L.b.l up

Chapter 200 - #200 /brand new game/

“Um...not to repeat myself but, uh, are you absolutely sure?” I asked her tentatively taking a peek over the top of her laptop screen. She had lent it to me so I could use L.B.L up with it. After I had made my first of many exasperated objections. From where I was standing, I had wrought enough changes in her life. To say she didn't take my objections well would be an understatement. The dagger filled look she shot me was more than enough to get me to hastily agree. But I honestly still wasn’t entirely sold. I checked her file in the app, I needed to do so in order to target her. But I more wanted to confirm she was under some manner of magical effect. I was pretty sure it was surely some manner of last surprise left by Olive. So you can imagine my surprise when her file didn't indicate any changes to her mentality. Plenty to her body of course the party had immobilized her of course. But as far as the app could inform nobody was toying around with her head. I took a shaky breath. “Okay but why though?” I asked her. I probably could’ve started there, but I still had some modicum of pride left in me.

“Geez, you don’t have to be Mensa candidate to figure it out, If I’m going to be stuck buried in this blubber I might as well enjoy it” she told me sternly. I blinked a few times exasperated “But..” I started off. “But nothing it’s really just this simple, you’re the one who’s overcomplicating things.” She said rubbing the bridge of her nose in irritation. As best she could anyways, given the blubbery nature of her arms. That simple motion sent her wobbling like a waterbed. “But you’re the one always calling me a pervert...” I told her trailing off. I was still reticent to say the least. There was overwhelming guilt both from what I had done and what Olive had done because of me making her target. It was a crushing thing that made it impossible for me to see it as anything less than me interfering in her life again. Of course, it was different. For one thing she was asking me outright which was borderline unprecedented. For another thing it wasn’t like I’d even be making her fatter. But none of that mattered. Every time I had used the app on her before it had snow balled into her immobilized state.

“Yeah and you usually are a huge pervert which Is why It’s a little frustrating you chose today to turn into a freaking nun” she told me her voice like a whip crack. I winced. She sighed. “Seriously, you really don’t get it” she explained adopting a half smile again. “I don’t know if you could tell, but I wouldn’t exactly say I had a lot of fun, back in the day” she told me quietly. I turned my gaze up to her and blinked. I tilted my head curiously. Almost toppling over on account of the lacking space on the bed I had taken a seat on. “I had things going good, I was in charge, with an iron grip...” she said trailing off. “But I spent all my time maintaining that, avoided anything that would weaken my control, acted on grudges out of pride” she said with a slight frown. “It felt good but uh I wouldn’t say I was having fun” she said trailing off. “And then I met a freaking sex pest who had more power than I could ever have, and she was using it just to make herself feel good” Mindy said chuckling, a gigaton belly laugh. “I didn't get you at all, and you pissed me off” she told me flatly. I was surprised to say the least, also embarrassed and deeply ashamed to have my previous actions described that way. But the mountain of a former cheerleader wasn’t finished.

“You pissed me off cause you made me realize how unhappy I was...” she said trailing off. “Well that and the stuff with Penny and Dee, but I guess we can call it even” she said chuckling turning her gaze to my own less than skinny frame. I sat there frozen. I didn't get it at all. Not a word of it. It was incompatible information like trying to stick a floppy disk into an iPad. To me I sounded like a power drunk hedonist but her words held actual admiration. “I don’t get you at all” I told her quietly. The information was a lot to process. “And you piss me off” I told her pushing my hand into her giant mountain of a gut. “But I’ll do it anyways” I told her brushing my bangs in quiet anxiety. “Geez you could at least sound a little happy about it, this is a huge opportunity for you” she said pouting. It was funny how insulted she seemed by my reticence to use the app on her. It was pretty hard to believe how much I had disliked her in the past. Almost as hard as it was to believe in an un-altered reality, she had possessed a figure worth killing over.

I turned my attention back to the app and went to the perk page, knowing I’d need to grab the new feature from one of the perk trees. Then I saw it, the actual number of perk points I had. There was a ton of them. Enough to make a sizeable difference. I realized they must’ve been accruing for quite a while, during my duel with Cameron, when Eliza used it during the sleepover, all of that had accumulated into a major sum of power. There was just one issue. The branches on the tree. There were so many of them. I recognized a few of the perks Olive must’ve used the night before. But I couldn’t bring myself to even click on them. The app was overwhelming. I knew I needed to spend them, especially with new app users seemingly on the horizon. But I couldn’t bring myself to open that door. I grabbed the Fetishize feature, as it was known. It had sub-branches for the many cultural sub kinks. But something told me that discussion with Mindy would both take too long and induce far too large a headache for the two of us. With the perk grabbed I switched back to her file. The fetish tag lines had become a drop-down box. So, you could edit it. It seemed she was perfectly vanilla, clean as driven snow, though I was about to change that....

It gave me a funny sense of closure, like I was able to finally turn the last page. When I had first obtained L.B.L UP I had lived entirely based on what my desires told me to. Slender, meek and invisible, I had been isolated so I saw others as toys to be played with. Yet somehow through what I can only describe as a funny sort of luck, and a great deal of help, those same desires had connected me to others. I was happy and heavier and connected to others, I couldn’t help but be horrified when I saw a reflection of who I had been at the beginning. Now I could tie a very strained bow over my first desire. My first crush. The person I had been. There was a message to Mindy’s words. Something she wanted to convey. But I couldn’t hear it, not after everything that had happened. So, I gave her what she wanted. In doing so I brought my grand revenge against the cheer leaders of Porcina High to its ultimate closure. The cherry on top of my personal parfait. I supposed it to be empty calories, but as my figure would tell you, I’m not very good at avoiding those.

When I returned to car, I guess I spaced out a little. When I was much younger my Dad would take me on a business trip or two, so drives to the airport put me in a certain kind of mood. One would suppose that being in the vehicle with so many hot women with such overwhelming figures would’ve gotten me going as usual. But the usual flames just wouldn’t turn up. Eliza my love, next to me with half of one my chubby arms wedged into her cleavage, her soft cheek pressed against mine, was pretending to take a nap. I supposed it was her way of telling me it was okay to rest as well. Afterall, it had been a busy couple of days. But for exhausted as I was, I could only say I was totally awake. I had no useful thoughts nothing solid. My brain just kept replaying the past few days, the date with Olive. Every pound gained every memory altered, all stemming from that one moment, from that one connection.

Ever astute and far too good at reading me, Eliza pretended to stir. She had probably realized I had completely failed to fall for her bait. “Fine, if you don’t want to sleep, let’s play some music instead” she insisted leaning back a little. I saw for just a few moments, a flash of mischief in her eyes. In my deadened mood it de-fozilied the most important emotion of all. Fear. “Oh, hey now, we can end this peacefully” I said holding my arms up defensively. I felt some color returning to my cheeks for the first time since I had fully surveyed the damage the party had wrought. “Y’know my Mom’s never been in a Peace movie, you wanna know why, they don’t exist, and that’s because peace is boring” she told me with a broad grin.

“Listen I can explain..” I started, knowing full well I couldn’t physically stop her with her giant balasts and my own gut between us. “So, a year or two ago, this absolute nerd over here, crafted me something which she had the audacity to call a “Platonic Mixtape”” she said thrusting her phone up in the air with one arm. There could be no doubt the volume would be set to max. I began frantically and illogically shifting around in my panic as the cars suspension began to creek. “That’s so cute” Doe chirped. “A mixtape..” Connie practically squealed. There wasn’t enough blubber in all of L.A to bury my shame, and there was an incredible amount of blubber recently. “Let’s jam” she said and pressed the button to send us off. Unwilling to let this chapter of our story end with anything resembling a somber tone.

Over tinny phone speakers those hallowed words echoed true into that deep blue sky.

“Fat bottomed girls, you make the rocking world go round”
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
147   336   1534118


Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
VVV It may not of been as kinky, but another potential lesbian couple being in Deena's school is more than enough to make me happy.

Also Connie's "blubber hug" sounds as cute as it sounds soft.
Adsein 5 years
.That’s primairly because of the chapters contents. Because it was a bit lighter on kink stuff I knew I wanted to make up for it. Not to mention I had more space on the character limits because there were fewer key moments I wanted to fit in
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Not saying that's bad of course, good discription can help a reader picture things the author writes a lot easier.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Cameron has to be Deena's new rival. Her attitude suddenly changing right after Jessica stopped swelling is just to convenient to be a coincidence.

This chapter seemed a bit different then normal. Everything just seemed more, descriptive.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Yay! More possible lesbian couples!

I kinda feel bad for Connie because Deena didn't hear everything she had to vent, but in Deena's defense she was trying to save a fellow student from an embaressing situation.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Oh that's such a relief. I thought Doe and Connie were on the verge of breaking up or something. I just hope Doe doesn't get swept off her by some lousy guy or girl when she can spend her life with Connie!
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Something about Cameron's attitude is extremely suspicious to me.

In any case, I'm guessing Deena's going to have a lot of fun today at school now that she has the upgrade.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
"Fatten up cute girls at school" is an absolutely wonderful plan Deena!

Also Eliza is such a tease! σ(≧ε≦o]
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@Firm Grasper

I can't speak for the others, but I find the slight mystery element enjoyable.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
VVVV I bet she's really sweet as well as cute. And is a great chef that can make a feast for the stepmom as well as bake some treats for Deena and the girls on top of cleaning house without breaking a sweat! ^_^
Adsein 5 years
As the laws of erotica dictate, the maid is indeed cute. She'll make an excellent target for background weight gain and collateral damage.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ Adsein

Understandable. Just a note, I believe you meant to have Connie and Eliza on the couch, not Deena and Eliza.
Adsein 5 years
Yeah that thing about having a 70 chapter story is that certain details can get lost to time. I think I briefly mention her existence somewhere towards the start of the story.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
I didn't know they had a maid, or maybe it was mentioned before and it slipped my mind.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I think Deena's sweet for caring for her freind enough to give her company and enjoy herself.

Side note to Spirit VVVV I understand, I'll try to control myself, it's just so hard to do!
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ PaddedOreo

Don't worry so much about things, for now just enjoy the story. Besides, I don't think Adsein would want to break your heart when you so desprately want them together. Just have patience.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ PaddedOreo

Also, Adsein seems to be teasing you, I think that's because she's happy that you love her story and her characters so much that she wants to pull at your heart strings and leave you wanting more.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ PaddedOreo

Besides, just because Doe and Connie seem to have gotten into each others pants that doesn't mean they decided to stay together immediately, a lot of melenials these days seem to be sexually open before they settle down.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ PaddedOreo

Things can't be all simple, there has to be conflicts and problems in stories sometimes for people to overcome them. Everything can't just work out for them all at once, it would seem unrealistic.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ PaddedOreo

The fact that you're worried means that you are emotionally invested in the story and that Adsein's doing her job as an author to keep you, as the reader, hooked.