Amanda's full life!

chapter 13

As Amanda neared her BioLab, the corridor narrowed a smidge so that only two abreast could fit comfortably. And who should be approaching her but Max Braverman! Naturally Amanda recognized Max immediately and gave him a big smile and a friendly hello. Max mumbled a greeting under his breath as he kept his head down, trying desperately NOT to make eye contact with Amanda. She thought it was a bit curious but she was SO aroused and SO full from her breakfast experience that she didn't give it a second thought.

Max arrived at his kitchen and spotted Hilda. "Hey, Hilly, who's the new fat chick working in the BioLab?" It took every ounce of self-control for Hilda Pzybylski to keep from bursting out into a loud, raucous guffaw. "That's no new girl Maxie, that's the Golden Girl herself, Amanda Frazek!". Max was stunned. The fact is that he had been VERY busy the last couple of months working out some new recipes for the holiday season that would LOOK beautiful, TASTE great, and BE delicious. As a result, he really hadn't paid much attention as Amanda expanded from super-model thin to decidedly chunky. So when he saw how genuinely FAT she had become, frankly he didn't recognize her one bit!

Perhaps more interestingly, he finally noticed how attractive Hilda was, especially since she had dieted and exercised her way down from a high of 165 pounds down to an almost svelte 130. And it wasn't just the lost weight that caught his attention. Hilda dressed better, more stylishly. And for the first time since he'd known her, Hilda Pzybylski actually used make-up, not a LOT but just enough to accentuate the positives of her appearance.

Max made a passing remark about Amanda's appearance and then asked Hilda, "Hey, Hilly! You doing anything this weekend? I KNOW you LOVE hockey and I have tickets to the Blackhawks/Bruins game Saturday night. Would you like to go with me?".

Hilda's heart almost skipped a beat and she ALMOST blurted out a very loud and totally desperate sounding YES. But she caught herself at the last moment, stifled herself, took a deep cleansing breath, nodded her head in the affirmative and said, "Sure, why don't you come over to my place around five. I can make a light supper and then we can go on to the game!".

And so it was that Max and Hilda became a thing. Meanwhile, Amanda kept eating to her heart's content. Perhaps not as much as she HAD been eating but enough so that within a couple of months the new outfits she HAD purchased out of necessity were getting very tight on her. This aroused her libido tremendously to the point that she couldn't keep from shaking and jiggling and rubbing and massaging herself virtually every waking hour she had to herself. That is until Mike Dombrowski entered her life!
27 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Theswordsman 6 years
A good ending for Amanda's story.
Jazzman 6 years
Chapter 25.Bravo.Such great descriptive language and character development combined with Flawless pacing
Jazzman 6 years
Nice setup chapter with Hilly and Brad
Jazzman 6 years
Wonderful. I am going to love the growing of Hilly
Jazzman 6 years
Nice cliffhanger again with "Hilly".
Jazzman 6 years
I really like this story
Jazzman 6 years
Nice Cliffhanger
Jazzman 6 years
Another great chapter
Theswordsman 6 years
Mike reminds me a bit of myself
Jazzman 6 years
This is Terrific
Jazzman 6 years
Perfect Gain.Extreme yet we have seen it done.Although the next fifty should take longer.
Womansbellyl... 6 years
Been trying to stay away from numbers at first. Trying to factor in something outrageous but practical!
Jazzman 6 years
Would Love a scale visit soon.And perhaps a rundown of the gain so far in numbers. Amazing Story
Jazzman 6 years
Love this Story
Fatchance 6 years
Great Story!! More!!
Jazzman 6 years
Perfect. Such a Great Story .Amazing Pacing.
Jazzman 6 years
Yes! Plus I could never figure out how someone wouldn't notice chocolate powder on spaghetti. Lol But I have seen it in stories-and that is where they jump the shark with impatience.
This story is Wonderful.
Womansbellyl... 6 years
No weight gain powder! Too simple minded for a complex character like Hilda!!
Jazzman 6 years
Nice story.Pleading with you to not add weight gain powder to the foods.Butter.Olive Oil Avacado. Etc
Weight powder is always flavored and makes zero sense to me.But I have seen it used many times.
I like your characters. Very complex
Fatchance 6 years
well done, looking forward to more!
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