L.b.l up

Chapter 10 - #010 /weapon upgrade/

As the three beautiful bitches finished off the beginnings of their just desserts I watched in mild annoyance as my phone died. It was unfortunate because I was looking forward to hitting them with my little combo and seeing how many pounds I could pack onto their scantily clad forms before the break bell rang but unfortunately Android battery life had other plans in store for me. "This is a blessed day, you know I was thinking during all the general meanness that this day was cursed but....that's definitely not the case" Liza said over my shoulder startling me slightly as I was reminded for the umpteenth time that I had company. "General Meanness sounds like a good name for a comic book villain" Doe said with a slightly shy smile digging into what appeared to be a salad. Liza looked like she was about to say something terribly reassuring but was swiftly interrupted by the sing song chime of a school bell the loud dinging immediately prompting the student body to get out of their seats. I smiled widely because the thing was barely audible over the sounds of less than hushed discussion as my fellow teens discussed the spectacle their new queens had made of themselves.

The rest of the school day continued with little to no upset really, I enjoyed listening in on the conversations and the occasional tease that was tossed my way and the teachers all slumped in their chairs regretting their professional life choices, barring of course the obnoxiously chipper art teacher. The bus ride home was just as pleasurable as the one in. Liza insisted we let Doe sit with us and watching her flirt with the oblivious equivalent of brick wall was admittedly pretty amusing though I did feel a little bad for her. The bus seemed to take a million years to actually arrive home but that was of course my impatience I got lost in thought about the potential of what new toy I might've acquired and how it might play into my second great scheme getting more than a little hot and bothered as I pieced together exactly what I was going to inflict on the soon to be throne filling queens. "You see that Doe, when she spaces out like that it's cause she's thinking very deeply about something...like...." Liza said pointing to her hand to her full lips hmmming and hawing and making a bit of a spectacle out of it. "Girls that are prettier then us" She finished a knowing glint in her eyes. "Well that can't be true now can it I mean you have seen yourselves right" I shot back with a half smile hoping my complement would smooth it over. "Haha your going to need a lot more than hurl mildly smooth nerd compliments to make up for what has been some absolutely terrible best friending today, I believe a pound of flesh is in order" She replied in a playful and aristocratic tone Doe letting out a musical laugh and only encouraging Liza. I briefly entertained the thought in my head that she was going to make me put on some weight as punishment running away with that Idea a little before remembering we were in polite company. "Your going to go shopping for new clothes and makeup with me, because while you may be okay with wearing the ratty outfits of your exes I have to actually be seen in public with you, so you've got to look acceptable, and we'll take Doe to do some bonding" She said with a wide smile stating her sentence with a devilish smile and an authoritative flick of her blonde hair. Her tone left little room for debate and my stop had arrived anyway so I made a few vague squeaks of protest at her before surrendering, sucking me gut in and squeezing past her to make my way of the bus marking down the date on my phone before starting a jiggling jog towards my front door desperate to unwrap my new toy .

I slammed the ever unlocked door open and nearly injured myself tumbling through it finding myself bouncing at the impact and puffing and panting from even the small sprint. Now while I was in quite the rush to discover what I had earned from my little first salvo against the cheer leaders I was still aware enough to notice that the house was significantly cleaner than it was previously. The small mountain of pizza boxes had been moved presumably to the trash along with any other packaging and it seemed like someone had deep cleaned the carpet too. I heard the sounds of passive aggressive Spanish snarking echoing from the living room to so that meant the banshee and her spawn had woken up too no doubt completely unsurprised by the mornings state thanks to ghost mode. Either way I felt I had little to worry about on my way up those stairs seeing as "My step daughter magically made me do it" was unlikely. It took a little more effort than usual to scale them even on an empty stomach much to some mild chagrin. Pretty soon though I was back in my Fat-Cave and ready to start plotting for justice. A few moments later and I was quickly entering my pass code for my smart phone and tossing open LBL UP for what seemed like the hundredth time in the fews days I'd had it.

Gleaming in front of me was the typical level up text though unlike previous times much to my slight disappointment it wasn't a new weapon but rather an upgrade to the most recent one. "Additional Tank Added" it read in the apps signature blue and bubbly font as another gasoline tank shaped square appeared to the bottom right of the weight gain rune. Upon tapping it the app let out a whirling noise as an animation showed the bottom right corner swing around to the fore front and knock the other one out of the way. The motion actually brought something rather important to my attention as when I went to cycle the other tank back into primary action I noticed that it was actually filled with about roughly a 12th of its capacity in strange blue liquid. I did cycle back into the fore front due to it actually having some ammunition but as I did I tried to recall the events of the day. I stated by going though anything involving liquid based on the symbol, the soda I had downed from the stash in my locker etc etc. I could regale you with the rest of my incorrect ideas but that would probably bore you. I realized after a slightly embarrassing amount of time that upon recollection when I had pulled the app out to whammy the cheer leaders that It had been empty, which meant that since my phone was out of power, inducing hunger must have charged it. It made a strange kind of sense to me that over eating would charge up the ability to induce fat but it also meant that I had the perfect form for doling out justice.

But first things first I'd have to charge it and that would mean checking in on the houses other fatties downstairs. I made my way down to wear the Latina arguing had stopped thankfully now being drowned out by some sort of strange and certainly loud calming music that holly wood would put into a movie based in Asia. I took a glance into the room through the key hole and saw just what the argument had been about. Leaning down and grunting in the center of the room with her fattened rear up in the air was my step mother her plump derrière barely confined by a pair of what were the tightest yoga pants I had ever bore witness too her thickened thighs spread apart but still notable as wobbly tree trunks, the only sounds barring the grunting being occasionally angry Latin curse words. Across from her sat her dejected looking daughter the busty tanned girl sitting in a sheen of sweat the oil only making her curves look all the better. She winced in time with the curse words as I pretty quickly realized her mother was no doubt looking to scream her family back to a trim and gold digging shape. Or I suppose from her perspective into one for the first time. With every wince I began to feel a growing amount of sympathy for the beautiful girl I had at one point despised as I realized that she and I were more kindred in spirit than I had initially realized. I figured the least I could do was free her from the hell of exercise so I pretended to have absolutely no ulterior motive, as I pulled out my phone and aimed down the keyhole tapping the green button to send her mother once more down the rabbit hole of gluttony. My step mother paused mid struggling stretch, her out of shape puffing being almost drowned out by a hungry growl from her soft stomach as she began to waddle towards the kitchen the overly tight yoga pants keeping her fattened rear from doing much. Connie let out an audible sigh of relief as her mother half waddled out of the room her massive blossom rising and falling in what look like a workout outfit from the 90s exposing what looked to be two thirds of her otherwise uncovered soft tit flesh. I wasn't too busy perving to notice she was on the verge of tears though so I took a seat next to her, my thick thighs spreading heavily on contact with the ground. "Hey, you wanna order take out?" I asked her sympathetically her shoulders lowering slightly at the mention of food. "Mom will totally destroy us for brining fatty foods into the house" she said dejected. "Oh I wouldn't worry she's having one of those days" I responded with a slightly manic grin pausing for Connie to hear the sounds of her mother gorging away at whatever she could find in the kitchen my large chested step sister beginning to smile again nodding frantically to the idea of putting something unhealthy in her burgeoning belly.
200 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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SpiritOfACar... 5 years
As a result of their magically enhanced appetite, they had eaten enough to swell them up while maybe just a bit, it's still enough that they had their hip and butt fat unconfortably squeezed against the wall and had to move...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Her aim is thrown off as Doe/Connie/Eliza in the same seat of the booth as her suddenly scoots a bit closer to her. Turning to them to see what the problem is Deena can see that if it's Doe or Con NJ ie they had to scoot over because...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
table, Deena could perhaps decide to give the bully's a bit more of a boost to their appetites just for the hell of it, but just as she's targeting them individually, while she's pressing down on the button on the last bully...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
You could even make things more interesting where when the waitress comes back with the trollys full if food the girls ordered, as shes putting some of the dishes on the table, unphased by the girls immeadiatly gorging on the food the moment it hits the t
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
order and she can continue to have some fun with L.B.L. up. She could also find it the perfect time to check out the progress Doe and Connie have made on their own orders and their waistlines if Deena gave there appetites a "little boost" too...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
At this point perhaps Deena can decide that sense she's with freinds it'd be a bit rude to spend her entire time on her phone while she's with them and it's a perfect time make some small talk with them before the waitress comes back with the other groups
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Perhaps to add more to the scenerio, after Eliza and Deena share a smile, they couldnbe interrupted (example like Connie asking Deena if she's "gonna finish that?" about her appetizer or meal if they had their meals served already)...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
And to this Deena and Eliza can perhaps smile tobthe other, amused themselves that the bullys have no idea what's in store for them, or that what's in store for them they aren't aware is abnormal for them to do...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
After the waitress begrudginly takes the menus off their hands and heads to the back to give the cooks the order, Deena and Eliza see the girls snicker to bvb one another clearly still amused by what they did to the poor waitress...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Denna and Deena see that of course thanks to ghostmode neither the waitress or the girls themselves find the large amount of food they list (assuming Deena and Eliza are close enough to hear them) as unusual thanks to ghostmode...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Deena uses the app at the moment ethier just before or right after the cheeky girls order there meals, if after they just reorder enough food that they think will satisfy there suddenly enourmously large appetites...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Waiting for the right moment, after the waitress cleans up the mess that wasn't truely her fault for making and she, as part of her job, has to take the orders of the girls who bullied her as any other waitress there is busy...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Seeing that the girl seems the one to just bear with any torment she has inflicted upon her and seems to reserved or shy to stand up to these girls or tell her manager what happened, Deena and Eliza decide to help this girl get revenge on her agressors.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Deena and Eliza, both understandably upset over this and seeing how embarresed they made this poor girl decide to act in response to this.
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
While they're there they could also bear witness to some other girls from school bullying one of the waitresses that works there by tripping her while she's carrying a tray of food and laughing at the poor girls expense...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
Allowing Doe and Connie and/or any other girls there to eat much more greasy fatty foods than they would normally even at their size, of course without finding it unusual...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
While there Deena and Eliza can have some fun with the app using it on Doe and/or Connie to give them a larger appetite and/or use it on any other female customers there...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years
I'm not sure if they have any near where Deena lives, if not it can always be a made up one, but anyways the idea is that the girls stop there for a bite to eat during another girl's night out or another group event...
SpiritOfACar... 5 years

SpiritOfACar... 5 years