L.b.l up

Chapter 9 - #009 /test spell please ignore/

LBL UP #009 Test Spell Please Ignore

We found a new table rather quickly in fact, thank god, it even had a bench too which was sort of required given my recent figure improvements. Liza was giving me the look she normally reserved exclusively for when girls she liked started throwing around phrases like "Diet" and "Yoga, no not the hot kind".So I decided that rather than respond to her concerned look that I'd appease her in another way by beginning to gorge on my over laden tray of delectable goodies. It was much to my new glee fastfood day which meant lovely greasy goodness my plate bore two large burgers and four large portions of fries cause due to my binge amnesia I had very little idea of how much my new pot belly could actually hold. I watched her out of the corner of my eyes practically drinking in the sight of me as I plucked up the greasy abomination of bun and meat the back of my mind twisting and scheming my vengeance. All of that however was silenced by the first large bite, I had eaten the food before of course but there was somthing extra to it wether it be my subconscious telling me it was going to fatten me or perhaps some latent side effect of the Lbl Up being used on me but it was the greatest thing I had ever tasted. That first bite was followed by three more till the unhealthy dish was completely swallowed up in my maw my chubby hands practically scrambling for the second one and dragging it to my double chinned face and cruching away into it slightly slower than the previous one to enjoy and savor it's meaty goodness. I felt a little full after that and Liza felt a little delighted as I reached for the first of my portions of fries plucking up a handful of them and scoffing them down my brain seeming to gradually recover from the taste explosion as I scoffed them down. "And then I buried her body in the Alamo" Liza said suddenly as I snapped back realizing I had been spaced out for a bit. "Oh I didn't know you were still coming up for a name for your Texan Metal Band" I retorted playful feeling full enough to ignore the food a small part of me a little afraid of how much i had enjoyed it. Still the indulging had calmed me a little and my musings were less hellfire and more Mean Girls as I rubbed my slightly taxed belly. "Well maybe you'd know if you were actu- Oh Hey" Liza said her suddenly uptick in pitch allowing me to easily figure out who was visiting us at our table.

It was Doe Hartwell the now belly heavy girl from the bus her large blue eyes piercing and looking a little concerned eying up the bench space next to me with a bit of terror. "Oh feel free to take a seat I can just scoot over" My busty friend said with a wide welcoming grin thrusting her chest out a little following through with the aforementioned scooting moving her toned tush over and clearing space between her slim hips and my padded ones for the classically beautiful chubster to sit between us.
I upheld my end of the girl code by not pointing out the obvious space to my left shifting into it and feeling my round gut brush against the table side and seeing the pot bellied princess quickly fill the gap. "So what brings you too our recently moved domain" I asked her curiously grinding my teeth slightly at the mention of our recent migration. "Oh ummm, my previous "friends" turned on me" she said in a tone that was unintentionally tragic her big blue eyes glistening slightly granting me for a few seconds a bit of guilt which was washed away in salty goodness as the next handful of delicious fires brushed my lips. Liza started down the usual path of sympathies while I got up to the more enjoyable business of comparing my body to hers a task which was easy with us being side to side. I was larger without a doubt but that was more due to my height than actual proportions, but even with that in mind her gut was a match for mine the soft doughy ball perfectly round not splinting into rolls as I imagined mine would with a hundred or so more pounds. "Hey D, our friend here asked you a question" Liza pointed out a tone of exasperation cloaking the fact that I was fairly certain she was up to the same thing I was but was simply better at multi tasking. "Right sorry I'm just kinda distracted with the move" I lied quickly making a show of pressing my plumper tush against the back of the bench as if it were a new and difficult issue to face. "Yeah everyone's a little crazy today, especially them..." Doe said trailing off her eyes locked across the room my gaze following hers straight back to the source of my ire.

It wasn't particularly difficult for a group of teens particularly ones led a by goth to look like a coven of evil witches, but the recently christened Porcina Hill High Cheerleaders did it with a unique style and flair. They were still enjoying themselves immensely it seemed, Mindy still receiving her back rub from a manically eager Penny who seemed to be content to just listen to the other girls bitching rather than join in. It's strange how people spreading rumors, coming up with rude nicknames and performing other acts of slander seems to be noticeably different from other chatter, The tone is always a little more hushed the laughs a little more sadistic as they played the field on social medias every would be it girl in the room practically jumping with each idle push of the enter key. It was that which served as a reminder to me, that while I was from a social hierarchy perspective the fattened sow to her Mc Donalds Takeaway i was also a fattened sow with super powers and a brand new button to push. So being the little deviant I am I pulled my phone from its place stashed between my new breasts getting a slight stare Liza which elicited a soft smile from me as I quickly booted up my smart phone throwing open LBL UP in what I promptly realized was reckless abandon as I paused for a moment awaiting some awkward questions from Doe about why I had an app on my phone symbolized by a well rounded woman. Those questions thankfully never came instead the only comment was from Liza about how I was willing to pay attention to a Facebook post but not what my best friend was saying. I briefly marveled at the apps arcane abilities before spotting the side bar and being once more reminded that it was just as flawed as any other game. That annoyance was short lived though as I highlighted each cheerleader in the app turning to face them across the room and hitting the ghost mode button a slightly white filter I had barely noticed earlier fading off the screen as I jammed a pudgy finger on the button to induce hunger.

The effect was immediate as the trio of freshly anointed queen bees began to grasp at their washboard stomach or abs. Penny quickly bounced to her feet like a possessed jack Russell making her way over to the mess line at a brisk walk inserting herself into the front of the line with a single shimmy of her skeletal body. What followed was a brief but rather heated conversation with the serving lady. I couldn't hear it but as a LA girl I could lip read the words "My Daddy will" with perfect precision. That seemed to win the argument for the ferocious little blonde as she returned to the table with spoils of war in the form of a plate stacked high with what looked like nine burgers and a large adornment of fries. The whole thing looked to be more calories than either girl has consumed thus far this month but that didn't stop them from tearing into it like a set of wild pigs. As much as I enjoyed watching them frantically fill their bellies with fattening grease their was an additional aspect I enjoyed more and that was the reactions of everyone around them. The room devolved into hushed whispers as the purpose of toggling off Ghost Mode became abundantly clear. The cheerleaders would have been embarrassed by their slobby stuffing if they weren't so preoccupied my phone letting out a pleasant chime that no doubt signified another level reached. This made me happier that usual because I knew in that moment as I watched them eat that they could easily quash this moment and restore order, I knew I needed something bigger and flashier and thankfully for me, the app was fully willing to provide.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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SpiritOfACar... 5 years
As a result of their magically enhanced appetite, they had eaten enough to swell them up while maybe just a bit, it's still enough that they had their hip and butt fat unconfortably squeezed against the wall and had to move...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Her aim is thrown off as Doe/Connie/Eliza in the same seat of the booth as her suddenly scoots a bit closer to her. Turning to them to see what the problem is Deena can see that if it's Doe or Con NJ ie they had to scoot over because...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
table, Deena could perhaps decide to give the bully's a bit more of a boost to their appetites just for the hell of it, but just as she's targeting them individually, while she's pressing down on the button on the last bully...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
You could even make things more interesting where when the waitress comes back with the trollys full if food the girls ordered, as shes putting some of the dishes on the table, unphased by the girls immeadiatly gorging on the food the moment it hits the t
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
order and she can continue to have some fun with L.B.L. up. She could also find it the perfect time to check out the progress Doe and Connie have made on their own orders and their waistlines if Deena gave there appetites a "little boost" too...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
At this point perhaps Deena can decide that sense she's with freinds it'd be a bit rude to spend her entire time on her phone while she's with them and it's a perfect time make some small talk with them before the waitress comes back with the other groups
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Perhaps to add more to the scenerio, after Eliza and Deena share a smile, they couldnbe interrupted (example like Connie asking Deena if she's "gonna finish that?" about her appetizer or meal if they had their meals served already)...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
And to this Deena and Eliza can perhaps smile tobthe other, amused themselves that the bullys have no idea what's in store for them, or that what's in store for them they aren't aware is abnormal for them to do...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
After the waitress begrudginly takes the menus off their hands and heads to the back to give the cooks the order, Deena and Eliza see the girls snicker to bvb one another clearly still amused by what they did to the poor waitress...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Denna and Deena see that of course thanks to ghostmode neither the waitress or the girls themselves find the large amount of food they list (assuming Deena and Eliza are close enough to hear them) as unusual thanks to ghostmode...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Deena uses the app at the moment ethier just before or right after the cheeky girls order there meals, if after they just reorder enough food that they think will satisfy there suddenly enourmously large appetites...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Waiting for the right moment, after the waitress cleans up the mess that wasn't truely her fault for making and she, as part of her job, has to take the orders of the girls who bullied her as any other waitress there is busy...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Seeing that the girl seems the one to just bear with any torment she has inflicted upon her and seems to reserved or shy to stand up to these girls or tell her manager what happened, Deena and Eliza decide to help this girl get revenge on her agressors.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Deena and Eliza, both understandably upset over this and seeing how embarresed they made this poor girl decide to act in response to this.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
While they're there they could also bear witness to some other girls from school bullying one of the waitresses that works there by tripping her while she's carrying a tray of food and laughing at the poor girls expense...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Allowing Doe and Connie and/or any other girls there to eat much more greasy fatty foods than they would normally even at their size, of course without finding it unusual...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
While there Deena and Eliza can have some fun with the app using it on Doe and/or Connie to give them a larger appetite and/or use it on any other female customers there...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
I'm not sure if they have any near where Deena lives, if not it can always be a made up one, but anyways the idea is that the girls stop there for a bite to eat during another girl's night out or another group event...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years

SpiritOfACar... 5 years