Doctor’s orders

chapter 3 (pt. 2)

It was at that moment, however, that another unexpected development occurred. Unrelated on its face, but intrinsically connected, unbeknownst to Eric. An orange colored notification beeped and flashed onto the home screen of Eric's phone. Someone had messaged Eric on Feabie.

At first, Eric did not even understand what his phone was trying to tell him, as receipt of messages of this sort were few and far between. Regardless, Eric swiped the notification to the side and got up to speed, as he read:

"Message from MISSISSIPPI QUEEN: You have a nice belly going there! If you stuff it, I'll make it worth you're while. XoXo"

Eric looked down at the paunch of belly butter spread across his waist and pieced together that she was referring to the photos of his gain that he had posted. Not recognizing the message's sender, Eric's first instincts were to suspect a catfish, but he followed the link to the profile to be sure. Once on the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN's profile, he found dozens upon dozens of pictures uploaded. Interestingly, the pictures did not depict the same individual across the board. Indeed, there were a handful of distinct men and women depicted, which, at a glance, might have been mistook for multiple individuals. Upon closer inspection it became apparent that many of the pictures displayed the same person, it was just that the person was getting tremendously fatter as the pictures progressed.

Clicking on the first in one such sequence: an image of a shirtless male. It wasn't like he was an Abercrombie and Fitch model, but you could tell the man was in good shape with rigidly defined muscles. The picture's caption read, in all caps: "MY LATEST VICTIM."

Skipping ahead several pictures into the sequence, Eric's jaw dropped, instantly recognizing the image before him. The man was now decidedly heavy set, with a prominent spherical outline to his fat gut. An attractive woman, strutting her assets in a flattering two piece lingerie, was seated on the man's lap, just out of frame. A tall stack of cupcakes littered the tray in her hands, one cupcake seemingly headed for her feedee's mouth. It was exactly the same photo Dr. Thrace had shown Eric during their first session.

Returning to the profile's home screen, Eric recognized that woman from the previous picture as the same woman he saw in the lead profile image. Eric had always suspected Dr. Thrace was getting those pictures from this site, now he was certain of it.

Suddenly, a second notification came forth. Another message from the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN. Eric clicked on the messages tab and opened it immediately, curiosity casting caution to the way side.

MISSISSIPPI QUEEN: If you REALLY stuff that belly, the next picture won't have my hands in the way

CallyBoy90015: ???

Almost immediately after Eric's reply, he received a picture message from the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN. Although he longed to see her face, Eric unequivocally approved of what he saw. The camera hung before her in a selfie of sorts, with a single long, lean arm leading back to her torso. A pair of fair skinned legs kneeled on the carpet of what looked like a closet. Clothes were strung about the floor, leaving the distinct impression that they had just been taken off. A pair of pink panties remained, but nothing else. A metallic piercing adorned the center of her slender waist. The MISSISSIPPI QUEEN's one freehand and arm stretched across her C cup breasts, leaving just enough to Eric's imagination.

MISSISSIPPI QUEEN: Hungry??? ;) ;)

Almost as if on cue, Eric's stomach began to rumble. For once, Eric shared Stephanie's sentiment: how could he possibly still be hungry after eating so much? In reality, Eric's hunger pangs had far more to do with his libido, as opposed to genuine appetite for food. Yet concededly, the line between the two became increasingly blurred with each passing day.

Similar to our last chapter and the choice Dr. Thrace grappled with, it was now Eric's turn to be tested. He knew what the right thing to do was. He should ignore the message, or politely inform this woman he was taken and that they both must respect the vows he had made. Knowing the path and walking it, though, are seldom synonymous in life. Eric's conscience stumbled upon how distant he felt, how alone. More than that, Eric struggled against almost a decade of pent up sexual frustration, which he had kept under lock and key since his sole release so many years before in his college dormitory. Eric wasn't proud of it, but he hadn't been proud of himself when he'd made his online Feabie profile, or when he'd uploaded photos of his belly onto that profile. Despite his guilt, Eric has put himself in this situation and would be lying to himself if he pretended this wasn't what he had wanted. In the end, despite his guilt, Eric made the same choice as Dr. Thrace. Eric glanced back towards the pizzas in the kitchen, and chose what he wanted.

CallyBoy90015: I am. Dinner just arrived actually. :)

MISSISSIPPI QUEEN: Perfect!!! Chow down, big boy :)

And with that, Eric officially had found himself a feeder. This, of course, was only the beginning. For Eric had no idea how far his feeder intended to take this. Eric was ripe for the plucking, and the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN knew it.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Kangaroo 6 years
This is absolutely wonderful!
James Marlow 6 years
I picture Stephanie as having the "I'd like to speak to a manager please" haircut; What a bitch!
Built4com4t 6 years
Absolutely brilliant...keep it coming
FrecherTyp 6 years
Hehe very smart and tricky smiley
This doctor thrace seems to be a very interesting doctor to me smiley

Thanks for this sexy story idea i hope you add many more chapters smiley
Td0057 6 years
Excellent writing and a great story premise. Thanks for this.
Littleextra 6 years
Great update, very nicely done! Many thanks for posting. Good luck with finding your Dr Thrace! smiley
Hurgon 6 years
Great premise. Looking forward to more!
Littleextra 6 years
I've always enjoyed your writing, and this is 'shaping up' (poor choice of words perhaps!? smiley) to be a be a great tale. Superbly written as always and a pleasure to read. Great work, thanks for posting. Two thumbs up.
Et809 6 years
Hoping to see more soon
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