L.b.l up

Chapter 7 - #007 /fat travel/

The bus route I personally took to school each morning started in my upper class high society part of LA in Hollywood and ended in an area that was perfectly average while winding through and stoping in the kind of areas that you have to use hip hop to escape. As a result of this it managed to pick up a huge variety of students on their way into our lovely public school and I honestly probably shouldn't have been amongst them. I had at home much to my own personal chagrin a Ferrari that was new in 2012 yeah that's all the information I have, but don't worry I did in fact know how to drive it I just chose not too. For a reason or two reasons if I was particularly horny, that greeted me as soon as I tossed my chubby form onto the bus that morning. Her name was Liza Silva, and she insisted on her second name being included. The fact that she was around in my life was one of the few things that even before the presence of literal magic in my life, gave me pause to wonder that maybe there was a benevolent creator. You see Liza was positively stunning in every respect of the word she was gorgeous with Snow White skin and platinum locks which only contrasted and highlighted her azure doe eyes. But you see she was attractive in another aspect which had made her something of an outcast. She had signed up to be a cheer leader but ran into the exact opposite problem I had. To describe Liza as "busty" would have been like calling Fight Club "okay". At her young and fair age of 17 she was packing a pair of f-cups that could've gotten her any man she wanted, which meant they got her nothing, other than an unfortunate inability to cheer lead due to a mixture of back pain and some pretty massive jealousy from the resident ice queen. Combing that sad occurrence with the fact that she was while not outrageously stupid, at the very least not interested in academics she was left, like myself, with no cliché in which to stand united with those who shared her interest until she met me. So you may recall that earlier I wrote that she gave me pause to wonder on the presence of a divine power and that wasn't just because of her simply divine set of knockers. I had discovered through a sleep-over mishap that not only was she A) into girls but B) also wanted to see girls grow fatter. I mean really the odds of that happening and that we'd both find out I'm sure are minuscule and I'm equally sure some head shrink would have an absolute field day with two girls from the part of America that most idolized a thin figure both getting off to the opposite. But that's a topic for another time nevertheless we became tight friends and made a pact against hooking up, because we needed someone to talk too more than we needed sex, which I felt was a rather mature decision coming from two hormonal teens even if they was possibly fueled by loneliness.

Never the less my favorite person patted our shared seat that was reserved by acid tongued severeness her boobs jiggling in a sensual way which I never could tell was intentional or not. Admittedly I expected more of a reaction as I took my seat my thicker thighs looking only larger now that I was sitting down in the uncomfortably small seats my stuffed potbelly extremely prominent by nature of the fact my shirt was riding up, yet my feeder companion seemed completely nonplussed by my sudden change. "Notice anything different about me today, Silver dear?" I asked her playfully thrusting out my chest in the hopes it would catch her attention even more then every other part of me was larger than the day prior. "Hmmm lets see here, first thing I noticed about you today is that someone had a large breakfast even by your standards" Liza said with a pleased and cat line grin as she ran her index finger along the exposed curve of my stomach which sent a jolt along my spine. "Secondly you forgot to put on makeup today, probably because you were too busy eating said large breakfast and which we will immediately rectify" Liza said with a slightly annoyed sigh. "And thirdly you clearly need to buy a new wardrobe to account for some recent figure changes, because honey that shirt is old news, much like the girl you stole it off" She finished with her usual cheeky smirk on her face that meant I couldn't help but smile. Sure she hadn't noticed my figure change which meant it was somehow warping reality but she was still my same old sassy friend, even the flirting was fairly in character to a lesser degree. "You never did like her much" I retorted back with a smile. "Honey, she didn't like you much either, she dated you for exactly the length of time she thought you were the Vernon Boys weed hookup" she said with her all knowing smile a jolt of annoyance running through me that I had toyed with as I added her mentally to my list of people to add some pounds too. "That makes a sad amount of sense actually, the munchies would explain why she only ever ate kale while we dated, and yet still managed to look like someone's sow had escaped and...." I said "and ate a hotopic aisle" Liza finished my sentence for me as I let out a giggle. That was my friend all right even if reality had warped around her to make her not notice my sudden poundage she was still my old friend. As we were talking at some point she had pulled out her phone and began to flick through the various social medias that made up our high schools social ecosystem. An action which reminded me of my own phone and that I still had some time left to test out my new toy, and thankfully the perfect target landed straight in my thicker lap.

Her name was Doe Hartwell and I didn't know much about her really, she was abominably pretty with big blue eyes that reminded me of an kitten who had lost her mother. It wasn't just the eyes though she was also stunningly beautiful in the Greek statue sense with high cheek bones and long black hair that seemed to float around her like she was underwater. She also rather unfortunately seemed to have chosen to wear a tight miniskirt and crop top combination which was doing wonders on my imagination for waist band tensile strength. Not that I picked her for that reason, no I picked her because she was perfectly visible through the gap between chairs. That meant that when I pulled out my phone L.B.L UP framed her perfectly petite form without anyone noticing. I briefly considered hitting the white switch that would supposedly toggle Ghost Mode, but a hazy recollection of the science class in which we covered the scientific method that convinced me to simply hit the blue button. As I hit it I held the button down and watched in a mixture of wonder and arousal as her form began to bloat outward with soft adipose. A slight curve of a muffin top beginning to pour over the top of her waist band the rest of her struggling to keep pace as thighs thickened and arms softened but it seemed she was destined for a gut as the weight piled on her tiny frame her muffin top becoming a full gut that pushed her tits up and rested on her soft thighs. finally it stopped a light beeping coming from my phone. By that point I had shuddered out a silent orgasm turning to face the seat in front of me practically purring. I decided to play it off subtly as I looked over my handiwork through the crack between the chairs. She wasn't that much heavier I estimated but due to her height it had piled on pretty efficiently granting her a gut and a notable double chin as well as a general soft flabbiness all around the rest of her. Based on the fact nobody was freaking out or making a levity inducing joke it seemed that whatever the app made happen it also altered people's minds to insure it would seem normal. This thought was going on in the back of my mind, since at the forefront of it was wondering why the app was mere seconds away from causing me to edge. As I looked over the app it was pretty much immediately apparent why it had stopped the tank shaped box seemed to be empty of any of the liquid a red x over a teardrop serving as the universal symbol for something being out of water. This annoyed me but it was nowhere near the annoyance I felt upon seeing that the experience bar had stopped about an inch or two short of a level up in what was most gamers universal pet peeves getting a choice curse word out of me. "Hey Tarantino, I know Snapchat is important but we just got to school and you look like the same way you did when we saw those before and after pics of Celebrity Baby Weight" Liza asked with concern home screening my phone for me while tugging me to my feet my newly thickened belly and breasts jiggling at the motion "And yet I can see why" she added after a moment with a coy smile leading me off the bus as the throng of other more chatty sociable students prepared themselves for what would be another happy day in Porcina Hill Highschool
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Eleena CoOwO... 4 years
YAY! Butter muffin's giving her sweetheart lots of love and kisses!
(ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
Leauca 4 years
shame master chief didnt appear in this page
Theswordsman 4 years
Ok thanks
Adsein 4 years
My notes, which are non cannon, but are generally used as a vauge guide line. Have after the groups recent gains. The following numbers. Deena(MC) 320, Eliza 270, Mindy 680.
Theswordsman 4 years
The main character and eliza and mindy
Adsein 5 years
Theswordsman, which characters?
Theswordsman 5 years
Just curiously how much do they weigh now?
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
These ward-induced illusions are getting kinkier and kinkier.
[〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
Adsein 5 years
The art was done by 0pik Oort over on Deviantart as a commision, I'll be releasing a full resolution picture of it once I rotate it out for the next piece of cover art.
Bellylover95 5 years
can i ask you for the link of the pic i would like to see it full screen and who made it ?
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
It always seems like one thing or another keeps trying to stop you from posting, be it people trying to take down your story by flagging it or some coding glitch preventing you from uploading.
Adsein 5 years
Uploads will resume at their regular twice weekly pace
Adsein 5 years
The problem I was having with uploading has since been resolved thanks to the fine work of the Fantasy Feeder administration team.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
I hope you get to the bottom of it, Mrs. Adsein.
Adsein 5 years
For anyone worried about the lack of updates I'm still going at the pace of the past few weeks but am dealing with some issues involving the site, the good news is that I'll have built up a backlog for when I can upload again.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Reading that the employee snacks on junk food while serving customers came out a lot more erotic in the story then I thought it would in my mind, glad it did!
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
"create a sort of fat positive utopia where everyone loved fat girls with nobody being the wiser than they once preferred abs to guts" Gawd yes! The dream! (n♡ω♡n)
Adsein 5 years
Uploads should increase quite a bit since I recently had a bit more writing time open up. I'd be looking to get two chapters a week out for at least the next month or two.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Maybe next chapter she'll tease Deena a bit and have her fish it out from the back of her pants, the labtop feeling a bit warm from her sweet body heat from her comfy, plump seat... [^་།^]
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Is it weird I'm picturing she didn't just use her butt to hide the labtop,but snuck it out in the extra space in the back or her panties? Eliza isn't bottom heavy,but I think her cheeks would be good makeshift bubblewrap! [๑ゝω╹]
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