L.b.l up

Chapter 8 - #008 /mission select screen/

The rest of my day past in relative silence until lunchtime, the only major difference being had a little more trouble squeezing into my chairs. Well that and of course the onslaught of teasing.I knew it was coming, having gone through a brief goth phase and worn bottle glasses before we discovered my optician was in fact a scam artist, but I suppose I wasn't expecting it too come from the places it did. Now one may expect that cheer leaders would be the exact place it would come from but if you were thinking that you might be a little off base, you see in my school we hadn't won or hosted a sports event in roughly three years so cheer leading was normally just a bunch of sad anemic looking girls with nice legs who's parents were forcing them to do ballet. Unfortunately on the day I made myself a target, that just happened to change. When our good Principle Miss Andara announced that the school would be hosting a football game against our "rival school" in two weeks I didn't think anything of it really. Until she announced cheer leading tryouts would be taken and I saw which kind of girls were signing up.

The first on the list of pretty bitches was Deena Mathews, a positively Amazonian girl with skin the color of dark chocolate and eyes which were terrifyingly blue all shrouded in what was some ludicrously long hair the color of midnight black. The running theories on her look ranged from those as simple as contacts to the more outlandish ones such as genetic tampering. Either way the almost alien beauty was a dominant force in the social structure having bounced from the lap of foot ball captain to foot ball coach, or so the rumors said.

The second was the slightly less terrifying, or so I thought at the time, Penny Goodman. Now I had known Penny we had even briefly dated for a little bit after she broke up with her boyfriend. We broke it off after she realized she wasn't actually attracted to girls but during the time we had, she seemed nice enough to me. She had ludicrously pale hair that she kept in a short braided pony tail and green eyes that seems to bounce around the room like a jack rabbit on speed. Which admittedly should've been the first warning as to what she was like now, that along with that fact she looked to have gone from a reasonable 130 to what looked like 80lbs soaking wet. But due in part to feeling I might've been a little bit responsible for that for some reason I quickly turned my attention to the only girl I knew for certain would be there.

Mindy Grace, the most terrifying girl I had ever met. She was both the opposite and the epitome of what a cheer leader was. She was on one hand a dark haired goth who seemed to be fueled entirely by a mix of seething hatred and a slight bout of Nymphomania if the football team's more "talented" members were to be believed. She also wore leather jackets and chains and all the other goth gear. Yet on the other hand underneath said leather jackets she wore nothing but thin fabric crop tops and corsets all with plunging neck lines, the girl was packing heat in the figure department and really wasn't afraid to show it with a set of startlingly good looking double Ds and the hips and rear of a girl with a strong future in music videos. It seemed that was where the cheer leader aspects of her reputation would come about, assuming you had never held a conversation with the woman for any length of time greater than a quick unanswered hello, you see she had the personality of a 90s teen movie villain, she was that one boyfriend stealing, attention obsessed, grade A bitch from every high school movie. Admittedly she was kind of the epitome of my type and I could respect the fact that while we had exchanged barbs over the years she never once brought my sexuality into it. After they all signed up I noticed Mindy click her fingers and penny begin to shove and do the teenage girl equivalent of snarling at the rest of the poor idiots who were trying to sign up, some of which looked to be thicker than me. It seemed she only wanted the three for her cheer squad and I knew from what had happened last time exactly what would come next.

What happened was an immediate uptick in the amount of shaming and general teenage bitchiness. It was almost like someone hit a switch and Jeckel became Hyde, girls were either hoping to be mean enough to attract the newly christened social monarchy or to simply avoid being caught in the onslaught. Personally I was in neither camp as enough time reading comic books had taught me that now was the perfect time to stake out prey. So I thrust myself out in the war zone quite literally I stuck my gut out intentionally, made a show of being out of breath and bent over more which much to my mixed feelings got more wolf whistles than teasing. A few choice insults did get tossed out though which got a few people marked such as "We told you to get a boob job, not a cheese burger" Which had been thrown out by some red head. "Pigs can't tell the difference" was an additional add from a friend who was staring more than was needed, but a flirtatious smile from me only served to reveal she was in the closet or in denial. The most choice insults however, and the ones which started me on my first crusade came as one might expect, at recess.

I had grabbed more food from the lunch lady than usual due to my increased girth and was doing my best to swallow down a bit of disappointment at the fact that no one had been capable of noticing my newly thickened gut and now actually present rack. But I knew it was probably for the best, which is why I had mixed feeling when as I made my way to my usual spot I found it filled with the tight and toned figures of the schools newest queens Mindy was sat in the middle our eyes connected in a slightly predatory stare down her two long and elegant legs resting up on the table in a pose that was drawing stares from most of the guys. Penny was giving her a back rub in a fashion that would've been arousing. If her bony constitution didn't make the whole situation resemble a scene from a Necromancy themed video game. "You want to take a seat, I mean I see you've brought enough food to feed all of us" Deena said from my side shoving me on my thicker thighs her finger sinking a few inches into the soft pale flesh prompting a chuckle as she forced me into a sitting position at my usual table. I kept a firm grip on my lunch tray as Mindy stared me down for a few moments before beginning her speech "Look for starters this isn't some grandiose attempt at character assassination, or literal assassination as some girls seem to think. I mean seriously you wear a few layers of dark makeup and suddenly your MI6 Black ops." She said in her usual British purr pulling out a cigarette from between her cleavage where Penny was waiting with a light shivering with either cold or anxious energy. Smoking was of course not allowed in the school premise and should've by all account landed her a suspension or worse but her daddy was a judge and her mommy was an actress so there was little risk of that. As she began to take a slow drag on her cigarette she turned her attention back to me "No, this is a power play, simply put I need to sit here because I need to take something, to show that I can damage people's school experience, no harm meant by It, the fact that you're a little more rounded than usual will help" Mindy said with a simple shrug as Deena released her grip on my thigh which was once again eliciting conflicting feelings of arousal and annoyance. Conflicted seemed to be the feeling of the day both in my opinions on Miss Grace and the way she handed things, on one hand she was taking my things on the other hand the table was a booth which meant that my thicker form and possibly other thickening forms would wind up in a tight squeeze which while hot, would probably get annoying after the third time needing to spend 15 minutes getting unstuck. What one me over was her personality. "Fine, but your lackeys leave Liza out of the "Oncoming Storm"" I said with air quotation marks before turning around to leave. "Wow watching you leave kinda reminds me of your step mom, same pig like wobbling" it was Penny of course I could tell by the uptick and general mania in her tone, I had received a few choice insults that day but that was the one that finally got me, it was made worse by the fact the source new me personally and I felt pure unbridled hunger for vengeance. It burned hot like flame for a few moments and then it began to simmer as a devious part of my mind began to work my second act of justice into being. I brushed a blue lock of hair from my face and simply stood their inhaling deeply my pot belly rising and falling steadily with each breath. I barely heard Liza saying "D let's go" before tugging me along towards a new seating arrangement. As I pissed as I was another part of me was mighty pleased I had found a new target so quickly.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
Something tells me that Doe and Connie aren't really going to a coffee shop. : P

Also Eliza's teasing is so cute!
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Then again, maybe they believe just like Mindy's sudden swelling that it was an allergic reaction and Connie just wants to talk to Doe...perhaps I'm just reading to much into this. But I like that! This story has got my gears turning, can't wait for more!
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
It's also is kind of suspicious that Doe seemed to be sexually aroused when claiming her and Connie were going to the coffee shop, with the lip-biting and such. Either Connie is a fantastic sweet talker, or Doe's hiding something.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Guess school's closed for today after that "incident", Doe and Connie don't seem as bewildered as one would expect a person unaware of magic would be upon seeing the carnage of sudden, non-ghost moded swelling. Hmmm...
Adsein 5 years
Sorry for the relatively long break guys, I took something of a vacation but now that I'm back you'll be receiving less of a trickle than it was previously.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
My second suspect is the vaugly mentioned girl that the main character caught staring at her newly thickened body during the cheerleader sign ups, who she claimed was "In Denial."

The only problem is it's unknown if she was on the bus as well.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
It appears Obesity is about to become an even bigger epidemic! I'm intrigued of how this story had adapted with a mystery theme. My first suspect of
who also has the app is Cameron, who acted suspiciously confident on the bus.
Theswordsman 5 years
Talk about the weight of her sins☺
Ubat 5 years
Man, I can't wait to read next chapters. Don't make us wait so long! It's such an awesome story.
Theswordsman 5 years
I fet the feeling that Erika is going to make her lover a bit bigger then mindy.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
OMG YES! Thank you, thank you so so much! Just reading about the two getting all sensual and passionate gets butterflies in my stomach, I'm so excited to read more in the next chapter!
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ Padded Oreo Yeah, I could already tell from your previous comments, I'll "hope" about a character's sexuality with you if support is what you're after. Also assuming Connie's gay.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
V Cardboard I would also love to see more of Doe too, and I mean that in both appearances in chapters and in weight.

I am really hoping she's bisexual!
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
@ Padded Oreo

Semi-public mutual masturbation, huh? Well it all depends on weather or not Adsein wants to do my suggestion in the first place.
Eleena CoOwO... 5 years
V SpiritOfACardboardBox This.

Yes, I would love to read about the main character and Eliza going on a date and being cute together, kissing and holding hands. Maybe they could pleasure each other under the table as they watch the scene unfold?
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
I got the idea after hearing about a court ruling about a gay couple being denied to purchase a cake from a bakery, and I feel a chapter about homophobes being put in their place for not accepting two people in love, regardless of gender, would be nice.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
-discretely climax to the scene before them while the other waitress is distracted feeding the other, satisfied with the justice that has been served.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
--diner floor. To top it off, when another waitress brings their order, the mc uses the feeder button on her so she hand feeds the now mass of a woman some of their food as if it's completely normal. The two eventually-
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
--Eliza and the mc, who get the joy of their date back by making the woman completely immobile and getting off to how no other employee or customer is bothered by a now blob of a woman who has ripped out of her clothes is now resting permanatly on the-
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Maybe have the MC and Eliza go out on a date to a restaurant to test the waters of their relationship, only to have it ruined by their bitchy waitress who happens to be homophobic and a fitness freak. Her snarkiness about their obvious relationship angers