothes and rationalizing their fatness without evidence is fun, I’ve set it up so reality will only be altered at 12:00am each night” she explained. “This will also give people time to make the full changes they want to make before reality changing causes problems” she explained with the sort of energy that suggested she very much wanted a pat on the head. With that tool she would quite literally be playing god. Not just memories but reality itself, bent utterly to her will, and technically to mine as well.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
VVV It may not of been as kinky, but another potential lesbian couple being in Deena's school is more than enough to make me happy.

Also Connie's "blubber hug" sounds as cute as it sounds soft.
Adsein 5 years
.That’s primairly because of the chapters contents. Because it was a bit lighter on kink stuff I knew I wanted to make up for it. Not to mention I had more space on the character limits because there were fewer key moments I wanted to fit in
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Not saying that's bad of course, good discription can help a reader picture things the author writes a lot easier.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Cameron has to be Deena's new rival. Her attitude suddenly changing right after Jessica stopped swelling is just to convenient to be a coincidence.

This chapter seemed a bit different then normal. Everything just seemed more, descriptive.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Yay! More possible lesbian couples!

I kinda feel bad for Connie because Deena didn't hear everything she had to vent, but in Deena's defense she was trying to save a fellow student from an embaressing situation.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Oh that's such a relief. I thought Doe and Connie were on the verge of breaking up or something. I just hope Doe doesn't get swept off her by some lousy guy or girl when she can spend her life with Connie!
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Something about Cameron's attitude is extremely suspicious to me.

In any case, I'm guessing Deena's going to have a lot of fun today at school now that she has the upgrade.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
"Fatten up cute girls at school" is an absolutely wonderful plan Deena!

Also Eliza is such a tease! σ(≧ε≦o]
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@Firm Grasper

I can't speak for the others, but I find the slight mystery element enjoyable.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
VVVV I bet she's really sweet as well as cute. And is a great chef that can make a feast for the stepmom as well as bake some treats for Deena and the girls on top of cleaning house without breaking a sweat! ^_^
Adsein 5 years
As the laws of erotica dictate, the maid is indeed cute. She'll make an excellent target for background weight gain and collateral damage.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ Adsein

Understandable. Just a note, I believe you meant to have Connie and Eliza on the couch, not Deena and Eliza.
Adsein 5 years
Yeah that thing about having a 70 chapter story is that certain details can get lost to time. I think I briefly mention her existence somewhere towards the start of the story.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
I didn't know they had a maid, or maybe it was mentioned before and it slipped my mind.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I think Deena's sweet for caring for her freind enough to give her company and enjoy herself.

Side note to Spirit VVVV I understand, I'll try to control myself, it's just so hard to do!
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ PaddedOreo

Don't worry so much about things, for now just enjoy the story. Besides, I don't think Adsein would want to break your heart when you so desprately want them together. Just have patience.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ PaddedOreo

Also, Adsein seems to be teasing you, I think that's because she's happy that you love her story and her characters so much that she wants to pull at your heart strings and leave you wanting more.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ PaddedOreo

Besides, just because Doe and Connie seem to have gotten into each others pants that doesn't mean they decided to stay together immediately, a lot of melenials these days seem to be sexually open before they settle down.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ PaddedOreo

Things can't be all simple, there has to be conflicts and problems in stories sometimes for people to overcome them. Everything can't just work out for them all at once, it would seem unrealistic.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ PaddedOreo

The fact that you're worried means that you are emotionally invested in the story and that Adsein's doing her job as an author to keep you, as the reader, hooked.