Her descent

chapter 2 - the plot thickens

Chelsea dug deep inside herself but couldn't find any more tears or sadness but felt something else burning inside her. She couldn't explain it but she felt this strange feeling inside her that she felt was a primal sense of self and it was hers to do with what she wanted. She didn't even hesitate to visualize her immediate supervisor who gave her the news that day, a middle aged man named Andrew. He was so unmerciful in giving her the news that she wanted to flip the script and put him under her thumb. She wanted to destroy his mind and make him so subservient that he would bend to her will. She would destroy his life as he tried to do to her and this was what she focused on. She visualized the energy destroying his mind and forcing him to obey her entire whim without hesitation, without thinking, without regard to himself or others and the pit of feeling inside her burned. She felt it destroy the image and let it smolder in her mind until there was nothing left.

She didn't know what that was but she felt very strange like she was even more exhausted then she was before. She felt that something flew from her and left her more drained then she was before. She didn't even know how she got this tired to begin with but she had a hunger she didn't know she had. She didn't know why cause she spent the afternoon stuffing her fat face already but wanted more to eat, just anything high in calories really would do. She peeled herself from the dark floor and looked out to the now dark apartment with the sun just having set. She turned on the light and went to go see what was left in the kitchen to cook. Her refrigerator was empty and freezer had some TV dinners that she could heat up which was fine at this point and started to cook.

As the microwave spun she realized she didn't have any clothes on still and felt a slight chill now that she had somewhat calmed down. She started to run the tub with hot water but as she was walking to the tub, she noticed a purse glow with the light of her work phone which was odd. No one should be calling her at this time and it wasn't like these phones were meant to be a personal line to anyone at work. She looked at the phone and was confused to see a call missed by Andrew, the man who fired her. She quizzically dialed the number thinking that maybe he made a mistake or changed his mind.

What she got was something even more confusing,
Andrew sounding glazed over and complacent. "What did you need?"
Chelsea was surprised, she didn't call him or make any demands to him before she left. "I didn't call you Andrew, did you get a call from me?"
"I just needed to do something for you, what did you want me to do?" he said with that same blank tone.
Chelsea paused with awe and arousal, she couldn't have made this happen. She didn't know what happened but nothing like this happens to her, this was just too odd. She thought quickly, how could she tell? She would make a demand so ridiculous that it would come off as sarcasm and then she could just go in tomorrow and laugh it off. "You know what I want, go get me three ice cream cakes, a gallon of chocolate syrup, and a couple tubs of melted ice cream."
"What flavor?" he asked with that same weird tone and she froze. After a minute or two she replied back with Mint. "I will be right there." He said again and she dropped the phone.

"No way," she thought. "No way this was happening, am I asleep or drunk?" She asked the open air out loud and looked to see if she drank her boxed wine to excess and found that she didn't even touch it as it sloshed in its container. She paused and didn't know what to do for once. She told someone what to do, not just anyone, her boss. He is not only following those instructions but is on his way right now to her apartment. It was a weird feeling but decided to roll with the punches and see where it took her. The microwave finally dinged with her dinner and it scared her half to death. When she collected herself again, she realized she didn't have on any clothes still so she ran into her room looking for a robe of some kind. She put her robe on and ate her dinner and waited, which really was the only thing to do while she waited to see what played out.

After an hour of waiting, she had a ring at the door and Chelsea moved slowly towards the door to see who was there. She was greeted with a continuously bizzare sight. There was Andrew still in the same suit he had on when he was at work today with several strange shopping bags which were sopping, a milk jug with some think brown liquid, and several colorful boxes on the ground. She let him in and he walked forward to put the bags a and jug on the table. He didn't say anything as he walked back outside to grab the boxes and set them down on the same table. She opened the cap of the milk jug and smelled chocolate syrup wafting back into her nose. She dug through the bags and found three cartons of melted mint ice cream still warm somehow from where he got it leaking out with ice cream that was in a more liquid state then normal. When Andrew set down the boxes on the table she flipped the boxes open and found several ice cream cakes, three to be exact.

Something snapped inside her at that moment. She knew she had to abuse this moment while it lasted and if it was a dream, let it play out until the very end. She looked up and turned around to see Andrew stare back at her with a weird blank expression. He was really a skinny man who somehow dodged the bullet of office stationary motion. He looked nice but thin and somehow weaker for some reason. She also noticed for the first time that he didn't have any ring on his finger. "Answer me, are you married Andrew." She asked with her hands on her hips.
"No," he replied. "No I am not." Chelsea grinned a Cheshire grin and decided at that moment it was all or nothing. He had nothing to connect him or waste his time away from her and that was what she wanted. If she owned him, it was going to be totally and completely and by god she was going to assert herself onto him and make him a husk of his former self.
"Close the door and feed me this stuff you useless swine." She stated as she took off her robe and let it fall revealing her naked body once more.

Andrew walked to the door, shut it and went to grab the tubs of mint ice cream. Chelsea walked over to her armchair and opened her mouth wide with eyes closed. Her mouth felt the warm ice cream enter her and she accepted it all. Her fraying sanity evaporated away as she felt only one more feeling, More. She let her throat accept the ice cream swimmingly like a funnel and let time slip away from her. She felt her naked body heat up with arousal and felt upwards into the air until she could find Andrew pouring in the ice cream and tipped it up further to make it flow in faster. She let it pour too fast coating herself and her mouth with the fluid demanding that more get into her body somehow. Andrew simply grabbed the remaining two and poured them both into her awaiting and soaked maw. She raised her arms up and welcomed the loose calories into her. She knew this what she wanted her life to be, soaked in mint ice cream consuming all of the calories into her despite her health or well being. Damn the cost, this was what she wanted and no one now was going to stop her. Her gullet now felt painfully full as the last of the ice cream finally get inserted into her. She tried to get up from the armchair but was unable to muster the will to do anything. She passed out on the seat thinking about all the ways she can abuse this new found ability.

Chelsea woke up in a sticky haze and tried to piece together what happened from last night's escapade. She leaned over in her chair and found it too was also sticky and it all came back in a rush. She looked over to see Andrew sat in a kitchen chair slumped over at the table asleep. Chelsea squealed with delight as she walked over to the fridge and swung it open. She saw the chocolate syrup milk jug ad well as the cakes in the cold fridge. She grabbed the chocolate jug and started taking thick swigs from the bottle as she tried to garner what time it was and found it to be early morning around 7 am. She ordered Andrew to call out for the both of them and go get her a couple dozen doughnuts to which he complied and left the apartment leaving Chelsea alone and hot all at the same time. She went to go get a warm shower and collect her thoughts of the past evening and how she can abuse her new found power.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Eisphio 6 years
Thank you for your kind words. I got about another 3-4 chapters planned but it depends on how much more I want to have happen to the character.
Eisphio 6 years
Hello and thank you for reading my story. If you like or dislike what you see, please leave a comment or a like. I cannot improve without your input.