Doctor’s orders

chapter 5 (pt. 2)

"Well hello there, Porker!" The MISSISSIPPI QUEEN grinned, wiping her hands on her apron before pulling him into a tight hug.

The greeting felt friendly, almost typical, with the exception of her little pet name for him. Kyle briefly enjoyed the assumption that her embrace reflected pure happiness to see him...until he felt her seize his love handles tightly.

Her whisper tickled the edge of Kyle's ear. "My, my. What have we here?"

'You're going to waddle out of here,' the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN thought to herself. 'If I'm kind enough to let you out at all.' She squeezed Kyle's plump midriff and gave a purposeful shake before releasing him. She smiled at how much jiggle his back had to it, or, at least, how much his back jiggled compared to when she'd started. 'What a skinny thing you were, before I got my hands on you,' the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN observed with distinct pride.

Kyle met her piercing blue gaze, raking his fingers through his hair in what he hoped was a boyishly attractive gesture. "It's great to finally meet-"

She silenced him with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Let's have a look at you."

Holding him by his waist at arms length, the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN pulled Kyle ever so slightly closer before pushing him back to his original position, presumably adjusting her view. Apparently, her "little piglet" wasn't exaggerating when he described his frequent binges, she realized with a sly smile. She had a portly one on her hands, she thought, pleased with his progress. The MISSISSIPPI QUEEN cocked her head to the side, observing Kyle's plump body in thoughtful silence. Then, to his horror, she stood up on her tip toes and reached up to cup his growing moobs, squeezing and weighing them.

The MISSISSIPPI QUEEN giggled prettily. "I like these!"

Kyle frowned. "I'm SO glad."

"You'll do nicely." She stepped back, nodding in self satisfied approval. A few open handed pats on Kyle's belly signaled the end of his feeder's inspection.

"Phew. Good thing I passed."

The MISSISSIPPI QUEEN pretended to be cross at his sarcasm, but the rosiness in her cheeks suggested otherwise. No, she was far from displeased with her latest catch.

She wore a short skirt lined up neatly with the ruffled edge of a white cooking apron, which was fastened snugly round her waist and flared out to fit her shapely figure. Kyle eyed the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN up and down as she turned on pointed high heels. Well aware of her captive audience, the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN swished her hips into the kitchen. Kyle followed closely, transfixed by the sway of her ass and legs. The creases of her cheeks winked at him from beneath the hem of her skirt, emphasized by the way she swayed from side to side as she walked.

In short, Kyle had swallowed the lure; hook, line, and sinker.

"I made lasagna to start," she announced. "Such a long drive. You must be hungry, aren't you Piggy?" the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN questioned, making abundantly clear it was no question at all.

Kyle, caught in a whirlwind of lust, found himself agreeing, despite the thousands of calories worth of fast food already weighing down his belly. "I must be."

The MISSISSIPPI QUEEN smiled that small, sly smile again as she offered him a forkful of, unsurprisingly, very fatteningly crafted lasagna. Other strategically chosen ingredients accompanied the smorgasbord of carbohydrates and fat, but these were less apparent. If Kyle were not thinking with his dick, he might've detected something odd as she loaded another plate; a strange, chalky aftertaste.

"What's in these?" Kyle asked between mouthfuls.

"Piggies don't talk. Piggies eat!" the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN cooed forcefully. Hoping to squelch any potential spark of resistance, she focused her attention on the tip of Kyle's hardened shaft, stroking seductively through his tight fitting jeans. "Understand?"

Kyle nodded as he polished off the second plate. Within seconds, the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN besieged him with a third. He'd hardly even started on the heaping pile of Italian food before he felt...strange. His head was spinning. His vision began to blur.

"Ughhh," Kyle winced. "I don't feel so good."

Had he eaten too much? Worse, he fretted, was there something in the lasagna he'd so greedily devoured without thinking? Kyle should've panicked then, but his mind was already a haze. Despite the very real danger he was in, Kyle remained inadvisably docile.

"Does Piggy need to lie down?" the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN suggested, pretending as though she were actually concerned. She helped Kyle to his feet and accompanied him down the hall towards what he assumed was the bedroom. In route, Kyle deviated course and attempted to open the first door on his right.

"Maybe...I... maybe I just need to use the bathroom." Kyle managed with obvious difficulty.

"NO! Not that door!" the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN barked, immediately grasping the door knob before it could be turned. Her show of force was redundant, as she kept the room under strict lock and key. Still the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN, stopped Kyle all the same.

"You're no where near ready for that room," the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN advised, another fiendish smile spreading across her face.

Kyle had no idea what her cryptic answer implied, but at that moment any sort of coherent thought escaped him. Eventually, the rapidly spinning carousel he perceived was too much and he collapsed. Kyle vaguely felt a rush of pain where the side of his face impacted the hardwood floor. He tried to ask what was going on or to call for help, but it was far too late by then.

"Oh no! Piggy is SO tired after his long trip. Don't worry, I'll tuck you in."

Despite the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN'S assurances, Kyle worried a great deal. Although his pain and situation seemed miles away, it didn't mean he could not see or hear what was happening to him. He could not move his head downwards to look, but Kyle could feel the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN clasping at his ankles, along with the cold wooden surface on his face as she dragged him.

"Phew," the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN strained, ostensibly winded from her endeavor. "I really need to start fattening you boys up after I set you up in your pens. You've gotten so heavy! Moving you is such hard work now! Haha!" she cackled wickedly.

After a momentary delay, they continued down the hall.

"Poor piggy. You're little wife has no idea you're out here, does she? That's okay, I won't tell her. And I promise to take such good care of you during your...extended stay."

"Why...what are you..." Kyle stammered, the drug's effects firmly taking hold.

"Why have I made you so fat already? Why did I make that lasagna with Ambien? What am I going to do to you now? Piggy needs to be more specific!"

Kyle strained at the edge of consciousness. Try as he might, he could not even wiggle his big toe, let alone escape the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN's clutches.

"It's so frustrating being a feeder, you have no idea! Sure, there's always piggies lining up around the block, telling you they want to get SO big and soooo fat. And they're all too eager to stuff their snouts for you, at least at first. But once the pounds start coming, they always seem to get cold feet. You would've been just like all the others. You gain a bit, have some fun behind your wife's back, and disappear. Maybe you'd come crawling back once you hadn't gotten your rocks off in awhile, maybe not. But you'd never get anywhere near as fat as I wanted. Maybe you feel guilty for cheating, maybe you're embarrassed about your weight, or maybe you just came to your senses and realized becoming my obese, immobile plaything, wasn't exactly the soundest course of action. Hard to be sure. But we both know how it ends now...don't we, Piggy?"

Again, Kyle should've been terrified. He should've cried out at the top of his lungs. All he felt, though, was a warm, fuzzy, inevitable wave of acceptance. The MISSISSIPPI QUEEN gave his ample belly an affectionate pat and planted a wet kiss across his cheek.

"Night, night."

And with that, Kyle's world faded to black.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Kangaroo 6 years
This is absolutely wonderful!
James Marlow 6 years
I picture Stephanie as having the "I'd like to speak to a manager please" haircut; What a bitch!
Built4com4t 6 years
Absolutely brilliant...keep it coming
FrecherTyp 6 years
Hehe very smart and tricky smiley
This doctor thrace seems to be a very interesting doctor to me smiley

Thanks for this sexy story idea i hope you add many more chapters smiley
Td0057 6 years
Excellent writing and a great story premise. Thanks for this.
Littleextra 6 years
Great update, very nicely done! Many thanks for posting. Good luck with finding your Dr Thrace! smiley
Hurgon 6 years
Great premise. Looking forward to more!
Littleextra 6 years
I've always enjoyed your writing, and this is 'shaping up' (poor choice of words perhaps!? smiley) to be a be a great tale. Superbly written as always and a pleasure to read. Great work, thanks for posting. Two thumbs up.
Et809 6 years
Hoping to see more soon
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