Her descent

chapter 4 - slippery and fattening slope

Chelsea's day was exhausting as she got home. She was out all day looking for local bakeries and doughnut shops trying to find all of the owners and employees. She posed as a food blog looking to write reviews for local businesses so she was able to get photos of most of the staff, she wanted to post them on her budding "blog". No one could really turn down the free advertising, even if she was a bit eccentric about trying the menu. She didn't know why her hunger was so much greater lately, it was most likely an effect of the energy that now burned inside her. She finally started to feel it again after all of the work She did today and she was relived that all she had to do was gorge endlessly to keep getting more people to feed herself. It was the perfect relationship she thought as she turned the keys into the apartment and forgot at that moment she demanded Andrew got her food.

There were confections everywhere in the kitchen and not enough stacking space to keep them all stable. Brownies and cupcakes filled the counter space at least three high of all flavors and some she hasn't seen before. She also discovered past the tower of treats multiple stacks of lard, frosting, pudding, and other high caloric sources completing the picture of pumping her body of delicious fat. She eyed the kitchen table also and to her delight, several mixing bowls filled with candy bars and other treats all unwrapped and ready to eat as if an appetizer to the main course. She felt it in her mind again, grow with a much larger fire then before and she knew just how to direct her commands. She grabbed the candy bowls and told Andrew to make her something thick while she got everything ready. Chelsea saw him grab the blender and lard before she went into her bedroom and disrobed for what she felt was hopefully the last time. She had everything needed for now to advance her strategy for the next stage and felt she didn't need to be bound by clothes anymore for this.

She put a couple loose Hersheys in her mouth and started to focus on this feeling while she chewed. She felt it burn brighter then last time she did something with it and tried to grab hold of it in her mind. Now that she had it tight, she reached over to her phone and flipped open to the pictures she took for her research and found the one from the dessert buffet she found in town. It was a nice intimate place that catered mostly to people looking to indulge their sweet tooth but she had a ravenous hunger. She didn't care about how she got there but she wanted to be filled with so much blubber and calories she made her house explode and knew they would be a critical piece. She managed to catch them during a company meeting and luckily got the whole staff in the picture. She held the picture up and let the energy burn with it's intense heat inside her. She had her target and desire and nothing else would stop her, she bored the magic directly into the target and let the whole thing burn in her mind just as it did to Andrew but this time with the desire to fatten her and become more successful so she could feed even more. It smoldered and faded to dust but this time she felt odd. The fire burned out and left her exhausted but this time she was ravenous. Her cohesive thought was gone and all she wanted was FAT and now.

She called out to her minion, "ANDREW, bring me my nectar and begin my ascenscion." He walked in with a serving tray with large bowls and moved towards her with purpose. "Feed me till my body can contain nothing more," she said as she collapsed her naked body on the door facing up and opened her mouth awaiting her new feast. She looked up and saw him start to bend down and tip the bowl over and it was quite thick indeed. It slopped it's way almost painfully slow out of the bowl as she waited for it to reach her mouth and when she got it, she wasn't disappointed. It felt almost like she had to chew it because it was so thick. She tasted frosting and heavy cream, thickened with lard and cake batter all blended together to create this calorie bomb. She grabbed it from him and started to scoop it up with her hands into her mouth and to her delight, Andrew also started to put it in her mouth as well between her own bites. He funneled it down with his hands and almost caused her to gag. She couldn't stop him though, her mind felt like it was gone and replaced with a need she never knew she had.

She heard a phone ring and barely understood the concept, she gestured over to the phone and took the bowl from the slave. She couldn't stop anymore, even if she wanted to. She only understood hunger and need to eat and gorge with all rational thought finally driven from her. Her bowls ran out finally and she scrambled towards the candy bowl she had earlier and continued her feast shoveling everything down as fast as she was able. It was all meant for her anyway, it was only natural for it all to be inside her as fast as possible. Fitful after firstful went into her and she barely swallowed before moving to the next hand. Multiple chocolate bars and small candies were caught in with abandon and be damned if it fell from her hand before her mouth. She heard someone shuffle around her apartment before she saw him there with armfuls of butter packages. Perfect she thought, a liquid to help fill the gaps in her stomach so she could grow faster. She ushered him in and grabbed for the contents in his arms. The taste made her gag slightly but it didn't matter, more to fill herself with and gather more mass and space. She felt it beginning to soften in her hands so she shoved it in along with anything else that would fit.

Some time during her gorging, she heard a knock at the door but just waived her hand on it as she was certainly busy stuffing herself. She looked out to the living area and saw several people the thought she recognized but more importantly, saw they were bringing in more ingredients and food for her to eat. She ushered them in with melting chocolate and body covering the front of her growing, naked, and heaving chest. "Bring me your offerings and shut the door, it's time to feed your mistress," Chelsea managed to spit out through mouthfuls telling them what to do. They also complied and brought in their bounty. "Things were only going to get better from here." She thought as she relentlessly tried to empty her house of calories as fast as her seemingly limitless stomach could handle.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Eisphio 6 years
Thank you for your kind words. I got about another 3-4 chapters planned but it depends on how much more I want to have happen to the character.
Eisphio 6 years
Hello and thank you for reading my story. If you like or dislike what you see, please leave a comment or a like. I cannot improve without your input.