L.b.l up

Chapter 198 - #198 /the brand-new friends/

As I wobbled down the stairs Eliza shot me an immediate and desperately confused look. I could see traces of confusion, a heavy dollop of concern, and a strong base of arousal. Her expression like a fine delicacy in satans bakery. The best I could offer her in return at the time was to simply shake my head and mouth the words “I’ll explain later”. It was partially because we were surrounded by company. But also because I was still in the process of unpacking what everything meant myself. Not on a literal level mind you. It became abundantly clear the update had done what Olive had said it with do. I just had no idea what it meant for me, the app, or seemingly the future of reality itself. Eliza seemed mostly understanding and grabbed me in a hug, that was mostly me being swallowed into her cleavage. It seemed she had deciphered that whatever this was, it wasn’t all sunshine and roses. I appreciated the hug. Also, the aforementioned cleavage. Though I could also feel the excited racing of her heartbeat. She really, really wanted answers. I suspected I’d have to give them to her sooner rather than later.

Across from her was a woman who somehow looked to be having an even worse morning than I was. Doe looked tired, her dark makeup had been lightly and messily applied, her black tank top wasn’t tucked in and based on the rare sight of her sweatpants she had gotten dressed in a hurry. Something her big soft body was hardly designed for. She blinked blearily up at Connie who she had been in the process of struggling to hug with their big guts in the way. “I told her we could probably sleep in, but she made me show up early anyways” Doe said letting out a deep and pained groan. I felt bad for her particularly since it wasn’t like Eliza could explain the reason for her to arrive so soon. “Works out, we can take the taxi to the-” Connie started to explain. “I can drive actually, and Dad tends to leave cars lying around” Laura explained. It was amazing how useful she could be when she was actually around.

“Then we can get going” Connie said with a slight yawn. “I may be presently half dead, but are you suggesting you get on a fifteen-hour flight, in a ice cream stained bikini you’re slightly too fat for, and nothing else” Doe said in a disgruntled voice that indicated this was not going to fly, literally and figuratively. “You’re such a clothing snob...” Connie complained. “Get your ass into your bedroom it’ll be faster if I help you change, you three get in the car” she told us giving Connie a confident slap on the ass that sent her wobbling forward. There was probably an argument to be made that they were early so there was hardly any rush. But absolutely none of us particularly wanted to pick a fight with Doe when she was sleep deprived, so we instead made our way into our family's garage. My father wasn’t a huge car guy by any means, but he had enough that there was a legitimate choice to be had. Seeing as she was driving Laura insisted on picking. “Mom actually used to joyride this one when dad’s business partners came over” Laura explained as she grabbed the keys to a sea blue Audi six seater which had been modified into a convertible, and climbed over the doors into the driver seat. It wasn’t spacious but it managed to accommodate Eliza and I sitting beside each other which meant it must have been big enough.

“Okay, so like I can tell you’re a bit frazzled but....” Eliza said trailing off shooting me puppy dog eyes. I stared back at her stone faced. She leaned in a little closer burying me in overabundant tit flesh, I held my ground. She batted her eye lids, I rolled mine in return. She reached into her blouse and ditched a button, shooting me a hopeful expression, I merely shook my head. A second button came off, and before she could get the third off, I relented with a sigh. “If you two are going to do a strip tease back there, I could put the radio on, 60s hits are usually ideal” Laura said with a smug grin. “She’s trying to bribe me with sexual favors” I informed my sister sternly. “Then she should do a better job” my sister fired back earning her a pouting look from Eliza. “You two act like I won’t get into your panties right here in this car just to prove a point” my lover informed me simply. I really did believe her, and it struck me that I really did seem to like the crazy ones.

“Fine, I’ll explain it” I said though I partially did want to test her commitment to her ideals, I didn't doubt them, I just wanted to make her do it. But I did the mature thing and put my frazzled opinions aside to explain things to my partner. “So how much do you remember about the party?” I asked her figuring that was the best place to start. “All of it seemed pretty nor-” she started to say and froze. Blinked a few times and let out an audible gasp. “Wow that got really out of hand huh” she mused biting her lip slightly. I suspected it was only in hindsight that Ghost Mode + wore off. “Yes, and the woman responsible is Olive” I explained. Eliza nodded seemingly willing to accept that information. I physically winced as I pondered just how much I wanted to share. “Partner” she reminded me simply. A word of emotional power over me, that forced me to convulse the truth.

“So, you remember that week I couldn’t remember anything....” I said trailing off. “I can, it was slightly traumatizing” she said with a derisive snort. “I may have kind of sorted dated Olive” I said doing my best to sound casual about it. Eliza simply slowly nodded a few times. “Are you mad?” I asked her poking one of her saddle bags questioningly. “God no I’m actually pretty pleased” she said falling into a chuckling fit. “Well, It can go straight into my black mail folder for when I try and coerece you into letting me have a harem” she told me with a deadpan expression. I paused waiting for her to start laughing. “Your joking, right?” I asked her with a tinge of desperation. She said nothing and her deadpan stare persisted. “Okay first of all you’re going to need more black mail” I told her waving my finger. “Secondly, we’re a couple, If there’s a harem we share it mutually, that’s what dating is all about ” I insisted trying to sound firm. “I can think of like, countless other things that relationships are about but sure, mutually sharing your harem, why not?” Laura mused from the driver's seat.

“Well, that matter aside, that’s not really the question I had on my mind” she stated. “The one I had involved a room designed to accommodate a girl my size, and the fact my Instagram story now looks like one of those WG Drive sequences” Eliza asked me curiously. “Olive made L.B.L UP” I said simply. Eliza blinked a few times but nodded. “She’s...well the first word that comes to mind is super villainess and wants to play me in some sort of game” I explained further. “The app can now change reality because of that recent update” I concluded. My lover nodded a few times and tilted her head back and forth a bit clearly sliding all the pieces into place so she could fully understand the situation. “Well, given the first incident and what happened at the party isn't she way stronger than you?” she asked me matter of factually. “Well yes, but I can become stronger than her” I said it with such confidence I almost surprised myself.

“We leave you nerds alone for a second and you start talking about anime training arcs” Connie called out clad in a tight squeeze of a yellow sundress the massive Latina heaving herself into the back seats of the car, causing the suspension to sink slightly. “I’m surprised you even know what anime is?” Doe mused incredulously as she got in adjacent to Connie causing the cars suspension to sink perilously. Laura shot them a concerned glance over her shoulder. “I can’t say I’m a fan personally but it’s pretty big where my mom's from” Connie elaborated with a shrug. “Right, I completely forgot, we’ll have to spend time with her, won’t we” I mused aloud at the mention of Connie’s mother. “I wish I could say being unable to move thanks to her blubber had humbled her but her greediness and bitchiness seem to directly scale with her waistline” Connie said though with a grin that flashed her teeth. I suspected she might have enjoyed arguing with her mother more than she’d like to admit.

Though there was a phrase used that stuck in my brain, and struck a cord and that gave me pause. Too fat to move. There was a time when I knew no one personally who was anywhere near that level of enormity. Pepper and Belladonna the two victims of the First Incident had reached that size a little after my stepmother. Yet If I was right there were three other girls who fell into that category. There were other consequences to the party that needed to be investigated. “We’re still pretty early, right?” I asked the cars other occupants and got nods in return. “Well, there’s some people I’d like to drop by and see real quick before we go, I don’t want to be an inconvenience though” I mused aloud fidgeting slightly. “Pssh, how a woman with a chest like yours wound up so shy will always be a mystery to me” Connie said patting my back fat from the chair behind me. “Seriously, it’s no problem at all, in exchange though we get to sit in the seats close to the radio next time” Doe said with a wink. “Duh” Eliza said sticking her tongue out at me. Her agreement not even a question.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
- Personally I'd love to see more minor and big character weight gain, and I'd love to see more of the people effected by ghostmode's memory alteration effects.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
- It's obvious that I love the fan-pitched idea of Connie and Doe being caught doing Sub and Dom stuff in Connie's room by Eliza and Deena walk into their room while checking on them after arriving back at Deena's house after spending some time together s
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
As long as you're asking the audience again for suggestions, I hope you're okay with me making a few more, I know they might not happen immeadiatly but these are a few more events I'd love to see happen as the story continues...
Theswordsman 5 years
Something tells me allison will be bigger then mindy
Adsein 5 years
Definetly, it’ll just be more spaced out in posts
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Even though you have new stories, do you still have plans to continue writing L.B.L. Up? I've fallen in love with the characters!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Yay! You're back!

Deena and Eliza are still adorable as always, and shy
Doe is still such a ♥CUTIE♥!!!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
V I hope you'll be able to figure it all out, I'm really excited to see how the story continues! (◕‿◕✿)
Adsein 5 years
Hey guys apologizes for the absence, I've been running into some technical difficulties with the sight as of recent uploads. Hopefully these clear up soon and I can get stuff out to you again
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Of course if Deena and Eliza make the sub fat enough to reveal her nipples, lady parts, etc. Then If the police are anything to go by then Olive and Paige, if not the whole class will probably notice sense ghostmode can't seem to rationalize nudity.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
They most likely will only find it strange that a majority of the classroom was wearing revealing, undersized clothes after their perception would alter to think they'd been revealing when they came into class.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
The girls in cooking class Deena fattened up may at most seem to Paige and Olive that the entire class was wearing slutty or revealing clothing to show off their plus sized bodies, including the sub.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years

You two seem to be missing out on a key factor. Penny and Deena got arrested for indecent exposure because their areola and a majority of their butt was visible.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Yay! Give your Butter Muffin some smooches, Eliza!
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
The sliders certainly have an interesting mechanic, if Deena wants to induce low level hunger on people it won't cost any energy and will refill her magic, but if she wants to induce extreme hunger she has to then refill it up with low level hunger.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I knew things would get kinky in home economics, but to me the belly fondling is more cute than it is kinky! X3
Adsein 5 years
As always, sorry for the slight delay in chapters that comes every few weeks.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Muffins!? Please be butter muffins, please be butter muffins, please be butter muffins! ≧ω≦
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Yay! Olive's a lesbian too! I mean she has to be if she's eyeing her chest, right? I know every character might not all be gay, but I hope their are at least a few more gay girls in Deena's school!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Besides, I bet Deena and Eliza's class together will be full of kinky stuff!

Also I hope that Deena and Eliza get a chance to share some "blubber hugs" with each other if they end up feelin' frisky in the future, on top of lots of kisses! ^3^