L.b.l up

Chapter 4 - #004 /operation just desserts/

So it was that still addled by the side effects of looking at the source code I set my plan into action. It all began when my step mother finally arrived back from her yoga/affair appointment her well tanned skin glistening with sweat from sex or exercise or possibly,I mused both. I took a few moments to take a look at the perfectly carved abs that had seduces my father away my new outlook filling me with disgust at the sight of them. Their presence indicating that she had no doubt ignored all opportunities to indulge an insult to what the human form was supposed to be. At the time my far more extreme views didin't seem at all strange to me even as I imagined her massive and naked eating and oinking like a pig while eating at a through a fantasy more extreme than I had ever indulged in before yet now found myself determined to make a reality.
It all started with a ring from the front door bell the sound almost drowned out by the noise of a rambucious gold digger berating her daughter for pigging out like one of those "Land Whale White Girls" I giggled at the imagery of a woman the size of a whale in what could only be described as an evil fashion as I answered the door being greeted by very confused four very confused pizza boys who were clearly wondering what a skinny little thing like me was doing ordering twenty pizzas when there clearly wasn't a party of any sort going on. "I'm trying to become one of those "Land Whale White Girls"" I said with another slightly crazy laugh as I tipped them all so heavily they weren't thinking on the problem for two long. I moved the boxes in with a kind of desperate enthusiasm I hadn't used since begging my dad for my first computer I stacked them against the door like some kind of barricade against the world of healthy food. I had a slight sheen of sweat once my wall was complete and a wide grin on my face the tops popped open to let the sweet aroma washing through the house I was extremely tempted to dig in but I knew once I started I wouldn't be able to stop. I turned to face two now apprehensive women who were giving me some rather confused looks before my glorious step mother decided to speak her mind "I'd suggest you were throwing a party but let's face it you don't have the pull for that, so is there any particularly reason your wasting my money" she asked raising an eyebrow aggressively. "Trust me, it's for all of our benefit, you'll be so much happier fat I promise" I said my tone sounding psychotically genuine as I pulled out my phone and hit her with hunger quickly framing Connie and setting her off too the two Latinas pushing past me to ravenously begin eating. The sounds of their ravenous eating created an almost enthralling effect as I popped open a control panel on the Lbl Up app quickly deleting one of the endless code ruins before switching the camera to selfie mood and allowing a blast of hunger to flow through me. I only remember what happened next in tidbits and flickers of sensation and almost clips of memory between bouts of gorging. The first thing I remember is a tidal wave of explosive flavor as I stuffed myself with reckless abandon the next of pushing either of the girls faces onto their pizzas and relishing them eating like pigs while I followed suite. Next up is a chain of memories of me masturbating to the weight of my overstuffed belly with one hand while causing the girls across the room to digest their latest loads, watching as their clothes tightened and grew constrictive each pound visible on their scantily clad bodies. Then I'd hit myself with hunger until repeating the next cycle, we must have taken our clothes off at some point while feasting because my next memory is of me leading the girls by the hands into the kitchen the two cradling their semi stuffed new pot bellies while asking for pizza us piggies having clearly finished my little feast and moving onto raiding the pantry. I was more attentive towards them in the next flash of a memory of them based on my pose I had been hand feeding them a variety of confections I was hoping they'd eat themselves before I had the power to force their mouths and guts, not of course that I wasn't cradling a belly of my own. The last thing I remember before sunrise was once more turning the app on myself and seeing a version of me with a notable double chin smiling back before once more inducing the hunger
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
- Personally I'd love to see more minor and big character weight gain, and I'd love to see more of the people effected by ghostmode's memory alteration effects.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
- It's obvious that I love the fan-pitched idea of Connie and Doe being caught doing Sub and Dom stuff in Connie's room by Eliza and Deena walk into their room while checking on them after arriving back at Deena's house after spending some time together s
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
As long as you're asking the audience again for suggestions, I hope you're okay with me making a few more, I know they might not happen immeadiatly but these are a few more events I'd love to see happen as the story continues...
Theswordsman 5 years
Something tells me allison will be bigger then mindy
Adsein 5 years
Definetly, it’ll just be more spaced out in posts
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Even though you have new stories, do you still have plans to continue writing L.B.L. Up? I've fallen in love with the characters!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Yay! You're back!

Deena and Eliza are still adorable as always, and shy
Doe is still such a ♥CUTIE♥!!!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
V I hope you'll be able to figure it all out, I'm really excited to see how the story continues! (◕‿◕✿)
Adsein 5 years
Hey guys apologizes for the absence, I've been running into some technical difficulties with the sight as of recent uploads. Hopefully these clear up soon and I can get stuff out to you again
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Of course if Deena and Eliza make the sub fat enough to reveal her nipples, lady parts, etc. Then If the police are anything to go by then Olive and Paige, if not the whole class will probably notice sense ghostmode can't seem to rationalize nudity.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
They most likely will only find it strange that a majority of the classroom was wearing revealing, undersized clothes after their perception would alter to think they'd been revealing when they came into class.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
The girls in cooking class Deena fattened up may at most seem to Paige and Olive that the entire class was wearing slutty or revealing clothing to show off their plus sized bodies, including the sub.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years

You two seem to be missing out on a key factor. Penny and Deena got arrested for indecent exposure because their areola and a majority of their butt was visible.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Yay! Give your Butter Muffin some smooches, Eliza!
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
The sliders certainly have an interesting mechanic, if Deena wants to induce low level hunger on people it won't cost any energy and will refill her magic, but if she wants to induce extreme hunger she has to then refill it up with low level hunger.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I knew things would get kinky in home economics, but to me the belly fondling is more cute than it is kinky! X3
Adsein 5 years
As always, sorry for the slight delay in chapters that comes every few weeks.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Muffins!? Please be butter muffins, please be butter muffins, please be butter muffins! ≧ω≦
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Yay! Olive's a lesbian too! I mean she has to be if she's eyeing her chest, right? I know every character might not all be gay, but I hope their are at least a few more gay girls in Deena's school!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Besides, I bet Deena and Eliza's class together will be full of kinky stuff!

Also I hope that Deena and Eliza get a chance to share some "blubber hugs" with each other if they end up feelin' frisky in the future, on top of lots of kisses! ^3^