L.b.l up

Chapter 199 - #199 /the brand new queen/

Mindy's house looked a hurricane had blown through. A hurricane which had previously exclusively blown through greasy fast-food establishments and the swimsuit sections of cheap clothing outlets. As I trudged up to the front door, I did so stepping over empty cardboard boxes which seemed to cover the front lawn in a sea. Though they had been flattened by all the people suddenly leaving the night prior it was a rather dramatic experience to say the least. I could only imagine the exodus had been pretty fast once Olive had deactivated her area of effect features. But she had done so far too late for the scars not to be visible, In the sea of cardboard boxes, or the fattened waistlines of the party goers. I held myself a little bit responsible. It had only happened because I was being targeted. It had been enticing as insane as it was. But dealing with the aftermath everything that happened weighed heavier on me than my massive amounts of blubber.

Her front door was unlocked, a testament to the wildness of the party the prior evening. So, I let myself in figuring she'd be expecting me. The interior somehow managed to look worse than the exterior on account of the fact it had been more occupied. Every piece of furniture I could see looked to be busted in one regard. No doubt crushed beneath the raw mass of a fattening PCH graduate. The food boxes were practically up to my knees. Wading I glanced into the each of the rooms that had been affected looking for a way up to the second floor. In the living room, the Couch had been bent in a sharp v-shape having been seeming snapped in half beneath one particularly giga ton ass. I wondered if was Dee or maybe Gaia. In the converted dance hall, I saw the giant pile of bikini tops from my short-lived scheme. I was sure there was a winner amongst them, but I suspected everyone had gotten too distracted to check. Eventually I found my way out to the pool, I knew there wasn't a way up out there. But at some point my priorities had shifted to merely assessing everything that had happened. It looked better than the front or inside did. There hadn’t been anything out there to damage. But inevitably my eyes became transfixed on the strips of black swim suits. The scraps that had been left after the cheer leaders had been immobilized. I supposed their wardrobe malfunction had happened for a different reason in the altered reality. But the evidence remained. I took a deep breath. Breathed it all in and accepted it. Or rather tried to. Before returning to the inside of the mansion.

Within I found something that hadn't been there the previous evening. An elevator heavily reinforced, more like something you'd see on a construction site than a private home. There wasn't much of a question as to who it was for. Stepping into it, even I felt small by comparison. Just how massive Mindy had become due to her involvement in my life struck me, on account of the hugeness of the elevator. Even as fat as I was you could've fit two of me in that heavily supped up elevator without an issue. It rose slowly and It all began to settle in. I had no idea what I was going to tell her or what I'd say. As far as she had been concerned Cameron was the issue and I had solved it. She had relied on me to do that. Though normally I wanted to lock horns with her. As the door slowly slid open, I knew more than anything, that I wanted to apologize for everything that happened. Even as far back as the beginning. The elevator opened directly into Mindy's bedroom where the Queen awaited.

“Yo” she greeted my simply from where her enormity was spread across a custom built bed. Huge wouldn't have been a sufficient word to describe her. She was enormous. Vast in her girth which defied any lesser classification. Sitting up in her bed she was covered exclusively by her bed sheets, but they couldn't possibly cover the lot of her. Her gut was a giant hill of blubber, having finally acquired a second roll of flab to accomate its sheer excess. It was massive enough that sitting down it concealed her lower half from being viewed. Completely dominating her frame. But the sheer width of her hips and the blubber swaddled nature of her arms meant it was clear she was more that just a sphere of blubber. That and the twin spheres of blubber that were propped up on it. Each bigger than her triple chinned head. I paused to drink in the sheer enormity of her. “Perv!” she told me with a half smile and my eyes turned to my feet out of shame.

“this may surprise you, but that just annoys me more" she told me and I turned my gaze up this time looking into her eyes. There wasn't malice or judgement in her eyes. Her confidence didn’t seem to have wavered at all. If anything, she was oddly chill. Yet even with my fear of her anger alleviated I still had no idea where to start. Too much had happened, and I was too guilty of all of it to speak up. “Given my swanky new digs, that toy of yours seems to have gotten an upgrade” she commented glancing around her room. Everything about it was super-sized. But I could still see the usual flair of what her room might've looked like before. Posters of various metal bands, some news paper cutouts pinned to a board, some cardboard boxes lined up in a corner. The messy room of a college girl to be. Seeing all of it and the changes I had wrought only made me feel guiltier. “I’m sorry, your life…!” I told her the words leaving my lips. The queen sighed. The sheer movement in mass causing her bed to creak. “My life what?” she asked me confidently, I even noticed her crack a smile. “I ruined it….” I said finally letting loose the words I had felt building since the party the previous night. She sighed, bored. “Stop being so melodramatic" she told me and I blinked. “Look around, ***" she said gesturing to her room, a tired smile on her face.

I glanced around the room again, paying more attention to my surroundings at her royal request. I started with the newspaper cutouts. Since those had caught my eye the most originally. They were headlines and photos. The most prominently displayed of which simply read “Defiant Plus Sized Cheer Leader Leads Team To Victory In National Competition”. I looked at the photos. In the altered reality the cheer leaders had been fat from the start. They posed In various cheer leading positions. Sweaty but defiantly performing them well none the less. The clippings were full of interviews with Mindy, where she'd declare her team's assured victory despite their size and PCHs reputation or its supposed curse. Quietly I glanced to Mindy, she gestured to the car board boxes. They opened easily and within I saw the trophies. The statues on the trophies were comically skinny compared to the blubbery woman who had won them, but there was no question they were hers. “If you every imply that you and that dinky app of yours would even be capable of ruining my life again I can and will find a way to crush you" she told me with absolute confidence.

“What about Penny?" I asked her curiously. “I was just looking it up” she said pulling out a laptop which had been concealed by the enormity of her gut. She gestured for me to stand beside her bed and I obliged. It felt odd, but I the nerd watched as the cheer leader used her laptop to go through old correspondences and social media. It seemed that altered reality Penny had thought that I had broken up with her because she was fat. That was the same except she had only been chubby originally. The biggest difference was what happened when she joined the cheer leaders. Rather than encourage her to diet, it seemed that this timelines Mindy and Dee encouraged her to appreciate her size. To not worry about her ballooning waistline or overwhelmingly huge tits. Because she was amazing anyway. Scrolling through her social media she seemed oddly happier. We had even liked some of the same posts about the experience of having big boobs. Though I couldn't quire relate to her more recent posts about the experience of being too blubbery to move.

Mindy and I didn’t need to vocalize, we moved straight to Dee. It seemed her story was pretty similar to how it had seemed when I had hung out with her and Gaia. As a wrestler her diet that was supposed to build muscle had only wound-up building blubber. While normally an issue her time spent with Mindy had led to her thinking it wasn't so bad. Eventually her size snow balled into a competitive advantage in the wrestling ring as she could just crush her opponents with her raw enormity. Thankfully it seemed she had applied more of a gentle touch as a cheer leader. Unlike Penny there wasn't even any posts acknowledging her recent immobility. It was clearly the case, but the ever-stoic monolith of a woman hardly seemed to care. It seemed fitting for a school with PCH’s alterated reputation to have such a massive cheer leader. Anything else would've been false advertising.

“With that said...” Mindy said slowly closing the laptop. Despite seeing how reality had been altered my guilt had only been partially alleviated. “I'd appreciate being able to fit through, at minimum, double doors” she said in a calm reprimand. I took it as best I could. Being melodramatic would've just made her feel bad. She opened the laptop again and opened to another tab. This one an advertisement of some kind of advanced fitness facility. Which specialized in women of a more massive size. I had vaguely recalled seeing it in the news after the first incident. Belladonna and Pepper had wound up there after being immobilized. “I’ll go there and whip those two ***es into waddling shape" she insisted in her usual relaxed aggressive way. “But before I do I need a favor” she told me meeting my gaze. “Anything!” I told her, my voice laced with guilt. “Great, then give me a fat fetish" she told me flatly.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Eliza would be because I feel she'd be more easy-going on who she'd use her powers on, and the more women she'd effect the better I say.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Connie because that would make both of Deena's sisters, blood related or not, able to use magic. And I'd like to see how she'd react to suddenly being able to fatten girls up.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
This is certainly a strange turn of events, the person she choses will inherit some of the apps powers?

Well if I had to chosse, I'd pick ethier Connie or Eliza.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Laura's such a great sister to step in to protect M.C.D., guess she's on the chubby train with the other girls now! XP
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I just can't get enough of Doe! ≧◡≦
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I find Doe so cute when she's shy, and I still find her cute when she's in badass mode. And the whole ordeal of squeezing her big butt in the cab and sitting on Deena and Eliza's lap found funny as well as really adorable!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Damn it, no! I hope whatever's bothering Connie and Doe they can work it all out together. : c
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Doe to the rescue! When she's in her zone she's the badass with a fat ass! ^_^
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
I was unaware butter muffins existed until now too. I searched for them online, they look quite delicious!

Regardless, I noticed the mysterious voice said she was using the "old version?" By the gods what could be waiting in the up-to-date version!?
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I know it's erotica that appeals to my fetishes, but the fact I'm eagerly awaiting for the next chapter in this story to come every day to see what the characters will get up to next tells how talented you are as an erotic novelist and storyteller.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Eliza's lil' Butter Muffin and I couldn't be happier! (o´ω`o)

Asking any more from you I feel would be extremely selfish of me.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Mrs. Adsein, you are an amazing author, and to me you are an extremely kind person. I'm going to try my hardest not to make any more requests, because you went into detail about M.C.D. and Eliza's intimate time together, and now M.C.D. is...
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I CAN DIE HAPPY!! Yes I know it's just a story, yes I know I shouldn't care so much about pet names, but I can't help it! I only get these fuzzy feelings if I really care about characters in an interesting story!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Even if it's just used once, I think I could die happy.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
But if you do decide you want Eliza and the M.C.D. to affectionately nickname each other, can one of them be the one Tibbes suggested "Butter Muffin"? It's the sweetest nickname I've ever heard!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
The idea of the M.C.D. and Eliza giving each other pet names has been making me giddy for the past two days. I know it's just a story, and I shouldn't try to force concepts to the characters you created...
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Mrs. Adsein, I know I've made a lot of requests and you probably are considering how to incorporate one's others have already suggested besides me, but I feel I'll regret this if I don't make this one now...
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
She's also named Deena? That's going to get confusing, I'll just label the main character "M.C.D." (Main Character Deena) and the other Deena B.D. (Bully Deena). ; 3
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
VvvvV Tibbes.
Awwww! Butter muffin sounds so so sweet! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ

Although Eliza calling her 'blubber muffin' would probably be a more accurate nickname.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
If you haven't revealed the name already, can you have one of the characters say the main character's real name in conversations or something? I know Connie called her "Blue," but isn't that a nickname?