L.b.l up

Chapter 3 - #003 /secret ingredient/

And put them in place I did I ducked out of the room too so as to not rouse suspicion from my would be prey it was going to be costly to perform my little plan that was for sure but some basic caloric calculations I had been running on my calculator left me thinking that assuming it all went off without a hitch that I would find myself enjoying one of the most satisfying pay offs of my young life. However one slight flaw in my plan was that unfortunately even with how I had spaced it out I still had fifteen minutes of free time to deal with which was leaving me with a bouncy kind of nervous energy I didin't quite enjoy experiencing. So seeking to quell It i decided to act out Operation World Domination while Operation Just Desserts. So I made my way up to my room where I knew my precious overkilling PC would be just waiting to tear into this thing like a mountain lion into some particularly juicy gazelle. As I made my way into my room I found myself facing the bed from which I had been lieing on only hours ago a set of headphones siting there still barely audibly playing the storm sounds to solve a problem which I immediately figured out on retrospect was simply a misplaced semicolon. It felt like a life time ago as I quickly closed my app and connected my phone my previous "life's work" felt like a chore in comparison to what could only be described as literal magic coming out of an app. As it plugged into the CMD the screen went black. I had a brief moment of panic in which the many different ways I might have just ruined my life passed through my mind before thankfully the screen flashed back to life displaying what seemed like moving lines of code.....it wasn't code or least not in anyway I knew it whatever it was it was in motion and compromised of shapes I couldn't even comprehend like they stretched on like some kind of horizon i felt my mind being pulled of with them before in an instant my screen began to flash again a Gatling gun rhythm of imagery flashing across my screen, memes to do with girls getting fatter, fetish porn, CCTV cameras of woman eating far more that their fair share, episodes of reality weight loss shows where the contestant left fatter than they started and lastly images of me billowing outward with lard my hips pouring over the arms of chair before my now gloriously fat ass broke it beneath my blubber my many chinned face drooling as I seemed to stare of into nothing. Then suddenly, It stopped all at once the blast of information of seemingly every pound gained by a member of the human species stopped pouring into my brain. I looked at the screen I wiped some drool from lips my eyes beginning to focus again as I noticed I wasn't as massive as I had been in my vision a fact which now confused me. Why would I ever have chosen to be skinny. My own body which I had once coveted as perfect now stood out to me as being a notable flaw. I mean my stomach was flat for the love of Adaphagia. I quickly flipped my phone open to order more food since clearly I would need it to put some meat on my bones.
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SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Eliza would be because I feel she'd be more easy-going on who she'd use her powers on, and the more women she'd effect the better I say.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Connie because that would make both of Deena's sisters, blood related or not, able to use magic. And I'd like to see how she'd react to suddenly being able to fatten girls up.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
This is certainly a strange turn of events, the person she choses will inherit some of the apps powers?

Well if I had to chosse, I'd pick ethier Connie or Eliza.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Laura's such a great sister to step in to protect M.C.D., guess she's on the chubby train with the other girls now! XP
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I just can't get enough of Doe! ≧◡≦
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I find Doe so cute when she's shy, and I still find her cute when she's in badass mode. And the whole ordeal of squeezing her big butt in the cab and sitting on Deena and Eliza's lap found funny as well as really adorable!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Damn it, no! I hope whatever's bothering Connie and Doe they can work it all out together. : c
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Doe to the rescue! When she's in her zone she's the badass with a fat ass! ^_^
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
I was unaware butter muffins existed until now too. I searched for them online, they look quite delicious!

Regardless, I noticed the mysterious voice said she was using the "old version?" By the gods what could be waiting in the up-to-date version!?
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I know it's erotica that appeals to my fetishes, but the fact I'm eagerly awaiting for the next chapter in this story to come every day to see what the characters will get up to next tells how talented you are as an erotic novelist and storyteller.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Eliza's lil' Butter Muffin and I couldn't be happier! (o´ω`o)

Asking any more from you I feel would be extremely selfish of me.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Mrs. Adsein, you are an amazing author, and to me you are an extremely kind person. I'm going to try my hardest not to make any more requests, because you went into detail about M.C.D. and Eliza's intimate time together, and now M.C.D. is...
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I CAN DIE HAPPY!! Yes I know it's just a story, yes I know I shouldn't care so much about pet names, but I can't help it! I only get these fuzzy feelings if I really care about characters in an interesting story!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Even if it's just used once, I think I could die happy.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
But if you do decide you want Eliza and the M.C.D. to affectionately nickname each other, can one of them be the one Tibbes suggested "Butter Muffin"? It's the sweetest nickname I've ever heard!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
The idea of the M.C.D. and Eliza giving each other pet names has been making me giddy for the past two days. I know it's just a story, and I shouldn't try to force concepts to the characters you created...
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Mrs. Adsein, I know I've made a lot of requests and you probably are considering how to incorporate one's others have already suggested besides me, but I feel I'll regret this if I don't make this one now...
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
She's also named Deena? That's going to get confusing, I'll just label the main character "M.C.D." (Main Character Deena) and the other Deena B.D. (Bully Deena). ; 3
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
VvvvV Tibbes.
Awwww! Butter muffin sounds so so sweet! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ

Although Eliza calling her 'blubber muffin' would probably be a more accurate nickname.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
If you haven't revealed the name already, can you have one of the characters say the main character's real name in conversations or something? I know Connie called her "Blue," but isn't that a nickname?