L.b.l up

Chapter 6 - #006 /pre-gaming/

But as I pushed the button I wasn't greeted by the wonderful arcane app that had dropped into my life like proof of a divine power. I was instead greeted by a rather mundane thing indeed, in the form of the empty battery symbol, the universal symbol of teens who had been out late partying the night before. I let out a heavy sigh as I realized I would have to pull my over satiated form up a flight of stairs and decided that if I was going to that it it would be with my morning coffee. I did really try and make that coffee but as I pulled my softer form towards the coffee press I saw the most surprising thing of the morning, an untouched 2lt of some off brand soda that was Connie's only dietary weakness. Something felt devilishly right to me about having soda for breakfast especially since it's not like I had any reason to care about any of the sugars and calories. So with my morning beverage I made my way towards my room I stopped for a few few moments to appreciate my pizza barricade and the fact that based on the wrappers draped over the upstairs banister we had even made our way up to second story in our quest for food. But I recalled the time stamp from when my phone nearly ran out of battery and remembered that I had little time to daly on happy not-memories. The stairs were a bit of challenge given the amount of food jostling in my gut so I found myself puffing slightly half way up needing to take a few swigs of soda to revitalize myself and actually make it up the stairs and throw myself into my room.

It had thankfully been untouched in our onslaught it's completely clean state almost comical when compared to the bomb site appearance of the downstairs rooms. Still I had a job to do and limited time to do it so I quickly acted on my first priority of plugging in my phone to ready it for the day ahead. Thankfully I had invested in one of those fancy uber efficient chargers so I knew it would only take a few minutes for it to be fully ready to go. I passed those minutes in the same way most teenage girls do before school, picking out an outfit and checking myself out in the mirror. I looked over myself with one of my few genuine smiles. I had developed a soft double chin which I thought helped my face look less skeletal. For the first time in my life I actually had a rack I realized checking out my chest from a variety of different angels they were probably B-Cups I had estimated as I hoped in place a little wincing in sight pain both from my over taxed gut and my new mammaries that I realized would probably be in need of a bra. The I moved onto my rear since there was no way of telling my gut size while it was still so full. And a rear it was, my hips had thickened out in wide soft pale flesh accommodating an ass which was now a certified shelf. I struck a few pin up poses I could manage with my chubby figure while letting out a delighted giggle. I was a far cry from the very skeletal gal who had walked her way home from school, now I had the figure of a girl for whom walking was something that more motivated people did. Now that I had a decent figure I realized that I would have to actually put some clothes on it. I stripped with some effort due to how my panties were digging into my soft new hip flesh but I did eventually manage. My bare and plump body on full display as I waddled into my walk in beginning to rummage in it for something that would show off a little. I tried on a few of what I would have worn previously if I suspected a girl was interested in other women but the crop tops of yesterday were the slightly better than bras of today, and while I was looking to show some skin I was trying my best to avoid the stylings of the local trailer park if I could manage it. The same could be said of my short shorts but they were honestly questionable before hand and if they weren't the issue was more that I couldn't button them than anything else. It was struggling with the button that made me realized how much I had actually grown and that unlike the girls downstairs I had a way to actually track it. I made my way into the bathroom thankfully still nude enough to just hop right on and feel more than a little turned on when it creaked slightly. The numbers came in as 160 which was roughly 75lbs heavier than I had been the day prior the number made my knees weak and I was fully ready to just plop to those tiles and sort it out before I remembered that I was in the middle of something, something which according to analog clock of my en suite I had about five minutes to actually do. I realized that there was little point putting too much effort into my clothes that morning since none of them actually fit and chances are I would be buying some newer stretchier clothes that would flatter my figure further. So I quickly threw on a set of black underwear, some leggings and a large nirvana t-shirt that was left over from a somewhat round ex of mine.

My new found Vigor in dressing meant that in spite of some mild loss in flexibility I was still up and ready in time to check out my upgrades forgoing makeup since my face was bound to be the last thing anyone was paying attention too today. I quickly popped open my phone and brought up the app noting some changes in it from the last time I remembered seeing it. For starters I was level 5 which I felt more proud of than I probably should of. Secondly as with previous levels it was abundantly clear as with previous rise in levels that the logo girl had packed on some pounds, and pack on she did, she was chubby now and in a gag that got a giggle out of me she was now sitting on an arm chair lazing around. The first thing I noticed as it finished loading was that a familiar warning pop up had risen informing me I needed to effect a new person to start gaining experience which got a sigh out of me as I realized how many more levels I might have been able to acquire had I not been so obsessed. Nevertheless I swiped away and got into the meat, if you'll pardon the pun, of what I had earned from my little revenge quest. The first thing that popped up was a glowing three followed by a notice that read "Retroactive Ghost Mode Added,Ghost Mode toggle added" as a switch popped up above the bars that held the abilities if was highlighted white currently with some pop art of a ghost on it. It wasn't as self explanatory as the other abilities but at least the app had provided me with a name. Next came a glowing 4 which provided me with "Self Targeting" Something which elicited a sigh as I had literally done it the night before, not that I could recall how. But at level 5, oh at sweet, sweet level 5 the app provided me with my favorite tool of them all. A blue symbol popped up on my screen it was blue and the outline was shaped like a gasoline tank, overplayed over it was a silhouette of a small pot belly with an arrow to the right of it pointing at a full double rolled gut. I didn't even notice the tank was only half full at first because I was so pleased with what I knew it was. In fact I literally squealed like a girly girl at the sight of it. I, as shameful as It is to admit, would've probably started dancing with joy but my near shaming was prevented by the deep buzzing of my alarm clock. I grabbed my phone at the kind of velocity that would've been more befitting my previous size as I began to rush the jostling of my over stuffed gut being blotted out by sheer excitement. I had a new toy, and I knew the perfect place to test it out.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Ubat 5 years
Yeah, seeing the main character getting fatter when she doesn't want it would be awesome. Like someone taking her phone and using Lbl up on her.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Last thing---

*Plz, plz, plz be more descriptive about the main character and Eliza's lovemaking, I don't understand why you'd skip over all the juicy details. You seem like a great writer, so I can't see why you seem to shy away from their 'fun time.'
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Last three things-

*I'd like to see the father or the main character and Connie make an appearance.

*Please, I beg you to keep Eliza and the main character together romantically.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
...is using the app) Similar to how Eliza's mind was fried after she realized all the changes that had took place, this in result maybe costs her friendship points despite the main characters inner approval.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
...inebriated (Perhaps have her use the feeder option on her friends or random strangersand see the event through the main characters Point of View, seeing the scene as normal, before it dawns on her the changes that are taking place after she sees Eliza.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
What I personally would like to see more of - - -

* Eliza getting more cheeky with the app.And possibly accidently going overboard, bee it because she get's drunk again and doesn't think of the consequences like people tend to do when they get...
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
What I personally would like to see more of - - -

* More Main Character and Eliza romantic and lovey dovey moments

* Penny and the main character making up in some way after she innterogates or questions Penny why she's so hostile towards her (heart
Ubat 5 years
Awesome. I can't wait for more episodes smiley
Tftter 6 years
Okay, I know I’m a little late to the whole “first chapter judging” but I’ve just started and I’m intrigued. But you might wanna watch the extra long paragraphs, maybe put breaks ebery idea change. Just the perfectionist in me haha 😆. So far, awes
Wadegain 6 years
Ahhh the cliff hanger is killing me! This is definitely a top 10 story for me
Adsein 6 years
The Artist for the covers is Opik Oort over on deviantart, they were commisoned specifically for this piece
Jolene 6 years
Love this story! Keep Going!
Danget 6 years
Finally, I love this story and thank god they finally got together, even if it is only fwb for now.
Adsein 6 years
Sorry for the inconsistent uploads I just wasn't feeling inspired for this particular story, thankfully the font of inspiration has returned, as a result of this I'm going to try and upload one update a day for as long as I can, this will mean a lot more
Adsein 6 years
things should be back to their normal schedule now with the once every three day posts
Adsein 6 years
Part 8 is up, no gaining but hopefully the teasing will tide you all over, it'll probably be a week before part 9 since I'm going to be a Halloween themed story
Adsein 6 years
I'm not really sure how else to format it I'm afraid, I wouldn't know how to fix it
Adsein 6 years
There may be a tiny delay in getting out part 7 since I'd like to work on some other projects, but it'll certainly be out before the end of the week
Ktm909 6 years
holy Moly, an idea! id have never have thought of that. Please keep writing I cant wait for the next chapter
Insanity2222 6 years
Awesome story, can't wait for more!
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