L.b.l up

Chapter 5 - #005 /low level zone/

#005 /Low Level Zone/

I awoke the next morning to the calming sounds of digestion the warm humming and gurgling eventually lulling me into a state of wakefulness. I spent a brief moment wondering where It was coming from before fully opening my eyes to see that there was something full and round blocking my view of my feet. I sluggishly pulled myself up as I looked around the room and seeing the messy aftermath of my "Operation Just Desserts". the room looked like it had just experienced the breakup of its favorite 90s sit com couple, with ice cream, pizzas and even some cake that no doubt had been for my fathers upcoming 40th all scattered around the room. We had also gotten thirsty as well I mused as I looked around spotting empty two liters of soda here or there along with an....empty bottle of wine. That one was surprising because I didn't think i had any of it since I certainly wasn't hungover. It was musing on the wine that I noticed two very important things firstly that I hadn't even seen the kitchen yet. And secondly that I hadn't found Connie or her no doubt now plump sized mother. So I made my way into the kitchen at what felt like a slower pace than usual my full stomach weighing me down leaving my little crater of indulgence behind for the moment. I paused before reaching the kitchen doors, coming to a somewhat sudden realization that whatever fey mood had taken over me last night seemed to have left. I no longer felt like my desire to fattening things was a vocation or that it was some greater purpose. It was only in it wearing off did I even realize it had been there in the first place as my snap shot memory of the night before began to file into my head using the App on myself, feeding the others, the sensual attitude of striping to do it. Those things were not in character for me in any realm other than my own warm shower fantasies. "It must have been some form of hypnotism based Anti-hacking software" I thought to myself with a half smile that I had finally discovered a form of cyber security I hadn't immediately bested. But as the last of the in between gorging memories came in I was equal parts aroused and apprehensive of what I would find on the other side of that kitchen door, the only two things that were certain were that if there was anyone on the other side they would be fatter than they had been, and that either way I needed to check.

I walked my self into quite the scene indeed the kitchen looking equally like some post bonfire night frat house only with maybe twice the number of snacks. It seems that we had full cleared the pantry and even moved onto the healthy foods with the leafy foliage of fruit and vegetables mixed in with the plethora of crisps and chocolate bar wrappers. But I didn't really quite absorb any of that because I was admittedly much more enthralled with two larger and more pressing things, my step sibling and her beautiful mother. It was my step mother I found most enamoring, which wasn't surprising given she had been the primary focus for my more than little revenge even while I was manic with my fat obsession. She was a rather arousing sight as taboo as it may be to admit. Clad in a frilly bra and thong combination that was no doubt intended only for her yoga instructor or any other boy toy she may have picked out along the way. Those same under garments were stretched to near non existence by an immense thickening in girth. Gone was the tone and muscled gold digger of yesteryear and in her place was a mom bod bearing house wife. She would have been classified as chubby now, having developed a slight double chin and thickening around her neck leading downwards towards her silicon assets her large tits looking less fake and more natural by the extra girth each one about the size of a ripe fruit and threatening to snap her thin double d bra. Though that was nothing compared to what was happening below them, a large pot belly had formed which I knew would be hanging out over the top of her skimpy yoga pants were she still wearing them the thick ball of flab gurgling slightly with the rest of the previous nights gorge. Continuing down I realized she was going to be a pear no denying it. Her thighs having thickened out till they were a few mere pounds away from chaffing an empty bottle of wine lying between their thick forms telling me that she was likely out like a light, at an estimate I would've said she had put on maybe 80-85lbs of blubber through my machinations. With her wine drunk state in mind my arousal got the better of me as I ventured over towards her tiptoeing slightly before reaching out with my foot lightly nudging one of her fattened breasts experimentally only eliciting a slight snort from the wine drunk gal. The sound only emboldened me as I leaned down taking a mental note of some new jiggling sensations from my own body before once more returning my focus to her. Reaching out with a pale hand and taking a handful of tanned flab shaking it and watching her new belly jiggle like gelatin much to my delight. There was no hiding the fact that she was a creature of greed anymore anyone looking at her could tell she was the kind of woman who took more than her share. As titilated as I was with her new changes I knew she wasn't alone as I turned my attention to my other and slightly less round prey, who it seemed had passed out atop the kitchen table.

Now that my convictions were no longer enhanced I felt a little guilty for what I had done to her even though I personally was going to simply love the additions to her figure and being a chubster would mean she'd probably spend more time on her plump rear at home instead of out hitting clubs. Though upon looking her over a little closer I realized that her rear was only the second most effected. Her face was still pretty and fairly thin which was of little surprise even If I did wish she had developed some cherubic cheeks. Below that however is when the fun began, her breasts were completely bare her bra hanging around the handle of an empty cupboard on the other side of the room. Each funbag looked to be a little below the size of a melon plump and heavy, her youth keeping them relatively pert in-spite of how thick she was getting. Her nipples were hard as diamonds as a slight breeze blew in from a nearby open window. Below those glorious tits was a new found cushioning of soft belly fat, it was only a few inches and I'd wager she still could've very easily squeezed in her shorts if she liked if it weren't for some other changes. Below her waist was a rather thick lower half her almost trademark wide hips jutting out with some newly developed love handles and from her position laying on her sides I could also see clad in some boxers that now resembled a thong a simply lovely derrière each cheek matching her breasts in what amounted to a simply delectable hourglass. Surrounding her thickened form was wrappers and two or three pizza boxes as she seemed to cut a curvy snow angle into the leftovers of our night snacking.

I managed to contain my pervy instincts and contented myself with watching the rise and fall of her still overtaxed belly until I saw a shining gleam coming from what looked like a bowl of cake batter, the early morning rays pointing me towards what I quickly realized was my phone. I made way over pretty quickly what with the phone being relatively new and my thinking that I may not be able to reacquire the source of my new powers. The sudden quick movement reminded me of my own over taxed state reducing me to a slight waddle. I eventually reached the bowl though and quickly pulled my phone out of it rubbing clean on my stuffed gut desperately. I frantically hit the home button which quickly gave me two pieces of information that pleased me greatly. The first was that much to my relief, in my overly fat obsessed state I hadn't broken my phone and the second was that according to a notification I had leveled up 3 times in L.B.L UP. Funnily enough it was those notifications of all things that gave me a self aware pause. I had done enough hadn't I, my step mother had gone from fox to pig in a manner which would surely lead to my father dropping her back on the streets where her trashy personality belonged. But I wasn't yet content, I still wanted to see her and daughter grow further, in fact as I thought on there were a lot of people in my life that I felt could do with small or massive amounts of poundage put on them. Hell a few them were even morally justifiable too. I continued down the list of people who I thought could do with packing on the pounds and realized that the app had given me the power I needed to do what I felt was right. With my will power reaffirmed I opened the app up, to see what new weapons had been added to my arsenal.
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Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
VVV I'm really sorry, I didn't want to ruin the story for anyone else reading. I just wanted to know if the files could confirm it. [ㄒoㄒ]
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ PaddedOreo

Pad, they clearly have chemistry. Deena noted that Doe had Connie's perfume on her and everything, don't you want it to be confirmed throughout more chapters?Having it confirmed now would spoil the build up to it.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Can the app tell what Doe and Connie's sexuality is? I would really like to know if it's what I hope it is. 。◕‿◕。
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
What are you hiding Connie...?

More importantly, what do you know that you aren't telling us Mindy?

The mysteries continue...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Maybe for awhile Doe and Connie would feel something is wrong everytime women would fatten up in front of them, like Deena did when she got on the bus and didn't realize at first Connie had swelled up, but eventually I feel they'll have to find out.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ Tibbes

I don't know if they get the apps powers if Doe and Connie won't notice that their [girlfriend???] is using them. Like when Eliza noticed that the narrator Deena was fattening up people with the app, her brain was freed of ghost-mode.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Adsein 5 years
The votes were all pretty evenly split between the three of them anyways as far as I can tell. Not to mention opening all their files will allow me to reveal some fun new information about each of them.
Adsein 5 years
All in this case referring to Doe, Connie and Eliza
Adsein 5 years
These powers may not be immediately visible in the story. One of them not even manifesting till after this arc, but rest assured they'll be there.
Adsein 5 years
I find the requests for all of them to be affected pretty interesting. While I won't be giving all of them the full battery of the apps abilities. I will be giving each of them a related power.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Bickering not bucking.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I sorry Mrs. Adsein, that I made a promise and broke it so shortly after that I wouldn't ask so much of you from now on, but I can't help but beg you to have Deena check out all three of their files and give them powers through it.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
On top of all this, Eliza would be swelling then all up a little bit for fun? It be a great excuse for them to all put on more weight!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
And maybe Doe and Connie could try to use the app's powers a bit on Deena and Eliza. Of course sense Deena used the app on them, she feels it's only right for then to have their fun?
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
And Deena and Eliza could keep an eye on them to see how they react to all this, not immediately revealing they gave the two powers because they'd like to see how they respond and what they do with the app's powers.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I just had this vivid image in my mind of Connie and Doe both going through the same confusion as M.C.D. did when she first got the app. And if they're both closet FAs then (hopefully) after the whole bucking blows over they could fatten each other up.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I'm sorry, I know it's selfish, bit I can't help it! I was so happy when Eliza called her lover "Butter Muffin" but after seeing you want to give your other character's the app I can't help but beg you to give it to all three of M.C.D.'s freinds!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I know you want me to choose one, and if I truly had to decide I'd pick Eliza 100% But I want Deena's other close friends to get in on this!

Deena could also see if Doe and Connie are both closet FAs.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Dammit again, I know I promised I wouldn't ask any more of you, but then you had to ask us to decide who else could get the app.

Can you please give the powers to Eliza, Connie, and Doe?! PLEASE!!