Amanda's full life!

chapter 20

Amanda lumbered her way into The Bohemian Crystal, a wonderful Czech restaurant just outside Chicago. Michael had picked it out especially because, if all went as planned, THIS was going to prove to be a very special moment in their lives together.

Amanda had on her favorite flower print dress. It wasn't that it was the height of fashion, after all size 26 dresses seldom find their way onto the runways of fashion shows anywhere Amanda knew of. It wasn't even that it fit perfectly, because it didn't. At one time it did, but that was twenty-five pounds ago and before she had gone over the magic four hundred pound mark.

In fact, it was precisely because it was WAY too tight that Amanda loved this dress. It was just big enough to allow her to slide and push and twist her way into it. But once she got in, it made QUITE the impression. Her mountainous breasts came THIS close to overflowing the by-now tenuous top and her thickened thighs helped pushed the hemline to a point THIS side of obscene.

Eighteen months before she would have been embarrassed to death to have made such a public spectacle of herself. But now she reveled in the layer upon layer of luxurious fat she had added to her once scrawny physique. She wanted the world to see that she was not only a woman with curves, which she most assuredly WAS, but she wanted to know that she as an IMMENSE woman with curves, thank you very much!!

Michael was visibly nervous. For one thing he had been keeping a secret from Amanda for weeks. He was only too aware that Amanda's family was concerned about Michael's status in the world. Oh, they weren't the type of people who insisted that a potential son-in-law be the CEO of a Fortune 500 corporation, but they had hoped Amanda would marry someone a bit more successful than a glorified bus boy.

As it turns out, Michael had been approached by MacCormac College to be their new Registrar and adjunct English professor. And he accepted the position without reservation or hesitation. It certainly didn't pay as much as Amanda was pulling in as the rising star in cardiac bio-research, but it was more than a bit above the status of a glorified bus boy. And so it was on the day he accepted that Michael Dombrowski went out and bought an engagement ring for Amanda Frazek. Yes tonight was the night he was going to propose!
27 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Jazzman 6 years
Very well written.And very promising
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